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University and the educational achievements.
In the May of 2002 I have earned the art diploma in painting under the tutelage of prof. Mieczysław Herman and in graphic design under the tutelage of prof. Zdzisław Niedźwiedź. After completing two specialization courses - in painting and in graphic design - at the visual arts artistic education course I have receive Dean's Award for my artistic diploma.
In the September of 2006 I successfully participated in the competition for the position of an assistant, an academic and didactic employee in the Department of Graphic Design and Flat Printing under prof. Zdzisław Niedźwiedź. Since March 2008 I have been transferred to the Department of Graphic Design and Serigraphy.
In 2011 I opened doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University with a set of works in the serigraphy technique titled Krajobrazy Intymne (Intimate Landscapes). In the May of 2013 I was awarded the degree of doctor of arts in the field of visual arts, a discipline of fine arts, by submitting theoretical thesis and a set of graphics under the same title.
Since the February of 2016 I have undertaken the responsibilities of the keeper and curator of the serigraphy workshop as well as the responsibilities of overseeing the technological process in the Department of Graphic Design and Serigraphy. Since 2018 I have held the position of the assistant professor and the person responsible for the technological process and bearing all the responsibilities formerly attached to the position of a technical-engineering employee; I also oversee procurement of all provisions necessary for orderly functioning of the workshop. Since the November of 2018 I have been responsible for setting up the new serigraphy workshop which was moved to a new building located at Zana Street and the entirety of workshop’s operations. I am responsible for maintaining machines, servicing screens as well as supplying workshop in all media necessary in the process of screenprinting. Since the September of 2019, after the organizational structure was rear range dinaccordance with the Act 2.0,I have been working in the Department of Graphic Design and Flat Printing.
In 2023, November 30. University Council for Science and Quality of Education at the University of Arts. Magdalena Abakanowicz in Poznań was awarded to Dr. Amadeusz Jan Popek received the degree of habilitated doctor of art in the field of art in the artistic discipline of fine arts and conservation of works of art.
As an assistant professor I have led classes in: graphic design and graphic design for the publishing industry as well as illustration classes but primarily the serigraphy technique printmaking classes. During my didactic work I also held classes in English language for the Erasmus Programme students and foreign students of full-time studies. In my personal artistic work I primarily engage in drawing but also in serigraphy, etching and aquaint.
My works can be found in private collections and in the following galleries: BWA in Bielsko-Biała, Galeria Centrum in Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Krakуw, the collection of the Museum of Art in Vanadzor, the City Office of Vanadzor, Armenia and in the collection of the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin. My works also adorn private houses as well as restaurants in Lublin such as Tinto winery in Lublin.
I have organized 37 individual exhibitions, including 7 exhibitions held abroad (including two exhibitions under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Yerevan) which constituted the main component of my artistic activity. In total I have participated in 32 group exhibitions, national and international. In the past I have organized four individual exhibitions for painter Jan Popek (privately-my departed father) in BWA Gallery in Zamość, in Fr. Stanisław Staszic National Museum in Hrubieszów, in Pod podłogą Gallery in Lublin and in the College of Fine Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Kazimierz Dolny. Since 2002 I have been a member of Association of Polish Artists and Designers. I served as the Secretary for the Main Review Panel of the Central Board of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers during the 2010-2014 term. Since 2018 I have been a member of the Warsaw branch of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers.
Between 2016 and 2019 I served as a coordinator of the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University during the Lublin Science Festivaland during the annual Maria Curie Skłodowska University Open Days where I led demonstration sand gave lectures on the subject of serigraphy. On numerous occasions I worked as a Secretary for the admission exams. From 2017 to 2019 I served as an academic adviser to Serigraphy Student Scientific Organization PRZEŚWIT established for Maria Curie Skłodowska University students and graduates.During my individual exhibitions I also gave guest lectures and classes for the youth in BWA Gallery in Bielsko-Biała and BWA in Zamość. The modest role of a juryman or the president of jury during artistic competitions allows me to enjoy the activity of judging and evaluating works of young adepts of art and possible future students of the art-related courses. I have served as a juryman during four editions of Żyj bezpiecznie (Live Safely) contest organized by the Provincial Police Headquarters in Lublin and the Marshall Office. I held the same responsibilities repeatedly during nation- wide art competition for school pupils organized by Pod Akacją Cultural Centre in Lublin.
