Підрозділи та працівники – адресна книга

dr Agnieszka Marcewicz-Kuba

Coordinator of chemical workshops for schools at Faculty of Chemistry of UMCS Coordinator of Lublin Science Festival at Faculty of Chemistry of UMCS
Telephone number
81 537 56 91
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Agnieszka Marcewicz-Kuba
Thursday 14.30-16.00
room 614


Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 3
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

M.Sc. 1994 UMCS
Ph.D. 2003 UMCS

Scientific Activity

Research areas

Didactic of chemistry

Chemistry of everyday life

Application of catalytic processes in environmental protection



  • Stasińska B, Nazimek D, Kuśmierz M., Marcewicz-Kuba A. 2012. Reactor of catalytic methane oxidation from ventilation air – from laboratory to quarter-technical scale prototype. Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria. 36 (3), 331-337. ISBN 1732-6702.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2009. The Elimination of SO2 and NOx Emission from Hard Coal Combustion by the Use of DESOXNOX Catalysts with Vanadium. Pol.  J. Environ. Stud. 18 (Suppl. 1B), 166-169.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2008. The Activity of SO2Removal from Combustion Gases by DESONOX Type Catalyst Supported on Montmorillonite and Zeolite, Pol. J. Chem. 82 (1-2), 43-47.
  • Olszewska D., Marcewicz-Kuba A.2008. A Role of Sulphur Dioxide Adsorption On Zeolite Desonox Catalysts As The Factor Influencing Sulphur Dioxide Removal From Exhaust Gases, Pol. J. Chem. 82 (1-2), 199-204.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2007. The Influence of e Hard Coal Type on The Choice of DESONOX Catalyst. Pol. J. Chem. Technol. 9 (3), 127-129.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2007. Application of recycled natural aluminasilicate doped with vanadium for the decontamination of the air. Pol. J. Chem. Technol. 9 (2), 65-67 
  • Nazimek D., Niećko J., Marcewicz-Kuba A. 2006. Catalytic method for the SO2 and NOx removal, Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology – A Contribution to Rivers Management, Eds: W. L. Filho, D. Greif, B. Delakowitz. Vol. 21, 195-220. Publ. Peter Lang, Franfurt am Main 2006. ISBN 3-631-55053-7.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A. 2006. The influence of platinum as a factor modifying the activity of DESONOX type catalysts based on synthetic zeolite. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 15 (Suppl. 6A), 129-131.
  • Nazimek D., Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2006. Prospective Catalysts’ Supports for New Desulphurization of Combustion Gases Method. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 15 (Suppl. 6A), 144-147.
  • Olszewska D., Marcewicz-Kuba A. 2006. Modified Montmorillonite with V2Oas the DESONOX Type Catalysts. Part I. The Sorption of Sulphur Dioxide Study. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 15 (Suppl. 6A), 153-156.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D., Nazimek D. 2006. Modified Montmorillonite with V2Oas the DESONOX Type Catalysts. Part II. DESONOX Catalytic Activity, Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 15 (6A), 133-135.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D. 2006. Relationship between sulphur dioxide sorption on catalysts and degree of sulphur dioxide removal from exhaust gases. Sci. eds. Yu. I Tarasevich, R. Leboda, M. M. Soltys. Proceedings of Xth Ukrainian-Polish Symposium of Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and Their Technological Applications. Str. 231-233. ISBN 966-613-443-8.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Olszewska D., Nazimek D. 2006. Comparison of montmorillonite and synthetic zeolite used as support of DESONOX type catalyst. Sci. eds. Yu. I Tarasevich, R. Leboda, M. M. Soltys Proceedings of Xth Ukrainian-Polish Symposium of Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and Their Technological Applications. Str. 234-236. ISBN 966-613-443-8.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Nazimek D. 2005. Co-precipitated and impregnated DESONOX type catalysts – comparison of the sewages generated during synthesis process – Pol. J. Chem. Technol. 7 (4), 21-23.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Nazimek D. 2005. Influence of DESONOX type catalysts, modified with iron, on the reduction of pollution emission from the coal combustion process in stationary bed. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 14 (Suppl. IV), 187-191
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Nazimek D. 2004. Influence of copper content in DESONOX catalysts based on synthetic zeolite on the course of DESOX reaction. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 13 (Suppl. V), 55-58.
  • Marcewicz-Kuba A., Nazimek D. 2003. Influence of zirconium as modification of DESONOX catalyst activity. Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, 2 (1), 843-846.


Didactic activity

General chemistry (LB)
Classical quantitavie analysis (LB)
Analytical chemistry (LB)