Підрозділи та працівники – адресна книга

dr Marek Mędrek


Rok akademicki 2024/2025, semestr letni

Terminy konsultacji:

środa, 15.00-16.30 (zdalnie, MS Teams, kod zespołu: oxh5dda),
piątek, 13.30-15.00 (stacjonarnie, pokój 1107).

Kody zespołów MS Teams z poszczególnych przedmiotów:

Business Intelligence 
Analityka Gospodarcza (kod zespołu: b7o1wuo)

Seminarium dyplomowe,
Analityka Gospodarcza, (kod zespołu: qp4ndsq)

Database programming
Business Analytics, (code: xhhmxyy)


O sobie

Scientific Profile in Keywords
Business Intelligence, Data Science, Data Mining, E-business, Open data


Scientific Interest
My professional and research interests focus on two areas: Data Science and Computer Modelling. In the Data Science area, I am interested in the implementation of machine learning and analytical techniques in business, social and economic analysis. I have extensive experience in modelling using artificial intelligence techniques (e.g. neural networks, cellular automata) and using business process simulation techniques (BPMN). Another area of my scientific activity is e-government and open data - many years of experience in developing and implementing IT solutions in public institutions helps me in effective and efficient analysis and optimisation of processes in public institutions. I am a practitioner with a methodical approach focused on project objectives and innovative IT techniques that can be used during project delivery. Passionate about agile and lean application in project management.

Courses I Teach
Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data integration, Databases, E-business, Process Modelling (BPMN, Adonis), Software Engineering (UML), Algorithms and Complexity

Działalność naukowa
