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dr István Hoffman

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István Hoffman
For consultations, I kindly ask you to contact me by e-mail, due to the fact that I am conducting classes on specific dates.
E-mail: i.hoffman@umcs.pl

Personal information

- September 1st 2009 – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law [September 1st 2009 – June 30th 2010 assistant professor (part time job), September 1st 2010 – April 30th2014 assistant professor (full-time job), May 1st 2014 – August 31st 2019 associate professor with habilitiation, September 1st 2019 – professor (full professor)]
- January 15th 2015 – January 31st 2016 Kúria (the Supreme Court of Hungary), senior advisor of the Administrative and Labour Department (part-time job)
- September 1st 2009 – July 1st 2011 College of Modern Business Studies (Tatabánya), college associate professor (part-time job)
- February 15th 2008 – August 31st 2010 Prime Minister’s Office, legal counsellor, senior advisor, from April 1st 2008 government advisor (February 15th 2008 – April 15th 2009: Secretariat of the General State Secretary, April 16th 2009 – August 31st 2010 Secretariat of the State Secretary Responsible for Social Policy)
- July 1st 2006 – February 14th 2008 Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Secretariat of the State Secretary, legal counsellor, (December 1st 2006 – June 30th 2007: advisor, July 1st 2007 – February 14th2007: senior advisor)
- December 1st 2004 – June 30th 2006 Ministry of Youth, Family and Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (June 9th – June 30th 2006 Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour) Secretariat of the Administrative State Secretary, Head of Department
- July 7th 2004 – November 30th 2004 Prime Minister’s Office, Secretariat of the Minister without Portfolio Responsible for Equal Opportunity Affairs, legal counsellor 
September 1st 2001 – May 31st 2004 Bolyai Workshop Foundation, executive assistant 


Scientific Activity

270 publications (573 independent citations): 

- 107 publications in scientific journals, 22 in international scientific journals, 12 of them are listed by the SCOPUS 

- 7 books, 85 book chapters (15 of them are English and French language chapters),

- 5 chapter in conference proceedings,

- 18 other scientific work

- 22 university textbooks and textbook chapters. 


List of publications in English (2010-2019) 


I. Hoffman and G. Könczei, “Legal Regulations Relating to the Passive and Active Legal Capacity of Persons with Intellectual and Psychological Disabilities in Light of the Convention on the Rights with Disabilities and the Impending Reform of Hungarian Civil Code,” LOYOLA OF LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 143–172, 2010.

I. Hoffman, “Behind the (EU) Scenes: The Role of the Local Self-Governments in the Waste Management Public Services,” JOURNAL ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUES OF CENTRAL EUROPE, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 22–28, 2011

I. Hoffman, “Before a Change of Models in the Executive System of Hungarian Local Self-Governments – with an International Outlook,” JOURNAL ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUES OF CENTRAL EUROPE, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 39–48, 2012

I. Hoffman, “Some Thoughts on the System of Tasks of the Local Autonomies Related to the Organisation of Personal Social Care,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 323–340, 2012.

I. Hoffman and E. Veres, “Some thoughts on the collegial leadership of the local governments,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LAW AND POLICY, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 157–177, 2013. 

I. Hoffman, “Main trends of the changes of legal regulation on municipal organization in the last decades,” ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE - SECTIO IURIDICA, vol. 54, pp. 277–306, 2013.

I. Hoffman, “Some Thoughts on the Main European Models of the Municipal Health Services,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 631–650, 2013

I. Hoffman, “The Changes of the Roles of the Hungarian Counties: Towards a One and a Half-Tier System?,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 393–415, 2014.

N. Jakab, I. Hoffman, and G. Könczei, “Labour and Social Law Policies in the Context of Critical Disability Studies,” ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AUSLAENDISCHES UND INTERNATIONALES ARBEITS- UND SOZIALRECHT, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 184–204, 2014.

I. Hoffman, “National interest and European law in the legislation and juridical practice on health care services - in the light of the reforms of the Hungarian health care system,” MEDNARODNA REVIJA ZA JAVNO UPRAVO / INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 135–158, 2015.

I. Hoffman and K. Rozsnyai, “The Supervision of Self-Government Bodies’ Regulation in Hungary,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 485–502, 2015. 

I. Hoffman, J. Fazekas, and K. Rozsnyai, “Concentrating or Centralising Public Services? The Changing Roles of the Hungarian Inter-Municipal Associations in the last Decades,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 451–471, 2016.

D. Badulescu, I. Hoffman, A. Baduelscu and R. Simut,  “Local Authorities’ Involvement in Fostering Hungarian-Romanian Cross-Border Cooperation in Tourism,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 337–358, 2016.



N. Jakab, I. Hoffman, and G. Könczei, “Rehabilitation of people with disabilities in Hungary,” ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AUSLAENDISCHES UND INTERNATIONALES ARBEITS- UND SOZIALRECHT, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 23–44, 2017.

