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Born: December 17, 1952, M.A.: 1975 (dissertation: “Law and other Social Norms”), Ph.D.: 1980 (dissertation: “Theoretical Foundations of Law-Making”), Habilitation: 1987 (dissertation: “General Clauses in the Application of Law”), Professorship at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS): 1993, title of the Professor of Law given by the President of Poland: 1997.
Main current functions: Head of Chair of Theory and Philosophy of Law at M. Curie-Sklodowska University (since 1997), Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court (s. 2001), Vice-President of the International Association of Legal Methodology (s. 2007), Member of the Board of the Polish Section of the International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (s. 2010), Head of the Panel of Experts of the National Science Centre (s. 2013), Head of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Committee of the Ethics of Scientific Research (s. 2014), member of the editorial committees or boards: of: “Europejski Przegląd Sądowy” (European Court Review), “Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej” (Archive of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy), “Jusryprudencja” (Jurisprudence) and “Państwo i Prawo” (State and Law).
Member of: International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR), European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), International Association of Legal Methodology (IALM), Salzburg Seminar on American Studies, Lublin Scientific Society
Main former functions: Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (1999-2005), Vice-Dean of the Faculty (1990-1993), member of the University Senate (1999-2012), Head of the Senate Statutory Commission (1999-2012), President of Polish Section of the International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy – IVR (1998-2006), member of the Committee of the Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2003-2011), Head of the Conference of the Deans of Polish Law Faculties (2001-2002), member of the Bar (1993-2001) and of the National Bar Council’s Committee of Human Rights (1997-2001), of the Lublin Rotary Club and Rotary International (1989-2005), Editor in Chief of “East European Human Rights Review” and “Polish Legal Journal” (published in the Netherlands by “World Book Publications”- 1995-2000), Member of the Council of the National Science Centre (2010-2012);
Lectures on: Theory and Philosophy of Law, European System of Human Rights, European Union Law, Comparative Law, Japanese Law, Theory of Legislation, Principles of Legal Interpretation, Axiology of Law, Judicial Control of Administration;
Author of c. 250 publications, over 50 of them - published in foreign language or abroad (Japan, China, USA, Canada, Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia). Selected books (written in Polish as author or co-author): General Clauses in the Application of Law (1986), Principles of Law-Making (1992), Japan: Continuations and Negations (1994), Selected Problems of Legislation (1995), Gyoseishido in Japanese Legal Culture (1996), Making the General Reference Clauses (2000), European Communities. Institutions, Sources of Law, Process of Integration (2001), Application of the General Reference Clauses (2001), Theoretical Problems of the Implementation of Law (2001), Legal Decisions Making (2003), Protection of Human Rights in Europe (2010), Interpretation of the Law. General Model and Perspectives of European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law (2012), Interpretation in the Administrative Law (2013);
Supervisor of 13 and reviewer of 23 Ph.D. dissertations as well as the reviewer in 11 habilitation and in 12 professorship procedures, supervisor of honorary doctorate of UMCS (prof. R. Hauser) and honorary professorship of UMCS (Judge J. M. Marshall) as well as reviewer in 2 honorary doctorate procedures (Prof. M. Zieliński, Prof. I. Visegrady)
Research stays: USA (Lock Haven U. 1977,: California U. of Pennsylvania 1987, Stetson U 1993, South Texas College of Law 1996), Austria (Salzburg Seminar on American Studies 1981), Germany (Kiel U.: 1987 and 1994), Japan (Tohoku U., Sendai: 1987-1989, Chuo U., Tokyo: 2014), UK (Oxford U.: 1995), Australia (MacQuarie U., U. of Sydney: 1998), France (Strasbourg, Court of HR: 1996, 2001);
