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pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
September 2023 - present
Invited Lecturer, Department of Economics, University Grenoble Alpes, France
Courses in English language (online and offline since 2021, with Faruk Ülgen): Topics in economics (L3 MEFIM, with Faruk Ülgen), Microeconomics of competitiveness (L3 MEFIM), International economics: monetary and financial relations (L3 Eco-G), International economics (M1 Economie du développement, Séminaire de recherche), Innovations and institutions (PhD course, Ecole doctorale de sciences économiques); Evolutionary game theory and financial instability (PhD course, Ecole doctorale de sciences économiques).
Master thesis (mémoires de M1 et de M2) supervisor & reviewer: 8 theses.
October 2016 – present
Assistant Professor, Department of Insurance and Investment, Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University In Lublin,
Courses in Polish language: Financial markets, Insurance in business, Risk and insurance in supply chain, Insurance, Demography, Risk management, Crisis management in the companies, Insurance market.
Courses in English language: Risks in business, Insurance economics, Financial innovations, “Black swan” on the financial market
Bachelor thesis supervisor: 80 theses.
Bachelor and Master thesis reviewer: 135 theses.
November 2011 - March 2016
Senior lecturer, Department of Finance, Faculty of Banking and Finance, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
Courses in the Ukrainian language: Insurance, Insurance market, History of the insurance, Insurance fraud.
September-November 2008
Staff member, Centrum of Training, information and analytical support for Insurance Companies, Kyiv, Ukraine
October 2008 - October 2011
Doctoral School Programme, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
Dissertation: Financial risks in the activity of the insurance companies
PhD diploma nostrificated in Poznań Economics University in 2019
September 2007 – September 2008
Master’s degree in Finance, Ternopil National Economics University, Ukraine
May 2024 - July 2024
Visiting Professor Program, Université Grenoble Alpes (France),
Lectures and international research development
September 2023
Invited Lecturer at Sustainability Summer School “Sustainability in enterprise BIP” at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, (Lithuania)
April 2023 – July 2023
Visiting Professor Program, Université Grenoble Alpes (France),
Lectures and international research development
April 2022 – July 2022
Visiting Professor Program, Université Grenoble Alpes (France),
Lectures and international research development
December 2019
Erasmus+ teaching mobility, Université Grenoble Alpes (France),
Lectures: Intellectual capital in the financial sector
October 2017 – July 2018
Polish Government Scholarship for Young Researchers, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Research project: The development of risk culture
October 2015 – July 2016
The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Research project: Insurance for small and medium businesses
June – July 2008
Visby summer school, Ädelfors folk high school, Swedish Institute, Holsbybrunn, Sweden
March 2024-present
"Export expansion of Polish companies under the conditions of geopolitical instability",
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Research grant
January 2021 – March 2022
Co-author of pre-implementation works entitled „Integrated tool for supporting cybernetic risk management in an enterprise” in the research team of Cracow University of Economics within the project „Inkubator Innowacyjności 4.0”.
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Research grant for Young Researchers
Membership: Head of the Young Scientists Council at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Working languages: Polish, English, Ukrainian, Russian
Presentations and discussions
"Geopolitical risks in the activity of Polish exporters", Annual meeting of Financial Departments, Katowice University of Economics, September 16-17, 2024.
"War-related risks and insurance: theory and practice", 3rd International Financial Forum "Rising challenges in economic, financial and business development", University Grenoble Alpes, September 4-6, 2024.
"Insurance and guarantees for foreign companies in business relations within Ukraine", XIX scientific conference "Entrepreneurship support forum", Koszalin University of Technology, December 07-08, 2023
"Opportunities and risks for the insurance market in the recovery process of Ukraine" (with F. Ulgen), Annual meeting of Financial Departments, Poznań Economics and Business University, September 13-14, 2023.
“Integrating sustainability in insurance products and underwriting: dynamics and main challenges”, 5th Summer School on Sustainable Finance, European Commission, July 13-14 2023.