For my artistic work I received in 2020 the Commemorative Award from the President of the City of Lublin.
Over the many years of my work at Maria Curie Skłodowska University I have given lectures on the subject of history and technique of serigraphy, its capabilities and applications. I have presented numerous examples of the works of students and my own. The demonstrations of printing always enjoyed significant interest during the Lublin Festival of Science where in years 2016-2019 not only demonstrations but also open workshops were held annually. A sizable active participation of student candidates and other individuals in the serigraphy workshops and demonstrations as well as similar initiatives was recorded during the so called"OpenDays"atMaria Curie Skłodowska University. Numerous groups of people of all ages were participating in them - from school pupils to adults. Frequently demonstrations, lectures and workshops were combined with exhibitions of works created by students on paper but also as imprints on fabrics in the form of filagrees and stencils. During such workshops I thoroughly familiarized participants with the capacity and application of the serigraphy technology. I disclosed various secrets of graphical workshop and numerous ways of preparing matrices and using stencils and fabrics in art. During workshops novices to whom I provided assistance created numerous graphics. Nothing is more enjoyable than creating something with one’s own two hands. This act significantly influences sparking the interest of the future adepts of this offset printing technique.
As an academic teacher I consider promoting and popularizing knowledge and skills related to serigraphy among circles wider than the academic community to be a very important task and I continue to fulfill it with enjoyment. Owing to these efforts of mine an increasing number of people becomes interested in this technique and expresses willingness to learn about its theory and practice. This results in an increasing number of workshops held outside the official schedule of the university and in the increased number of non-compulsory groups and candidates wishing to realize their works in the technique of serigraphy.Participants of these activities learn about the possibilities of perfectly printing not only graphical posters but also experimental and artistic graphics and colour illustrations. As a promoter of this technique it provides me with enormous and unfaltering satisfaction.
Summarizing my didactic work with students and the promotional activities outside Maria Curie Skłodowska University I engage in I gladly admit that my work brings me tremendous sense of fulfillment. It is said that if we love our work and our work is
simultaneously our passion we never really consider it to be a job. Maybe such approach, allowing me draw joy from my work ,helps meto reach better artistic and pedagogic results. I am not the one to judge but I fell somewhat self-fulfilled in the role of a teacher and a promoter of art. My unfaltering enthusiasm towards taking up forthcoming initiatives may serve as a proof. I hope that it will not change over the coming years of my work as a teacher, an artist and an organizer of cultural activities. Another form of my activity consisted in participation in the popular science TV show broadcast by TVP Lublin titled LOGIN: NAUKA (LOGIN: SCIENCE) during which I presented serigraphy and its application in the art and otherfields. Onseveral occasions I have led workshops for ARTCHATA in Lubartуw where people passionate about the art were learning under my tutelage about the secrets of serigraphy.
During the individual exhibitions I repeatedly gave interviews for radio or newspapers discussing my works as well as serigraphy and my didactic work at Maria Curie Skłodowska University. This fact was also significant for my role as a promoter of art and educationalist and popularizer of serigraphy.
List of exhibitions and publications
April-May. Solo exhibition "Graphic Games" Show of 49 large-format graphics 100x70 cm. Premiere of 9 graphic works: "Japanese Crossword - yellow", "Japanese Crossword - red", "Japanese Crossword - grey", "Japanese Crossword - yellow - grey", "Tic - Tac - Toe" - white, "Tic - Tac - Toe" - black, "Tic - Tac - Toe" - gold, "Domino - grey-blue", "Domino - blue-yellow". ŠIAULIŲ DAILĖS GALERIJA / SIAULIAI ART GALLERY, Lituania (Siaulia, Lithuania). AMADEUŠO POPEKO KŪRYBOS PARODA "GRAFINIAI ŽAIDIMAI"
2021 r.
29 th November - 6th December "From Illustration to abstraction" Stara Prochownia Gallery in Warsaw Boleść Street 2.
Premiera of the works: Dart Blue I, Dart Silver II, Dart Black III.
5th of March - 28th of March "From Illustration to abstraction", BWA GALLERY in Sandomierz, Poland.