Visiting lectures: (among others): USA (Stetson U., Southern Methodist U., Indiana U., U. of Houston, South Texas College of Law, De Paul U., Northwestern U., J. Marshall College of Law, California U. of Pennsylvania), Japan (Tohoku U., Toyo U., Chuo U.), Australia, (New South Wales U.), Sweden (Umea U.), Germany (Viadrina U.), France (Dijon U.), Estonia (Tallin Concordia U.) Czech Republic (U. of Plzen);
International conferences (among others): congresses of International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (Gottingen 1991, Bologna 1995, New York 1999, Amsterdam 2001, Lund 2003, Granada 2005, Cracow 2007, Beijing 2009, Frankfurt am Mein 2011, Bello Horizonte 2013), conferences of European Association for Japanese Studies (Berlin 1991, Copenhagen 1994, Budapest 1997), of International Association of Legal Methodology (Tunis 2004, Sherbrooke 2007, Aix–en-Provence 2010), of European Law Faculties Association (Milano 2001, Riga 2002, Birmingham 2003, Strasbourg 2004, Graz 2005, Leuven 2006, Barcelona 2007, Hamburg 2008, Freiburg 2009, Warsaw 2010, Strasbourg 2014, Istambul 2015), of European Law Project of Integrated Studies (Hannover 2001, Lublin 2003, Glasgow 2005), of International Round-Table of Semiotics of Law (Poznań 2009, Rio de Janeiro 2011), Institute of Humane Studies (Budapest 1994) as well as conferences of sociology of law (Onati 1997, 1999, Durban 2005) and comparative law (Athens 1994, Minsk 1999, Kiev 2004, Macau 2005, Jalta 2008).
Practical legal cooperation: Lille Chamber of Trade and Commerce (1991), Johns, Day, Reavis & Pogue (Dallas, Chicago - 1995), Fullbright&Jaworski (Houston – 1995)
Academic awards: Leon Petrażycki Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1988), Prize of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (1997 and 2002), Person of Merit for Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (2014)
Public awards: Golden Cross of Merits (2003), Knight Cross of the Polish Revival (2010), Person of Merit for Polish Justice “Bene Merentibus Iustitiae” (2014),
Main works published abroad or in foreign languages
Economics and Law Making,” STUDIES IN THE THEORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF LAW”, 2 /1986, s.57-74 (co-authors: H. Groszyk, A.Korybski)
Ekonomija i prawo. Obim i usłobi, mietody i sredstwa prawnog dielowanija na ekonomski sistem, „GŁASNIK PRAWNOG FAKULTETA U KRAGUJEVACU” (Kragujevac), 1989, s.122-133 (co-authors: H.Groszyk, A.Korybski)
Die Generalklauseln und ihre besondere Bedeutung im Verwaltungsrecht Polens „DEUTSCHE VERWALTUNGSPRAXIS“, 3/1990, s. 80-83 (Germany)
Judicial Discretion and General Clauses. An Abstract, w: „Rechtsystem und Praktische Vernunft”, Gottingen 1991, s.97-98
Review: W.Lang, "Prawo i moralność", Warszawa 1989, (w:) "ARCHIV FUR RECHT- UND SOZIALPHILOSOPHIE", 4/1992, s.560-562 (RFN)
Polish Constitutional Concepts of Civil Rights: An Evolution and Current Debate, in: “JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN EASTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE”, 1/1994, s. 25-50 (Netherlands)
Precedent and the Judge’s Axiological Choices: Remarks on Polish Legal Culture, (in:) “Unity of Civil Procedural Law and Its National Divergencies”, ed: M.Sawczuk, Lublin 1994, p.255-259
Delay-Problems in the Polish Constitution-Making Process, (w:) “JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN EASTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE”, No 2, 1994, s.230-143 (Netherlands)
On Balancing the Arguments of the Legal Interpretation, (w:) “EUROPEAN LEGAL BOOK INDEX”, No 2, 1994, s. 278-282 (Den Bosch, Netherlands)
Review: “The Evolving Role of Parliaments in Europe", (ed.: C.Flinterman, A.W.Heringa, L.Waddington), Antwerpen 1994, (w:) "EUROPEAN LEGAL BOOKS INDEX", 1/1994. s.222-229 (Holandia)
Citation of International Standards in Central and East European Constitutions, (in:) “The Future of East-Central Europe. International Conference”, Lublin 1994, s. 37-38
Economic Guidance and Antimonopoly Law: Contradiction or Harmony, (in:) “The 7th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies”, Copenhagen 1994, s. VI,19
Preface, “EAST EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW, 1/1995, s.1-2 (Netherlands)
Importance and Topicality of the Problems of Human Rights Protection: An Introduction, (in:): “Protection of Human Rights in Poland and European Communities”, ed: L.Leszczyñski, Lublin 1995, s. 11-13