“Financial stability and Responsive regulation” (with F. Ulgen), 9th Polish Law and Economics Conference, Warsaw School of Economics, May 19-20, 2023.
“An institutional framework for a sustainable economic transition” (with F. Ulgen), AFEE (Association for Evolutionary Economics) @ ASSA Annual Meetings, New Orleans, January 6-8, 2023.
„Zielone” produkty ubezpieczeniowe dla przedsiębiorstw w Polsce” [Green insurance products for the entrepreneurs in Poland], XVIII Konferencja naukowa: Forum wspierania przedsiębiorczości Mikrofirma 2022, Koszalin University of Technology, 08-09 December 2022.
“Climate-related financial disclosure in the insurance companies” (with prof. F. Ulgen), Konferencja “Innowacje na rynku finansowym, bankowym i ubezpieczeniowym – teoria i praktyka 2022”, University of Katowice, 08-10 November 2022.
“Risk culture: why do it differ according to countries?” Invited Lecture during International days at the University Grenoble Alpes, October 13, 2022, France.
“Green products in the insurance market” (with F. Ulgen), Konferencja Katedr Finansów 2022 “Finanse dla Przyszłości” (Conference of the Finance Chair 2022: Finance for the Future), Wroclaw University of Economics, September 15-16, 2022.
“Sustainability on the insurance markets: can we achieve it?”, International Financial Forum “The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century” July 11-13, 2022, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
“Bank innovations, sectoral risk (asset commonality-related), and systemic risk” (with F. Ulgen), International Financial Forum: “The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century”, July 11-13, 2002, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
“An evolutionary approach to financial instability and regulation” (with F. Ulgen), International Financial Forum: “The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century”, July 11-13, 2002, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
“An evolutionary approach to financial instability and regulation” (with F. Ulgen), 70th Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), June 14-16, 2022, Dijon.
“Institutional conditions of instability on the insurance market: a case study of the holding company American International Group, Inc.”, XIV International Conference “Ubezpieczenia wobec wyzwań XXI wieku”, October, 2021, Poznań University of Economics.
“An evolutionary perspective on the endogenous instability of capitalist dynamics”, (with F. Ulgen), 5th International Conference on Finance and Economic Policy (ICOFEP): New Economy in the post-pandemic period, Poznań (online), October 21-22, 2021.
“Influence of Big Data on Changing the Concept of Insurance” International scientific conference “Formation of the concept and development of the theory of insurance in modern society”, May 2021, Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.
“Dividends of life insurance companies and the solvency capital requirements”, International conference “Wrofin 2019”, September 9, 2019, Wrocław University of Economics.
„Patenty jako źródło informacji o innowacjach w ubezpieczeniach” [Patent as a source of information about innovations in insurance industry], XIII International conference „Ubezpieczenia wobec wyzwań XXI wieku”, May 20-22, 2019, Wrocław University of Economics.
“Digitalization in insurance companies”, International conference „Contemporary Issues in Business Management and Economics Engineering”, May 9-10, 2019, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Klapkiv L, Ulgen F. (2024). The dark side of financial dynamics: a Schumpeterian destructive creation process, Bank&Credit, 55(5), p. 661 - 682.
An Institutional Framework for a Sustainable Eco-Transition and Financial Regulation (with Ulgen F.), Journal of Economic Issues, 2023, vol. LVII, nr 2, p. 591 – 598.
An Evolutionary Perspective on the Endogenous Instability of Capitalist Dynamics (with Ulgen F.), Central European Economic Journal, 2022, 9(56), p. 19-31.
Is demand for technologies determined by the production costs: The case of insurance companies (with Kędra A.), “Engineering Economics”, 2022, vol. 33, nr 3, p. 275-290.
Withholding tax impact on debt and equity foreign direct investment in Poland (with Białek -Jaworska A.), “Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy”, 2021, vol. 16(1), p. 11-44.
Comparative Analysis of the Health Care Institutions’ Competitiveness Level (with Klapkiv Y., Vovk V.), “Montenegrin Journal of Economics”, 2020, 16(3), p. 69-82.