Premiera of the works: "PANDEMIA", 100x70 cm, 2021, "Invasion", draw, 25x25, 2019, "CoronaVirus", 25x25 cm, 2020.
15th of May - 30th of September "Pomiędzy ilustracją a abstrakcją (Between illustration and abstraction)" - an exhibition of graphics and drawings held at Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin (floor 1 + Ciche Kąty gallery). Vernissage on the 6th of June. Premiere of the works: "Solitude", a serigraphy 50x50 cm, 2019, "Blizzard pure", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019, "Memento mori I", "Memento mori II", serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019, "CoronaVirus", serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2020.
24.07 - 21.08 - "Between Illustration and Abstraction" - Graphics Art. A.R. Gallery, 71 India Street, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
08.-18.06.19. - National Centre of Aesthetics in Vanadzor, Armenia, exhibition of graphics and drawings from the "Between black and white" cycle (Premiere of graphical works: "Neon Blue", a serigraphy, 100x70cm, 2019; "Pinball", a serigraphy, 100x70cm, 2019; "Diagrams", a serigraphy, 25x25 cm, 2019; "Invasion, a serigraphy", 50x50 cm, 2019, "Embrion", 50x50 cm, 2019; "Erected", ink, 25x25 cm, 2019. "Cumularion", ink, 25x25 cm, 2019.)
1-7.08. Schulz Fest 2018 - Brunon Schulz Festival. An individual exhibition within the framework of artistic events in Drohobych (building C, Old Sports Hall) State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko. Premiere of drawings: "Baranek", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, "Order", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, "Krzywo-nos", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, Mirage (premiered as a drawing), pen and ink, 25x25 cm, 2017, "Karuzela gуrska" (premiered as a drawing), 25x25 cm, 2017.
16.02-01.03. "Między Liryką a Abstrakcją (Between the lyricism and abstraction)" an individual exhibition, drawings and graphics. Galeria PRYZMAT, Łobzowska 3, Dom Plastyka in Krakуw, Association of Polish Artists and Designers.
(PREMIERE OF WORKS: "Order", a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2018, "Pejzaż gуrski", a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2017", "Ośmiornice i kalmary bywają...," a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2017, "KO/PO-bita", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017., "Kłębuszek", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017", "Jajo Medialne", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, 2017, "Twister", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017).
2017 r.
11.05.2017-11.06.2017. An individual exhibition UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND IN THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, East Poland House Avenue de Tervueren 48
1040 Brussels, Belgium, (20 serigraphs, including three premiere works: "Mirage", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, "Warkocz", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, "Bilard", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm)
06-26.04. An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings "Opowieści z pogranicza światуw (Tales from the borderlands betwwen worlds)", Galeria Aquarium BWA, Bielsko Biała, 3 Maja 11.
11-24.02. International exhibition "Intimate Landscapes", Gallery POSK 238-246 King Street, London, W6 ORF, UK. Presentation of a new set of graphical works (17 large works and 8 pen and ink drawings).
30.09 -30.10. An individual exhibition: Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes) - a cycle of serigraphs and pen and ink drawings - BWA - Galeria Zamojska in Zamość, Staszica 27.
25-30.05 An individual exhibition accompanying the ARTIENALE HRKR festival (an exhibition of 10 serigraphy works: 100x70 cm) during Hradec Kralove art symposium "9. ARTIENALE HRKR", Galerie AMB, Sbor kněze Ambroћe, Hradec Krбlovй, the Czech Republic.
13.12.2014 - 08.01.2015. An individual exhibition: "GRAFIKA (GRAPHICS)" in Galeria RATUSZ in Lublin, Plac Łokietka 1.
25th of October - November - the "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" individual exhibition.
Under the auspices of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, a part of the GALERIA OBJAZDOWA cycle, held at RUTA Cultural Centre in Lublin, Rуżana 8.
2nd of August - 30th of September - The "INTIMATE LANDSCAPES" individual exhibition.
STARBUCKS gallery, 910 Manhattan Ave. Brooklyn, New York USA.
April - May - The "Krajobrazy intymne. Cykl grafik w technice serigrafii (Intimate Landscapes. A cycle of serigraphy works)" exhibition concluding the docotral thesis in the field of visual arts, fine arts discipline. The gallery of the Faculty of Arts in Lublin.