International Standards of Human Rights in Polish Constitutional Regulations and Practice, 29 “THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER”, vol. 29, 1995, s. 685-696 (USA)
A General Look at the Redefinition of the Protection of Human Rights in Eastern and-Central Europe, EAST EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW, No 1, 1995, s. 3-10 (Netherlands)
On Three Concepts of Rights and Freedoms in Post-War Poland, in: “Protection of Human Rights in Poland and European Communities”, ed: L.Leszczyñski, Lublin 1995, s.121-138
Normativeness and Scope of the Constitutional Regulation of Social and Economic Rights: The Case of East-Central Europe, in.: “Challenges to Law at the End of 23th Century” vol. IV. ed.: E.Pattaro, Bologna 1995, s. 205-211
Economic Guidance and the Antimonopoly Law: Traditions Versus Legal Change, in: “Japan’s Socio-Economic Evolution: Continuity and Change”, ed.: S. Metzger-Court, W. Pascha, Folkestone 1996, s. 221-243
The Foundations of Economic System in the Polish Constitution, “POLISH LEGAL JOURNAL” vol.1, No 1, 1996, s. 3-10 (Netherlands)
Quotation of Norms of International Law in East-Central European Constitutions, (in:) “The Future of East-Central Europe”, ed. A.Dumała, J. Pietraś, Lublin 1996, s. 414-423
Constitutional Response to the Deep Social Change (A Case of Poland and East-Central Europe), (in:) “Le temps et le droit”, ed.: P.A.Cote, J.Fremont, Cowanswille 1996, s. 131-151 (Canada)
The Constitutional Regulation of Economics: the Present Polish Rules vs the 1996 Draft, “JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN EASTERN ADN CENTRAL EUROPE”, vol. 3, No 1, 1996, s. 127-139 (Netherlands)
Application of the European Convention in the Polish Courts: An Impact on the Judicial Argumentation, “EAST EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW”, vol.2, No 1, 1996, s. 19-40 (Netherlands)
The Central European Free Trade Agreement: Its Background, Purposes and Current Developments, “CURRENTS. INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW JOURNAL”, Winter 1996, s. 3-10 (USA)
The Polish Legal Journal: An Introduction, “POLISH LEGAL JOURNAL”, 1/1996, s.1-2 (Netherlands)
Neutralization of the Results of the Meiji Reception of European Law, (in:) “Collection of Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 8th Conference of European Association for Japanese Studies”, Budapest 1997, p. 7/20
PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN POLAND AND EUROPE, Book World Publications, Den Bosch 1997, Netherlands, ss. 281 (editorship)
On Three Concepts of Rights and Freedoms in Post-War Poland, in: Protection of Human Rights in Poland and European Communities, ed.: L. Leszczysski, Den Bosch 1997, s. 163-186
References to the Extra-Legal Values in the Current Polish Legislation on Economic Activities, “POLISH LEGAL JOURNAL”, Vol. 2, No.1, 1997, s. 40-54, (Den Bosch, Netherlands)
Reference Clauses in the New Polish Constitutional Regulation of Human Rights, “EAST EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW” Vol. 3, No.1, 1997, s. 1-15 (Den Bosch, Netherlands)
Social Rights in the Central and East-European Constitutions: A Problem of Method of Regulation, (in:) “Changing Structures in Modern Legal Systems and the Legal State Ideology”, (ed.: E. Bulygin, B.M. Leiser, M. Van Hoecke), “RECHTSTHEORIE”, 18/1998, s. 285-294, (Berlin)
The Restitution of Classical Non-Legal Reference Clauses: a Practical Need or a Declaration of a New Axiology?, “POLISH LEGAL JOURNAL”, (Den Bosch) vol.3, No 2, 1998, s.131-152
Polish Legal Order and the European Community Law: Mutual Relations in the Perspective of Membership, (in:) Rechtsociologie, Sociale Problemen en Justitieel Beleid. Liber Amicorum prof. dr Jean Van Houtte, (ed.: F.van Loon, K.Van Aeken), Leuven 1999, s.575-583
Nihon no hobunka ni okeru ho no inyu to keizokusei ni kansuru genjitsushugi, “HOGAKU”, 2/2001, s. 273-295 (Japan)
Flexibility of Law and the Transition of the Legal Order: Plurality of Values vs Decisional Certainty, (in:) Pluralism and Law. Abstracts, (ed.: A. Soeteman), Amsterdam 2001, s. 164-165
Ewolucja europejskiego systemu ochrony praw człowieka a krajowe porządki prawne, (w:) Probliemy derżawotworiennia i zahistu praw liudini w Ukraini (red. O.B.Katola), Lwiw 2003, s. 15-20.