Relation between selected weather factors and insurance indemnity in Ukrainian agriculture (with Kędra A.), „Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy”, 2018, nr 1, p. 358-363.
Innovations on the Insurance Market: Patents in Underwriting, “Handel Wewnętrzny” (with Czerniak J.), 2018, nr 6, p. 151-163.
Детермінанти розвитку інновацій у страховому бізнесі [Determinants of the innovation development in the insurance business] (with Черняк Я.), “Інноваційна економіка”, 2018, nr 1-2, p. 182-188.
Online distribution of insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles, the experience of Poland, opportunities of Ukraine (Klapkiv J., Zarudna N.), “Baltic Journal of Economic Studies”, 2018, vol 4, nr 1, p. 195-201.
Technological innovations in the insurance industry (with Klapkiv J.), “Rozprawy Ubezpieczeniowe. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych”, 2017, nr 26 (4), p. 67-78.
Rynek ubezpieczeń na Ukrainie: główne problemy i czynniki determinujące jego rozwój [Ukrainian insurance market: main problems and determinants of it’s development] (with Klapkiv J.), “Rozprawy Ubezpieczeniowe. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych”, 2017, nr 2, p. 50-64.
Transformation of Beliefs: an Evaluation of Economic Risk under Uncertainty (with Śliwiński A.), “Olsztyn Economic Journal”, 2017, nr 1, p. 21-36.
Risk culture and the factors of its formation (with Śliwiński A.), “Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe”, 2016, nr 4, p. 3-20.
Household saving rate including life insurance premiums and consumer confidence index in selected East European countries, “Rozprawy Ubezpieczeniowe. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych”, 2016, nr 22 (3), p. 16-33.
Behavioral theory on the insurance market, “Формування ринкових відносин в Україні”, 2016, nr 9 (184), p. 31-34.
Модель капіталу страхової компанії, зваженого на фінансові ризики [Financial risk-based capital model of the insurance company] (with Ротова Т.), „Фінанси України”, 2012, nr 4, p. 76-83.
Шляхи застосування стрес-тестів в діяльності вітчизняних страховиків [Applying of the stress-test in the activity of domestic insurers], „Вісник ЖДТУ”, 2011, nr 1 (55), p. 323-325.
Вплив макроекономічних факторів на рівень фінансових ризиків в діяльності страховиків [The influence of macroeconomic factors on the financial risk level in insurance], „Формування ринкових відносин в Україні”, 2011, nr 3, p. 139-143.
Застосування деривативів страховиками в управлінні фінансовими ризиками [Insurers financial risk management through the derivatives], „Економіка. Фінанси. Право”, 2011, nr 3, p. 24-27.
Квантифікація фінансових ризиків в діяльності українських страховиків [Quantification of financial risks of the insurance activity], „Науковий вісник Буковинської державної фінансової академії”, 2011, nr 1 (20), p. 90-99.
Прагматизм управління фінансовими ризиками, властивими страховим послугам [Financial risk management of the insurance services], „Вісник Хмельницького національного університету”, 2010, nr 4, vol. 1 (154), p. 137-140.
Ризикове середовище діяльності страхової компанії [Risk environment of the insurance business], „Вісник КНТЕУ”, 2009, nr 4, p. 83-92.
Ринковий ризик в діяльності страхових компаній України [Market risk in the activity of the insurance companies], „Збірник наукових праць Національного університету Державної податкової служби України”, 2009, nr 2, p. 108-114.
Теоретичні детермінанти фінансових ризиків в діяльності страхових компаній [Theoretical determinants of financial risks in the insurance activity], „Інноваційна економіка”, 2009, nr 3 (13), p. 140-144.
Кредитний ризик в структурі фінансових ризиків страховиків [Credit risk in the structure of insurer’s financial risks], „Галицький економічний вісник”, 2009, nr 3 (24), p. 94-104.