July - the exhibition of drawings and graphics in Galeria Autorska Elżbiety Karaszkiewicz in Jora Wielka 5.
May - June - An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings from the "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" cycle of works. Warszawa, Teatr Kamienica, Galeria Foye.
February - An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings in Mrągowo in the gallery in the building of the former heat generating plant of County Roads Management Mrągowo.
December - January - an individual exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Warmia and Mazury.
August - Drawings and graphics presented during Film and Art Festival Two Riversides in Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą in the gallery of the College of Fine Arts.
18th of February - 14th of February - "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" a series of drawings and graphics presented in Galeria ABAKUS in the Warsaw Centre for Cultural Education, Jezuicka 4.
5th of February - 16th of February - An individual exhibition in Galeria ZAMEK of the Przemyśl Centre for Culture and Art ZAMEK.
October - an exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin (a cycle consisting of drawings and graphics).
31st of September - 10th of November - an individual exhibition commemorating inauguration of the academic year.
17th of June - 6th of July – The "Krajobrazy wyobraźni (Landscapes of Imagination): exhibition of drawings and graphics held at Galeria Autorska "Michałowski", Lublin, Grodzka 19.
22nd of November - 9th of December - An exhibition of drawings and graphics in Galeria Rynek 6 in Jarosław.
9th-30th of May The "Rysunek i Grafika (Drawing and Graphic)" exhibition in Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Krakуw.
7th of March - 7th of April. The graphics and painting exhibition in Fr. St. Staszic Museum in Hrubieszów.
18th of January - 10th of February - Galeria Fotografii ZTF Ratusz in Zamość.
April - July - Graphics nad drawings exhibition in Galeria "PEKAO S.A" in the first branch of the PEKAO S.A bank, Krуlewska 1 in Lublin.
February - March - the exhibition in the gallery of Kawiarnia Artystyczna "Hades" in Lublin.
August - February 2003 The exhibition in Galeria Oberża Artystyczna „Złoty Osioł” in Lublin.
July - the exhibition in Galeria "Ratusz" in the Town Hall of Lublin.
November - January - Galeria Oberża Artystyczna „Złoty Osioł” in Lublin.
January - February - the gallery of Kawiarnia Artystyczna "Hades" in Lublin.
7th International Artistic Forum Lublin 2021. Center for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin in the Temporary Exhibitions Gallery −1. 13th November
-VIIth International Andriolli Drawing Competition, Nałęczów 2021. Exhibition in Andriolly Gallery in Nałęczów. Post-competition exhibition 2021.
6th Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland. Romania. Participation in the post-contest exhibition and publication of the catalogue. International premiere of the "Blizzard-pure" serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2020.
28.02-26.03. Group exhibition "Katedra (A Cathedral)", Galeria Stara Prochownia, Warszawa, Boleść 2. Presentation of the works of the artists of the Institute of Graphic Design and Flat Printing. (The premiere of the "Blizzard-red" serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019).
45th Anniversary of Museum of Fine Arts in Vanadzor, Armenia. Group exhibition, the premiere of the "Crooknose" graphic, 50x50cm, 2019.
16th of April - 14th of May - “Lublin meets New York - Lublin spotyka Nowy Jork” - A.R Gallery, 71 India St., Brooklyn, New York.
September - October - Art Museum in Panjin, The Essence of Art by Knife And Wood 2018 - Panjin International Graphic Art Exhibition, China - LIAONING (Premiere of works: "Pacman I", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, 2018, "Pacman II", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm 2018. Presentation of 14 graphical works, 100x70 cm).
November -6th International Andriolli Drawing Competition, Nałęczów 2018. Exhibition in Galeria Andriollego in Nałęczów. Post-competition exhibition in the M. E. Andriolli Museum of Otwock, Otwock, December/January 2018, Art Gallery of LSM Cultural Centre in Lublin, April 2019, Historical Centre of Karczew Municipality, E. M. Androlli Foundation, Karczew, May 2019, A.R.T. Gallery of Kosciuszko Foundation in New York June/July 2019, Galeria Podlaska, Biała Podlaska - July 2019, Modern Art Gallery in Przemyśl, November/December 2019.
