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2010 – PhD in English Linguistics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, doctoral thesis: What’s in a Name? A Cognitive Approach to English and Polish Common Plant Names; supervisor: prof. Henryk Kardela
2002 - MA in Anglo-Irish Literature, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
2001- summer course in literature, culture and linguistics, St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London
Research interests:
- cognitive linguistics (conceptual blending theory: its mechanisms and application to the analysis of political discourse, media discourse and advertising; cognitive semantics: analyzability and compositionality of linguistic units; neologisms and nonce words in contemporary Polish and English; concept metamorphosis)
-ethnolinguistics (Jerzy Bartmiński’s concept of the linguistic worldview; cognitive definition; linguistic viewpoint and perspective; dialectology; ethnosemantics; paremiology)
- linguistics/discourse (multimodality in advertising and music)
Academic positions:
Since 2013 – head of the Unit of English, Department of Applied Linguistics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
2013 – 2016 member of Strategy and Development Committee (Faculty of Humanities UMCS)
Teaching experience:
- practical English grammar in communication (1st year BA, Applied Linguistics)
- introduction to linguistics (1st year BA, Applied Linguistics)
- MA seminar (Applied Linguistics; cognitive linguistics)
- Practical English classes (1st and 2nd year BA, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- translation of medical texts (postgraduate level)
Active participation in 31 international scientific conferences in the years 2009-2017.
Organisation of 3 international conferences at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Research grants:
- research grant financed by the Ministry of Science nd Higher Eductaion, National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Module: Internationalisation ( translator): English edition of the journal "Ethnolinguistics. Problems of Language and Culture" in electronic version – project implemented in the years 2016-2019 (project no. 3bH 15 0204 83), Principal investigator: Prof. Jerzy Bartmiński, Department of Polish, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin;
- implementation of Faculty Research Grant in 2013.
Associations (membership):
- International Association of Paremiology
- International Association for Cognitive Semiotics
- Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association
Other professional experience:
- since 2013: editorial board member for Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy (John Benjamins)
-since 2016: assistant to the Editor, Language, Mind, Culture and Society (LaMiCuS), an international journal of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association
Selected publications: