dr Jarosław Banaś

Consultations in the summer semester 2023/2024:
* Tuesday at 8:00-9:30 [stationary consultations, Faculty of Economics 1108],
* Thursday at 11:30-13:00 [on-line consultations, MS Teams],

Consultations via the MS Teams platform:
Name of the MS Teams team: KONSULTACJE / CONSULTATIONS dr J. Banaś
Access code: 2mqjhfm


Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Jaroslaw Banas – Ph.D., now works as assistant professor at Department of Information Systems and Logistics, Management and Quality Sciences Institute, Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (since 2013).
Previously, he worked at the Faculty of Management, Lublin University of Technology (2005-2013).
Doctoral dissertation The model of adaptation of electronic banking services for managing small and medium enterprises in Poland was defended at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw in 2014.
Completed post-graduate studies: IV-semester, Institute of Organization and Management in Industry "ORGMASZ" in Warsaw, scope: Management analyst (2011) and II-semester studies in Logistics processes management, Faculty of Economics UMCS (2014).
Doctor J. Banas participated in numerous trainings, including Manager's game Marketplace (has Marketplace Trainer Certificate, 2014). His scientific interests concern the network economy, municipal waste management, adaptation of IT solutions in business, modeling and simulation of logistics processes, automation, robotics, machine learning, statistical analysis, data mining and databases. He conducts classes on these issues. Doctor Banas is the author or co-author of over 25 publications and takes active part in national and international scientific conferences. He was involved in the construction and verification of models under the research grant Modeling of distribution of services in the network economy (2016) and took an active part in teams developing two projects for entrepreneurs (analysis of municipal waste streams, 2015). Dr. J. Banas was an auxiliary supervisor of three doctors (one more in the process), and supervisor in more than 40 bachelor’s and master’s thesis.
He collaborates with International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (IJMED) as the reviewer. He was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Research and Development Institute of Lubelski Park Naukowo Technologiczny limited liability company based in Lublin. For the publication entitled Determinants of online shopping behavior received the BEST PAPER award at the MakeLearn & TIIM 2015 conference (University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Bari, Italy).

Scientific Activity

W. Lutek, J. Banaś, Czystsza Produkcja elementem Zielonej Gospodarki, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2023, ISBN: 978-83-227-9769-3 [link: https://wydawnictwo.umcs.eu/produkt/5618/czystsza-produkcja-elementem-zielonej-gospodarki].

J. Banaś, J. Chadam, Ł. Kański, M. Zborowski, Kultura organizacyjna – perspektywa sukcesu w zarządzaniu projektami informatycznymi, Przegląd Organizacji, Nr 3, 2023, ISSN: 0137-7221, e-ISSN: 2545-2622, s. 280-292.

A. Karman, J. Banaś, U. Bronisz, A. Miszczuk, Zmiany klimatu a konkurencyjność regionów, Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju, Tom 14/206, Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju, Warszawa 2022, ISBN: 978-83-66847-41-5 [link: https://publikacje.pan.pl/book/145311/zmiany-klimatu-a-konkurencyjnosc-regionow].

J. Banaś, Microsoft Access [w:] Z. Pastuszak (red.), Technologia informacyjna. Materiały do ćwiczeń, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2022, ISBN: 978-83-227-9562-0 [link: https://wydawnictwo.umcs.eu/produkt/5450/technologia-informacyjna-materialy-do-cwiczen].

W. Lutek, J. Banaś, Z. Pastuszak, Smart company. Poziom zaawansowania przedsiębiorstwa w realizacji systemu gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2021, ISBN: 978-83-227-9543-9 [link: https://wydawnictwo.umcs.eu/produkt/5456/smart-company-poziom-zaawansowania-przedsiebiorstwa-w-realizacji-systemu-gospodarki-odpadami-komunalnymi].

W. Lutek, J. Banaś, Z. Pastuszak, Smart consumer. Satysfakcja konsumenta w systemie zarządzania logistyką zwrotną w gospodarce odpadami komunalnymi, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2020, ISBN: 978-83-227-9373-2 [link: https://wydawnictwo.umcs.eu/produkt/5299/smart-consumer-satysfakcja-konsumenta-w-systemie-zarzadzania-logistyka-zwrotna-w-gospodarce-odpadami-komunalnymi].

W. Lutek, Z. Pastuszak, J. Banaś, Smart city. Innowacyjny system zarządzania logistyką zwrotną w gospodarce odpadami komunalnymi, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2019, ISBN: 978-83-227-9173-8 [link: https://wydawnictwo.umcs.eu/produkt/5100/smart-city-innowacyjny-system-zarzadzania-logistyka-zwrotna-w-gospodarce-odpadami-komunalnymi].

J. Banaś, A small educational robot – construction, software and possibility of using, 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 March 2019, pp. 6711-6719.