21st - 30th of September - 17th LASSEDRA WORLD ART PRINT ANNUALE - MINI PRINT 2018, LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects 25, Milin Kamak Street, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria.
G 5.5th Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland Romania. Participation in the post-contest exhibition and publication of the catalogue. The international premiere of "Media Egg" graphic, a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2018.
2017 26.04.2017. A post-competition group exhibition - I International Print Triennial in Cieszyn. Graphical print "Kłębuszek (A Hank)", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm.
2017 r.
1.03.2017. Post-competition group exhibition, Art Confrontations Warsaw 2016, Galeria TEST - the Mazovia Institute of Culture.
18.11 - 10.12. "Graficzne TETE a TETE (Graphical TETE a TETE)" - a group exhibition accompanying XXI East Art Salon, Galeria Po 111 Schodach - Lublin.
13th of June – a group exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers in the Lublin region - works of artists from the Lublin region. The National Museum in Lublin.
9th - 13th of June - Group exhibition of Grupa Emocjonalistуw: "SYNERGY OF ART ON PAPER", 2016 STARBUCKS Gallery New York, USA.
18th of March - International PRINTON exhibition, Chatka Żaka Academic Cultural Centre of Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Radziszewskiego 16, Lublin.
4th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania, participation in the competition and publication of the catalogue.
October - participation in the "ARTYŚCI UMCS 2014 (The artists of Maria Curie Skłodowska University 2014)" group exhibition in Chinese Culture and Art Centre Ha Shuifa UMCS.
Participation in „Seventeenth International Print Biennial – Varna 2013” competition, Bulgaria.
December – the "28/40” exhibition commemorating 40th anniversary of the artistic education at Maria Curie Skłodowska University held at Galeria Zajezdnia in Lublin.
March – the "Nowe Otwarcie (New Opening)" exhibition concluding the celebrations of 100th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers held at the gallery of Dom Plastyka in Warsaw.
September - October - XXVI East Art Salon Lublin commemorating the 100th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers in Lublin, Galeria Zajezdnia.
April - participation in VII Triennale of Modern Polish Drawing in Lubaczуw.
February - March - II ANIMALIS Painting Triennale organized by Miejska Galeria Sztuki MM in Chorzуw.
November - participation in Acqui Prize 2011 Internationalal Biennal of Engraving competition in Italy.
July - participation in competition: 7th Internationalal Miniprint Finland 2010, miniature graphics triennial. Lahti, Finland.
August - Viaducts of Art Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk, Kiev, Lviv 06-08 2009 - an exhibition of works under the auspices of Entropy of Art and Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University.
January - Galeria Sztuki Zamek, Sucha Beskidzka - group exhibition of works of the artists from the Lublin region.
January - March 2009, an internationalal exhibition in Gallery M-ARS Der Kunstsupermarkt 1070 WienWestbahnstraЯe www.m-ars.at.
October - November - Forum Małej Grafiki (Little Graphics Forum) held at "Pod podłogą" gallery in Lublin.
May - „XVII Konkurs Grafika i Rysunek Roku (XVII Graphic and Drawing of the Year Competition” - Muzeum na Zamku (National Museum in Lublin) - Lublin.
"XIV East Art Salon" – an exhibition of Graphics - "Vetter" gallery in Lublin.
October - The Autumn Salon of Lublin - „Galeria Pod Podłogą”, „Galeria Stara”.
February - March - "Grafika i Rysunek Roku (Graphic and Drawing of the Year): competition - National Museum in Lublin.
November – the „Plener w Jarosławiu” exhibition, the gallery of "Chatka Żaka" Academic Cultural Centre in Lublin.
May - June - the exhibition of works of the students of the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. "PROwizorium" gallery of the Cultural Centre of Łukуw.
List of exhibitions and publications
April-May. Solo exhibition "Graphic Games" Show of 49 large-format graphics 100x70 cm. Premiere of 9 graphic works: "Japanese Crossword - yellow", "Japanese Crossword - red", "Japanese Crossword - grey", "Japanese Crossword - yellow - grey", "Tic - Tac - Toe" - white, "Tic - Tac - Toe" - black, "Tic - Tac - Toe" - gold, "Domino - grey-blue", "Domino - blue-yellow". ŠIAULIŲ DAILĖS GALERIJA / SIAULIAI ART GALLERY, Lituania (Siaulia, Lithuania). AMADEUŠO POPEKO KŪRYBOS PARODA "GRAFINIAI ŽAIDIMAI"
2021 r.
