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DS Kronos, ul. Sowińskiego 17
20-041 Lublin
October 2015 – completion of TransFormation.doc Program and Train the Trainer Program at Ivey Business School, Western University, Ontario, Canada;
2011 – PhD in English Linguistics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, doctoral thesis: Context-Dependent Meaning. A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Noun-to-Verb Conversion Phenomena in English; supervisor: Prof. Henryk Kardela;
2009 - MA in Applied Linguistics (German and English, specialisation: translation and interpreting), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, MA dissertation: Neologismen in Science-Fiction - eine linguistisch- und translationsorientierte kontrastive Analyse des Romans "Revenge of the Sith";
2007 - BA in Applied Linguistics (German and English, specialisations: translation and interpreting, teaching), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Research interests:
- cognitive linguistics (cognitive semantics; meaning construal mechanisms; neosemantisation processes; concept metamorphosis; conceptual blending theory and its applications)
- linguistics/discourse (multimodality in science communication; cognitive coherence in multimodal communication; metaphors in the language of law and their impact on legal reasoning)
- translation (translation of neologisms and wordplays; re-conceptualisation in specialised translation; application of cognitive theories in translation research, practice and didactics; cognitive aspects of interlingual and intercultural transfer in consecutive and simultaneous intepreting).
Awards and distinctions:
2017 – Individual Award of the Rector of UMCS for organisational achievements (3rd grade).
2020 - nomination to L. Petrażycki award of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the monograph: Metafory konceptualne jako narzędzia rozumowania i poznania prawniczego w świetle ich manifestacji/realizacji w polskim języku prawnym i prawniczym (2017; co-authors: S. Wojtczak, I. Witczak-Plisiecka).
Academic positions:
since 2019 – head of Postgraduate Studies in Interpreting (Department of Applied Linguistics UMCS),
2018-2020 – member of INTER-PRO UMCS Strategic Team ("Integrated UMCS" project),
2018-2021 – head of Postgraduate Studies in Law for Certified and Specialised Translators (Department of Applied Linguistics UMCS in co-operation with Lublin Translator's Society),
2016-2020 – vice-editor of the journal Annales UMCS Sectio FF (Philologiae),
since 2015 – head of Postgraduate Studies in Certified and Specialised Translation (Department of Applied Linguistics UMCS),
2013-2018 – member of Educational Quality Committee (Faculty of Humanities UMCS).
Courses taught:
- consecutive intepreting (2nd/3rd year MA year MAyear BA, Applied Linguistics EN);
- specialised terminology (1st year MA, Applied Linguistics EN);
- specialised languages in theory and practice (1st year MA, Conference Interpreting EN);
- linguistic analyis of texts (2nd year MA, Applied Linguistics EN);
- MA seminar (Applied Linguistics / Conference Interpreting EN; cognitive linguistics & translation);
- multilingualism in everyday life (2nd year MA, Intercultural Communication);
- translation of scientific texts (postgraduate level EN);
- translation of EU-related texts (postgraduate level EN).
Active participation (with papers and theme sessions) in over 50 international scientific conferences, including 20 abroad in the years 2010-2020.
Organisation of 4 international conferences at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Research grants and other projects:
- research grant financed by the Polish National Science Centre (as co-investigator): Placebos and nocebos for translators: A model of anticipatory cognition in translation production – project implemented in the years 2024-2027 (OPUS 26), Principal investigator: Dr hab. Mikołaj Deckert, Faculty of Philology, Uniwersity of Łódź;
- research grant financed by the EU under Measure 1.2 Sectoral R&D programmes. Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 (as senior researcher): ISPEAK - Development of an application that will use virtual reality to teach foreign languages and to conduct experimental research; project active in the period Jan-Jun 2018 (POIR.01.02.00-00-0123/16), Beneficiary: RDLabs sp. z o.o. sp.k., Warsaw;
- research grant financed by the Polish National Science Centre (as co-investigator): Metaphor as a mechanism to understand language of law and legal language and to experience law (quoting examples of Polish language and legal language) – project implemented in the years 2014-2017 (DEC-2013/09/B/HS5/02529), Principal investigator: Prof. Sylwia Wojtczak, Department of Law Policy, Uniwersity of Łódź;
- research grant financed by the Ministry of Science nd Higher Eductaion, National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Module: Universals (as translator): Translation into English and publication in the series "Polish Studies - Transdisciplinary Perspectives" (Peter Lang) of the monograph "Norwidianum. Studia o Norwidzie" eds. Edyta Chlebowska and Agata Brajerska-Mazur (vols. 1-4) – project implemented in the years 2017-2021 (project no. 11 21H 16 0036 84), implementing units: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin / Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin / Coventry University, Principal investigator: Dr Edyta Chlebowska;
- research grant financed by the Ministry of Science nd Higher Eductaion, National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Module: Internationalisation (as translator): English edition of the journal "Studia Norwidiana" 2016-2020– project implemented in the years 2016-2021 (project no. 3bH 15 0013 83), Principal investigator: Prof. Piotr Chlebowski, Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid's Literature, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin;
- research grant financed by the Ministry of Science nd Higher Eductaion, National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Module: Internationalisation (as translator): English edition of the journal "Ethnolinguistics. Problems of Language and Culture" in electronic version – project implemented in the years 2016-2019 (project no. 3bH 15 0204 83), Principal investigator: Prof. Jerzy Bartmiński, Department of Polish, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin;
- implementation of 7 small “faculty research grants” in the years 2012-2018.
Associations (membership):
- International Cognitive Linguistics Association,
- International Association for Cognitive Semiotics,
- Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association.
Edited volumes:
Selected articles: