Підрозділи та працівники – адресна книга

dr Magdalena Mizerska-Kowalska


Konsultacje semestr zimowy 2024/2025

wtorek 11.00 - 12.00 (stacjonarnie)

środa 12.00 - 13.00 (stacjonarnie)

pokój 310 (Wydział Biologii i Biotechnologii)

Contact hours winter semester 2024/2025

Tuesday 11.00-12.00 (in person)

Wednesday 12.00 - 13.00 (in person)

310 room (Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology)





ul. Akademicka 19

O sobie

Działalność dydaktyczna/Teaching:

Ćwiczenia: Immunologia; Podstawy Wirusologii i Epidemiologii

Wykład: Produkcja szczepionek i przeciwciał; Podstawy Wirusologii i Epidemiologii

Laboratories (in English): Human Immunology with Elements of Virology; Immunology; Virology; General and medical virology;Vaccines and plasma-based preparations of therapeutic purposes (Medical Biology and Erasmus)

Lecture (in English): Human Immunology with Elements of Virology; Vaccines and plasma-based preparations of therapeutic purpose




Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, specialization: biological sciences, microbiology
MSc (2005)
PhD (2010)

Działalność naukowa

The general scopes of scientific interests:

The anti-tumor and anti-viral; osteogenesis-promoting; immunostimulating/immunomodulating activities of substances/compounds/extracts of natural, semi-synthetic, synthetic origin and molecular mechanisms of their activities - in vitro studies.

The biological evaluation of biomaterials - in vitro studies. 

The main scientific interests:

The engagement of neutral endopeptidase (NEP, neprilysin, CD10) in biology of tumors, e.g. colon cancer and osteosarcoma.

The natural, semi-synthetic, synthetic compounds with anti-tumor potential and down-regulating or inhibiting activity of NEP.

Grants of National Science Center of Poland:

The role of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and its inhibitor, sialorphin, in colon cancer cells biology, finished (supervisor Prof. dr hab. M. Kandefer-Szerszeń; editor, main executor dr M. Mizerska-Kowalska)

The evaluation of alfa-ketoglutarate (AKG) influence on level and activity of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) in tumor cells, finhished (editor, supervisor and main executor dr M. Mizerska-Kowalska)


Lacasse enzyme isolated from Cerrena unicolor to be applied in the cervical carcinoma treatment. Patent no 40657313
Protein-sugar fraction isolated from the coelomic fluid of Dendrobaena veneta earthworm for application in non-specific immunotherapy. Patent no 238444

Patent applications:

[1-(N-p-bromophenylamino)]-1-(p-nitrophenyl)methylphosphonous acid-borane diisopropyl ester to be applied in the osteosarcoma treatment. Application no P.438017
[1-(N-p-bromophenylamino)]-1-(p-nitrophenyl)methylphosphonous acid-borane diisopropyl ester to be applied as inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase. Application no P.440633
Skills: colorimetric and fluorometric methods used for cell proliferation and viability evaluation; flow cytometry, RT-PCR, Western Blott, immunofluorescence and ELISA used for evaluation of expression level of extra- and intracellular proteins; wound closure and transwell-based assays to determine the metastatic activities of tumor cells, basic in silico analysis (ADME) on biologically active small molecular compounds; establishment of chicken fibroblast cell culture; viruses cultivation in cell cultures and chicken embryos; biological methods of evaluation of antiviral activity of any substances/compounds; biological evaluation of medical devices tests for in vitro cytotoxicity