Interpretational Role of Constitutional Principles (in:) Law and Justice in a Global Society. Addenda, Granada 2005, s. 24-25
Faculty of Law and Administration. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Information Booklet (co-author A.Kalisz-Prakopik), Lublin 2005, ss.109
Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka w orzecznictwie sądowym okresu transformacji, (in:) Ewropiejski integriacyjni procesi ta transformacija prawa na postsocialisticznomu ta postradianskomy prostori, (ed. Kositckij), Kiev 2006, s. 154-175
Legislative Policy and Judicial Discretion. A Case of the General Clauses, (in:) Law and Legal Cultures in the 21st Century. Diversity and Unity. 23rd World Congress of Philospohy of Las and Social Philospohy, Kraków 2007, s. 246-247
Legislative Policy and Judicial Practice. Discretion in the Case of General Clauses, (in:) Politics of Law and Legal Policy. Between Modern and Post-modern Jurisprudence, ed. T. Biernat, M.Zirk-Sadowski, Warszawa 2008, s. 273-291
A Pragmatism of the Legal Receptions in Japan: General Observations and the Example of Antimonopoly Law, (in:) Between Complexity of Law and Lack of Order. Philosophy of Law in the Era of Globalization, ed.: B.Wojciechowski, M.Zirk-Sadowski, M.J.Golecki, Toruń-Beijing 2009, s. 390-407
Open Axiology in the Legal Interpretation. Changing the Routine, Balancing the Values or Making the Policy?, (in:) Global Harmony And Rule of Law. Special Workshops and Working Groups (II), Beijing 2009, s. 430-433 (co-author.: B. Liżewski)
Ri ben fa lv jie shou de shi yong zhu yi: po bian quan cha he fan long duan fa de li zi (inJ Zai fa lv de fu za xing yu shi xu zhi jian quan qiu hua shi dai de fa zhe xue, ed.: B. Wojciechowski, M. Zirk-Sadowski, M.J. Golecki, Beijing 2009, s. 332-347
Globalization in the Law: Main Trends and the Context of Legal Transplants, “Cahiers de Methodologie Juridique”, 24/2011, s. 2191-2200 (France)
Legal Certainty and Judicial Discretion in The Statutory Legal Order (in:) Legal Rules, Moral Norms and Democratic Principles, ed.: B. Wojciechowski, P. W. Juchacz, K. M. Cern, Series: Dia-Logos. Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Vol. 15, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2013, ss. 283-299
Rule of Law Principle and Judicial Discretion: The Impact of General Clauses, in: Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Society, Belo Horizonte 2013, s. 181-182,
Implementation of International Law In the Transitional Judicial Practice. A Case of Poland (1989-1997), in: Le droit entre autonomie et ouverture, ed.: J-Y.Cherot, S.Cinamanti, C. Truchaud, J.Treneau, (BRUYLANT), Bruxelles 2013, s. 299-318
Decision making approach in a study of the enactment and application of law: A pragmatic context of legal theory, in: Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law: Towards Contemporary Challenges, ed.: A. Bator, Z. Pulka, Warszawa 2013, s. 156-181 (co-author.: A. Korybski)