Лучка А., Клапків Л. Місцеві фінанси та система територіальної організації влади: діалектика взаємного розвитку [The local finance and local government system: an interplay development], „Наука молода. Збірник наукових праць ради молодих вчених Тернопільської академії народного господарства. Економічні науки”, 2008, vol. 9, p. 91-96.
Демянишин В., Клапків Л. Досвід реформування системи фінансування охорони здоров'я у Польщі та Чехії [An experience of the health care system financing reforms in Poland and Czech Republic], „Наука молода. Збірник наукових праць Ради молодих вчених Тернопільського національного економічного університету”, 2007, nr 7, p. 109-113.
Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023). “Financial stability in the insurance sector: the case of the American International Group, AIG”, in Sara Hsu (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Financial Crises, Edward Elgar. (December 2023)
Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023). “Financial crises and financial regulation: What relationship?”, forthcoming in Sara Hsu (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Financial Crises, Edward Elgar. (December 2023)
Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023). “Financial innovations and the “Great Crises” of the 20th and 21st centuries: A Schumpeterian perspective”, in Sara Hsu (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Financial Crises, Edward Elgar. (December 2023)
Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022). Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania niestabilności na rynku ubezpieczeń. Studium przypadku holdingu American International Group, Inc. [In:] M. Lemkowska & M. Wojtkowiak (red.), Sektor ubezpieczeń w obliczu wyzwań współczesności, p. 83-97.
Клапків Л., Клапків Ю., Свірський В. (2020). Фінансові ризики в діяльності страхових компаній: теоретичні засади, сучасні реалії та прагматизм управління [Financial risks in the activity of insurance companies: theoretical background, modern situation and management], Івано-Франківськ, 171 p.
Клапків Л., Клапків Ю., Свірський В. (2019). Консолідація банківського та страхового бізнесу: теоретико-методологічні домінанти та тенденції розвитку [Consolidation of banking and insurance business: theoretical and methodological dominants and development trends], Івано-Франківськ, 183 p.
Chapter in conference proceedings
Głód J., Klapkiv L., Białek-Jaworska A., Opolski K. (2020) Dividends of Life Insurance Companies and the Solvency Capital Requirements. In: Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance, eds. K. Jajuga, H. Locarek-Junge, L. Orlowski, K. Staehr, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham, p. 221-230.
Klapkiv L., Kędra A., Łyskawa K., Klapkiv J. (2019) Digitalization in insurance companies. In: Contemporary issues in business, management and economics engineering, eds. V. Skvarciany, J. Stankevičienė,Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press, 2019, p. 842-852.
Klapkiv L., Klapkiv J. (2018) Methods for the identification of cyber risk: an analysis based on patent data. In: CBU International Conference Proceedings 2018, Eds. P. Hájek, O. Vít, vol 6, p. 241-246.
Klapkiv L., Volosovych S. (2016) Technological innovations in the market of the insurance services, In: Organizational and economic mechanisms of development of the financial system: collective monograph, ed. M. Bezpartochnyi, ISMA University, Riga: Landmark SIA, p. 92-101.
Organization of international meetings:
2024 - 3rd International Financial Forum "Rising challenges in economic, financial and business development", September 4-6, 2024, CREG-University Grenoble Alpes, France.
2023 - 2nd International Financial Forum“Climate Change, financial markets and systemic risks: what expectations for the NEXT decades?, June 26-28, 2023, CREG-University Grenoble Alpes, France (
2022 - International Financial Forum: “The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century”, July 11-13, 2002, CREG-University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Editorial Team Member:
1. Journal "FOREIGN TRADE: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, LAW", Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine)
2. Journal "SCIENTIA FRUCTUOSA", Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine)
REVIEWER in journals:
Engineering Economics
Journal of Business and Economic Sciences and Applied Research
Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Rozprawy ubezpieczeniowe. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych
CEEJ Central European Economic Journal
Forum for Social Economics
Studies in Risk and Sustainable Development
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin,7034,pl.html
Research Gate