I. Hoffman and J. Fazekas, “The Nature of the ‘Quasi’ – Municipal Policing in Hungary with International and Historical Outlook,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 541–558, 2017.

I. Hoffman, “Some Thoughts on the Administration of the Regional Development in the Member States of the EU,” CENTRAL EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW (CEPAR), vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 7–29, 2018.ű

I. Hoffman, “Challenges of the Implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in the Hungarian Legislation,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 929–938, 2018.

I. Hoffman, “Hungarian counties and regional development – changing roles in a transforming environment,” DETUROPE: CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 162–179, 2018.

M. Nagy, I. Hoffman, D. Papp et al. “A Comparative Research on Municipal Voluntary Tasks of Three Hungarian and Slovenian Municipalities,” CENTRAL EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW (CEPAR), vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 165–197, 2019

I. Hoffman and A. Szatmári, “The Transformation of the Municipal Social Benefit System in Hungary in the Last Decade,” LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 535–559, 2019.

I. Hoffman, “Regionalisation and Federalisation: Transforming Ways of the Subnatiobal Governance,” KUTAFIN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 108–128, 2019.

I. Hoffman, “Regionalisation, Federalism and Local Governance,” Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 69–90, 2019.

I. Hoffman and V. Kiss, “Legal Training Curriculum Reform at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law (Budapest, Hungary),” Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, vol. 3, no. 21, pp. 7–9, 2019.

I. Hoffman, Jedynie teoretyczna możliwość wprowadzenia katastralnego systemu opodatkowania nieruchomości – uregulowania w zakresie podatków od nieruchomości na Węgrzech. Analizy I Studia CASP / Analyses and Studies CASP,  vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 71–83, 2019.

I. Hoffman, Only a Theoretical Possibility of the Ad Valorem Property Tax System – the Regulation on Immovable Property Taxes in Hungary. Analizy I Studia CASP / Analyses and Studies CASP,  vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 63–74, 2019. 



I. Hoffman, “3.1. Waste Law: Introduction”, “3.3. Waste Law in Hungary”, “3.6. Waste Law: Summary”, “4.3 Environmental impact assessment in Hungary”, “5.3 Access to justice in environmental matters in Hungary”  in Implementation and Enforcement of EU Environmental Law in the Visegrad Countries, 2014.

A. Fábián and I. Hoffman, “Local Self-Governments,” in Hungarian Public Administration and Administrative Law, 2014, pp. 320–349.

I. Hoffman, “The Legal Status Of The Procedure Of Legal Supervision Of The Hungarian Local Governments,” in A hazai és az uniós közigazgatási eljárásjog aktuális kérdései, 2015, pp. 373–384.

I. Hoffman, “Local System in Hungary within the Context of European Integration,” in Local Autonomy in the 21st Century. L’autonomie locale au XXIe siécle, 2016, pp. 267–284.

I. Hoffman, “Le systeme des gouvernements locaux hongrois dans le cadre d l’adhésion á l’Union européenne: état des lieux,” in Local Autonomy in the 21st Century. L’autonomie locale au XXIe siécle, 2016, pp. 729–747.

I. Hoffman, K. B. Cseh, and A. Jugovics, “E-ADMINISTRATION AND THE MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES: THE CASE OF THE HUNGARIAN LARGE MUNICIPALITIES,” in SYMORG18 Doing Business in the Digital Age: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions, 2018, pp. 924–932. 

I. Hoffman, “Challenges of the Comparative Municipal Law - in the Light of Comparison of Municipal Tasks,” in Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration, 2018, pp. 206–219.

I. Balázs and I. Hoffman, “Can (Re)Centralization Be Modern Governance in Rural Areas?,” in Metropolisation, Regionalisation and Rural Intermunicipal Cooperation. What Impact on Local, Regional and National Governments in Europe?, 2018, pp. 205–222.

I. Hoffman, “‘Land of Confusion’ - Social (Fundamental) Rigth and the Provision of the Fundamental Law in Light of the Practice of the Constituional Court of Hungary,” in Hungarian Yearbook of International law and European Law (2019), 2020, pp. 449–464.


I would like to encourage all students who would like to sign up for my lectures -  "Introduction to Comparative Administrative Law Part I – Legal Regulations on the Organisation of the Public Administration" and Municipal transformations – changing municipal tasks in the transforming system of public services" to become acquainted with my PowerPoint presentation.

Dear Students!

The Rector of the UMCS suspended the contact courses at the UMCS, therefore, I cannot held the 'traditional' form of the lectures.Therefore I recommend to held an on-line streamed course (whether on Skype or on MIcrosoft Teams application). If you are interested in it, please, do not hesitate to inform me on my e-mail (i.hoffman@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl) whether you would take part on that on-line course. I would like to be very happy to meet you - at least on-line and electronically!