5th of March - 28th of March "From Illustration to abstraction", BWA GALLERY in Sandomierz, Poland.
Premiera of the works: "PANDEMIA", 100x70 cm, 2021, "Invasion", draw, 25x25, 2019, "CoronaVirus", 25x25 cm, 2020.
15th of May - 30th of September "Pomiędzy ilustracją a abstrakcją (Between illustration and abstraction)" - an exhibition of graphics and drawings held at Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin (floor 1 + Ciche Kąty gallery). Vernissage on the 6th of June. Premiere of the works: "Solitude", a serigraphy 50x50 cm, 2019, "Blizzard pure", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019, "Memento mori I", "Memento mori II", serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019, "CoronaVirus", serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2020.
24.07 - 21.08 - "Between Illustration and Abstraction" - Graphics Art. A.R. Gallery, 71 India Street, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
08.-18.06.19. - National Centre of Aesthetics in Vanadzor, Armenia, exhibition of graphics and drawings from the "Between black and white" cycle (Premiere of graphical works: "Neon Blue", a serigraphy, 100x70cm, 2019; "Pinball", a serigraphy, 100x70cm, 2019; "Diagrams", a serigraphy, 25x25 cm, 2019; "Invasion, a serigraphy", 50x50 cm, 2019, "Embrion", 50x50 cm, 2019; "Erected", ink, 25x25 cm, 2019. "Cumularion", ink, 25x25 cm, 2019.)
1-7.08. Schulz Fest 2018 - Brunon Schulz Festival. An individual exhibition within the framework of artistic events in Drohobych (building C, Old Sports Hall) State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko. Premiere of drawings: "Baranek", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, "Order", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, "Krzywo-nos", pen and ink 25x25 cm, 2018, Mirage (premiered as a drawing), pen and ink, 25x25 cm, 2017, "Karuzela górska" (premiered as a drawing), 25x25 cm, 2017.
16.02-01.03. "Między Liryką a Abstrakcją (Between the lyricism and abstraction)" an individual exhibition, drawings and graphics. Galeria PRYZMAT, Łobzowska 3, Dom Plastyka in Kraków, Association of Polish Artists and Designers.
(PREMIERE OF WORKS: "Order", a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2018, "Pejzaż górski", a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2017", "Ośmiornice i kalmary bywają...," a serigraphy, 50x50 cm, 2017, "KO/PO-bita", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017., "Kłębuszek", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017", "Jajo Medialne", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, 2017, "Twister", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2017).
2017 r.
11.05.2017-11.06.2017. An individual exhibition UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND IN THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, East Poland House Avenue de Tervueren 48
1040 Brussels, Belgium, (20 serigraphs, including three premiere works: "Mirage", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, "Warkocz", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, "Bilard", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm)
06-26.04. An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings "Opowieści z pogranicza światów (Tales from the borderlands betwwen worlds)", Galeria Aquarium BWA, Bielsko Biała, 3 Maja 11.
11-24.02. International exhibition "Intimate Landscapes", Gallery POSK 238-246 King Street, London, W6 ORF, UK. Presentation of a new set of graphical works (17 large works and 8 pen and ink drawings).
30.09 -30.10. An individual exhibition: Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes) - a cycle of serigraphs and pen and ink drawings - BWA - Galeria Zamojska in Zamość, Staszica 27.
25-30.05 An individual exhibition accompanying the ARTIENALE HRKR festival (an exhibition of 10 serigraphy works: 100x70 cm) during Hradec Kralove art symposium "9. ARTIENALE HRKR", Galerie AMB, Sbor kněze Ambroћe, Hradec Krбlovй, the Czech Republic.
13.12.2014 - 08.01.2015. An individual exhibition: "GRAFIKA (GRAPHICS)" in Galeria RATUSZ in Lublin, Plac Łokietka 1.
25th of October - November - the "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" individual exhibition.