J. Banaś, A. Kiersztyn, M. Mędrek, A. Tatarczak, Ł. Wiechetek, Economically reasonable energy tariff choice. The evidence from Polish telecommunication sector [w:] Informatyka i zarządzanie na przełomie wieków. Metody, narzędzia, systemy, zastosowania [red.] T. Parys, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2019, ss. 437-479.

Ł. Wiechetek, J. Banaś, A. Kiersztyn, M. Mędrek, and A. Tatarczak, Forecasting electrical energy consumption for malfunction detection in complex technical systems, IX International Conference Optimization and Applications (OPTIMA-2018), Petrovac, Montenegro, October 1-5, 2018.

A. Tatarczak, J. Banas, L. Krus, Ranking Allocation Scheme for Cost Sharing in Logistics, IX International Conference Optimization and Applications (OPTIMA-2018), Petrovac, Montenegro, 1-5 October 2018.

Ł. Wiechetek, J. Banaś, A. Kiersztyn, M. Mędrek, and A. Tatarczak, Multi-criteria decision-making system for detecting anomalies in the electrical energy consumption of telecommunication facilities, IX International Conference Optimization and Applications (OPTIMA-2018), Petrovac, Montenegro, October 1-5, 2018.

J. Banaś, A. Kiersztyn, M. Mędrek, A. Tatarczak, Ł. Wiechetek, Business and science cooperation in the area of improving the decision-support systems for electricity data management, 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain). 2nd - 4th of July, 2018.

J. Banaś, The perception of selected aspects of the modeling and simulation by logistics students, 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 5-7 March 2018, pp. 5339-5346.

J. Banaś, Modeling and simulation of processes in logistics. Knowledge, practical skills and expectations in teaching of students, 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6-8 March 2017, pp. 6753-6762.

Ł. Wiechetek, M. Mędrek, J. Banaś, Business process management in higher education. The case of students of logistics, „Problemy Zarządzania”, vol. 15, nr 4 (71), 2017, pp. 146-164.

Ł. Wiechetek, J. Banaś, Do Young People Want The Internet of Things? A Comparative Study Of Computer Science, Management and Psychology Students, 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 6th, 7th and 8th of March, 2017, pp. 4090-4100.

M. Pawłowski, J. Banaś, Z. Pastuszak, Wykorzystanie metody RFM do segmentacji klientów w celach marketingowych. Badanie na podstawie danych z firmy handlowej, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS MARIAE CURIE-SKŁODOWSKA, SECTIO H OECONOMIA, Vol L, 2 (2016), 0459-9586 (ISSN), pp. 49-67.

J. Banaś, W. Lutek, A. Przystupa, Selektywna zbiórka odpadów komunalnych w Polsce, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria: Organizacja i Zarządzanie, 2016, ISSN 1641-3466, s. 11-24.

M. Pawłowski, J. Banaś, The use of clustering methods and machine learning algorithms in the trading enterprise for customer segmentation, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2016, Managing Innovation and Diversity in Knowledge Society Through Turbulent Time, 25-27 May 2016, Timisoara, Romania, 978-961-6914-16-1, 2016, pp. 723-730.

J. Banaś, W. Lutek, A. Przystupa, „Regional facility for municipal solid waste disposal” as an essential contribution to solid waste disposal management, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2016, Managing Innovation and Diversity in Knowledge Society Through Turbulent Time, 25-27 May 2016, Timisoara, Romania, 978-961-6914-16-1, 2016, pp. 1001-1011.

J. Banaś, Determinants of online shopping behavior, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015, Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society, Bari, Italy, 27-29.05.2015, 978-961-6914-13-0, 2015, pp. 1841-1848.

W. Lutek, J. Banaś, Readiness of administrative units for implementation of European Union directives governing solid waste management, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015, Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society, Bari, Italy, 27-29.05.2015, 978-961-6914-13-0, 2015, pp. 1899-1906.

J. Banaś, Z. Pastuszak, Użyteczność e-commerce w badaniach polskich użytkowników, [w:] Glinka B., Hensel P., Postuła A., Problemy wykorzystania systemów informatycznych zarządzania w gospodarce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW, Problemy zarządzania vol. 13, nr 2 (52), t. 1, 2015, s. 24-36.

J. Banaś, An analysis of selected aspects of e-commerce based on Technology Acceptance Model, Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2014, Portorož, Slovenia,  pp. 1367-1375.

The list of publications is available on the website: https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/core/#/person/view/5e709295878c28a0473985f8/current


Courses conducted:

  • Data-driven Business Management Project [course in English]
  • Robotic Process Automation [course in English]
  • Programming for analytics [course in English]
  • Python programming [course in English]
  • Modeling and simulations in logistics
  • Technical logistics laboratory
  • Diploma seminar

Additional teaching activities (conducted in the past):

  • Operational management in logistics
  • Database
  • E-management
  • Business process automation
  • Business Process Automation [course in English]
  • Logistics innovations
  • Simulink simulations and modeling of logistics processes
  • Modeling and simulations
  • Management game - Marketplace
  • Basics of network economy
  • Information technologies in logistics