Under the auspices of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, a part of the GALERIA OBJAZDOWA cycle, held at RUTA Cultural Centre in Lublin, Różana 8.
2nd of August - 30th of September - The "INTIMATE LANDSCAPES" individual exhibition.
STARBUCKS gallery, 910 Manhattan Ave. Brooklyn, New York USA.
April - May - The "Krajobrazy intymne. Cykl grafik w technice serigrafii (Intimate Landscapes. A cycle of serigraphy works)" exhibition concluding the docotral thesis in the field of visual arts, fine arts discipline. The gallery of the Faculty of Arts in Lublin.
July - the exhibition of drawings and graphics in Galeria Autorska Elżbiety Karaszkiewicz in Jora Wielka 5.
May - June - An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings from the "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" cycle of works. Warszawa, Teatr Kamienica, Galeria Foye.
February - An individual exhibition of graphics and drawings in Mrągowo in the gallery in the building of the former heat generating plant of County Roads Management Mrągowo.
December - January - an individual exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Warmia and Mazury.
August - Drawings and graphics presented during Film and Art Festival Two Riversides in Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą in the gallery of the College of Fine Arts.
18th of February - 14th of February - "Krajobrazy intymne (Intimate Landscapes)" a series of drawings and graphics presented in Galeria ABAKUS in the Warsaw Centre for Cultural Education, Jezuicka 4.
5th of February - 16th of February - An individual exhibition in Galeria ZAMEK of the Przemyśl Centre for Culture and Art ZAMEK.
October - an exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin (a cycle consisting of drawings and graphics).
31st of September - 10th of November - an individual exhibition commemorating inauguration of the academic year.
17th of June - 6th of July – The "Krajobrazy wyobraźni (Landscapes of Imagination): exhibition of drawings and graphics held at Galeria Autorska "Michałowski", Lublin, Grodzka 19.
22nd of November - 9th of December - An exhibition of drawings and graphics in Galeria Rynek 6 in Jarosław.
9th-30th of May The "Rysunek i Grafika (Drawing and Graphic)" exhibition in Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Kraków.
7th of March - 7th of April. The graphics and painting exhibition in Fr. St. Staszic Museum in Hrubieszów.
18th of January - 10th of February - Galeria Fotografii ZTF Ratusz in Zamość.
April - July - Graphics nad drawings exhibition in Galeria "PEKAO S.A" in the first branch of the PEKAO S.A bank, Królewska 1 in Lublin.
February - March - the exhibition in the gallery of Kawiarnia Artystyczna "Hades" in Lublin.
August - February 2003 The exhibition in Galeria Oberża Artystyczna „Złoty Osioł” in Lublin.
July - the exhibition in Galeria "Ratusz" in the Town Hall of Lublin.
November - January - Galeria Oberża Artystyczna „Złoty Osioł” in Lublin.
January - February - the gallery of Kawiarnia Artystyczna "Hades" in Lublin.
6th Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland. Romania. Participation in the post-contest exhibition and publication of the catalogue. International premiere of the "Blizzard-pure" serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2020.
28.02-26.03. Group exhibition "Katedra (A Cathedral)", Galeria Stara Prochownia, Warszawa, Boleść 2. Presentation of the works of the artists of the Institute of Graphic Design and Flat Printing. (The premiere of the "Blizzard-red" serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2019).
45th Anniversary of Museum of Fine Arts in Vanadzor, Armenia. Group exhibition, the premiere of the "Crooknose" graphic, 50x50cm, 2019.
16th of April - 14th of May - “Lublin meets New York - Lublin spotyka Nowy Jork” - A.R Gallery, 71 India St., Brooklyn, New York.
September - October - Art Museum in Panjin, The Essence of Art by Knife And Wood 2018 - Panjin International Graphic Art Exhibition, China - LIAONING (Premiere of works: "Pacman I", a serigraphy 100x70 cm, 2018, "Pacman II", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm 2018. Presentation of 14 graphical works, 100x70 cm).
November -6th International Andriolli Drawing Competition, Nałęczów 2018. Exhibition in Galeria Andriollego in Nałęczów. Post-competition exhibition in the M. E. Andriolli Museum of Otwock, Otwock, December/January 2018, Art Gallery of LSM Cultural Centre in Lublin, April 2019, Historical Centre of Karczew Municipality, E. M. Androlli Foundation, Karczew, May 2019, A.R.T. Gallery of Kosciuszko Foundation in New York June/July 2019, Galeria Podlaska, Biała Podlaska - July 2019, Modern Art Gallery in Przemyśl, November/December 2019.
21st - 30th of September - 17th LASSEDRA WORLD ART PRINT ANNUALE - MINI PRINT 2018, LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects 25, Milin Kamak Street, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria.
G 5.5th Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland Romania. Participation in the post-contest exhibition and publication of the catalogue. The international premiere of "Media Egg" graphic, a serigraphy, 100x70 cm, 2018.
2017 26.04.2017. A post-competition group exhibition - I International Print Triennial in Cieszyn. Graphical print "Kłębuszek (A Hank)", a serigraphy, 100x70 cm.
2017 r.
1.03.2017. Post-competition group exhibition, Art Confrontations Warsaw 2016, Galeria TEST - the Mazovia Institute of Culture.
18.11 - 10.12. "Graficzne TETE a TETE (Graphical TETE a TETE)" - a group exhibition accompanying XXI East Art Salon, Galeria Po 111 Schodach - Lublin.
13th of June – a group exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers in the Lublin region - works of artists from the Lublin region. The National Museum in Lublin.
9th - 13th of June - Group exhibition of Grupa Emocjonalistów: "SYNERGY OF ART ON PAPER", 2016 STARBUCKS Gallery New York, USA.
18th of March - International PRINTON exhibition, Chatka Żaka Academic Cultural Centre of Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Radziszewskiego 16, Lublin.
4th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania, participation in the competition and publication of the catalogue.
October - participation in the "ARTYŚCI UMCS 2014 (The artists of Maria Curie Skłodowska University 2014)" group exhibition in Chinese Culture and Art Centre Ha Shuifa UMCS.
Participation in „Seventeenth International Print Biennial – Varna 2013” competition, Bulgaria.
December – the "28/40” exhibition commemorating 40th anniversary of the artistic education at Maria Curie Skłodowska University held at Galeria Zajezdnia in Lublin.
March – the "Nowe Otwarcie (New Opening)" exhibition concluding the celebrations of 100th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers held at the gallery of Dom Plastyka in Warsaw.
September - October - XXVI East Art Salon Lublin commemorating the 100th anniversary of Association of Polish Artists and Designers in Lublin, Galeria Zajezdnia.
April - participation in VII Triennale of Modern Polish Drawing in Lubaczów.
February - March - II ANIMALIS Painting Triennale organized by Miejska Galeria Sztuki MM in Chorzów.
November - participation in Acqui Prize 2011 Internationalal Biennal of Engraving competition in Italy.
July - participation in competition: 7th Internationalal Miniprint Finland 2010, miniature graphics triennial. Lahti, Finland.
August - Viaducts of Art Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk, Kiev, Lviv 06-08 2009 - an exhibition of works under the auspices of Entropy of Art and Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University.
January - Galeria Sztuki Zamek, Sucha Beskidzka - group exhibition of works of the artists from the Lublin region.
January - March 2009, an internationalal exhibition in Gallery M-ARS Der Kunstsupermarkt 1070 WienWestbahnstraЯe www.m-ars.at.
October - November - Forum Małej Grafiki (Little Graphics Forum) held at "Pod podłogą" gallery in Lublin.
May - „XVII Konkurs Grafika i Rysunek Roku (XVII Graphic and Drawing of the Year Competition” - Muzeum na Zamku (National Museum in Lublin) - Lublin.
"XIV East Art Salon" – an exhibition of Graphics - "Vetter" gallery in Lublin.
October - The Autumn Salon of Lublin - „Galeria Pod Podłogą”, „Galeria Stara”.
February - March - "Grafika i Rysunek Roku (Graphic and Drawing of the Year): competition - National Museum in Lublin.
November – the „Plener w Jarosławiu” exhibition, the gallery of "Chatka Żaka" Academic Cultural Centre in Lublin.
May - June - the exhibition of works of the students of the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. "PROwizorium" gallery of the Cultural Centre of Łuków.