dr Ewelina Prażmo

Assistant Professor
Telephone number
537 26 21
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Ewelina Prażmo

Personal information

Research interests:

  • Cognitive linguistics (conceptual metaphor and metonymy, conceptual integration, cognitive semantics)
  • Cognitive semiotics (multimodal meaning construal)
  • Translating and teaching specialist languages

Courses taught:

  • Introduction to linguistics (English Studies)
  • Morphosyntax and semantics (English Studies)
  • Practical English grammar (English Studies)
  • Information technology (English Studies)
  • Cognitive models of language and language change (English Studies)
  • Linguistic aspects of translation (English Studies)
  • Translation theory (English Studies)
  • BA seminar: linguistics (English Studies)
  • BA seminar: translation (English Studies)
  • MA seminar: linguistics (English Studies)
  • Cognitive basis of language (English Studies)
  • Cognitive basis of language (Intercultural Communication, lecture)
  • Language and cognition (Cognitive Science)
  • Language and cognition (Cognitive Science, lecture)
  • Cognitive linguistics (Cognitive Science)
  • Cognitive linguistics (Cognitive Science, lecture)
  • Contemporary issues in linguistics (Doctoral Studies)


Scientific Activity


For more information please visit: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ewelina-Prazmo

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2022. “In dialogue with non-humans or how women are silenced in incels’ discourse.” Language and Dialogue 12 (3), 383 - 406 DOI: 10.1075/ld.00119.pra 

Prażmo, Ewelina; Augustyn, Rafał. 2022. “The Racist Pandemic: A Semantico-Pragmatic Study of the Anti-Asian Overtones in COVID-19-related Twitter Discourse.” Lingue e Linguaggi 47 (2022), 225-243 DOI: 10.1285/i22390359v47p225

Jabłońska-Hood, Joanna; Prażmo, Ewelina. 2022. “Metaphorical lexical blends related to Brexit: Cognitive processes of meaning construction and discursive effects.” Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2022, VII (1): 120-156 ISSN 2453-8035

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2020. “Foids are worse than animals. A cognitive linguistics analysis of dehumanising metaphors in online discourse.” Topics in Linguistics 21(2): 16-27 DOI: 10.2478/topling-2020-0007

Augustyn, Rafał; Prażmo, Ewelina. 2020. “The Spread of Chinese Virus in the Internet Discourse:  A Cognitive Semantic Analysis.” Gema Online Journal of Language Studies 20(4): 209-227 DOI: 10.17576/gema-2020-2004-12

Prażmo, Ewelina; Augustyn, Rafał. 2020. “Parasites, Herbivores and Dried Fish: Dehumanising Metaphorical Blends in Japanese.” in Gema Online Journal of Language Studies 20(2):148-167 DOI: 10.17576/gema-2020-2002-09

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2020. “The post-fact world in a post-truth era. The productivity and emergent meanings of the prefix post- in contemporary English.” in English Language and Linguistics 24:2, 393-412 DOI: 10.1017/S1360674319000121

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2019. “Leftie snowflakes and other metaphtonymies in the British political discourse.” in Journal of Language and Politics 18:3, 371-392 DOI: 10.1075/jlp.17073.pra

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2018. “The modal potential in the English Present Progressive.” in Brno Studies in English, Volume 44, No. 1, 43-62 DOI: 10.5817/BSE2018-1-3

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2018. “Twitterati in the Twitterverse: A cognitive linguistics account of hashtags on Twitter.” in New Insights into the Language and Cognition Interface. (ed. by Rafał Augustyn and Agnieszka Mierzwińska-Hajnos). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 118-136

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2017. “Deliberately misleading or unintentionally ambiguous? A cognitive linguistic view on defective codes of memory.” in Pragmatics and Cognition, Volume 24, No. 3, 347-372 DOI: 10.1075/pc.18014.pra

Karska, Katarzyna; Prażmo, Ewelina. 2017. “Didactic Potential of Metaphors Used in Medical Discourse.” in Linguistics Beyond And Within 3, 2017, 102-116 DOI: 10.31743/lingbaw.5653 

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2017. “The appeal of -ing in the creation of anglicised forms in Polish and other languages. A cognitive perspective.” in Form, Meaning and Function in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ed. by Karolina Drabikowska, Marietta Izdebska and Anna Prażmowska). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 41-58

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2016. “Unprecedented uses of the English present progressive.” in Visions and Revisions. Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Łódź Studies in Language, Vol. 44 (ed. by Przemyslaw Łozowski and Katarzyna Stadnik). Frankfurt am Mein; New York: Peter Lang, 169-178

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2015. “Semantic Ductility” in Concepts and Structures - Studies in Semantics and Morphology (ed. by Anna Malicka-Kleparska, Maria Bloch-Trojnar and Karolina Drabikowska). Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 153-169

Prażmo, Ewelina. 2014. “The Subjunctive. A Cognitive Perspective.” in Face to face, page to page : PASE papers in literature, language and culture (ed. by Dorota Babilas, Agnieszka Piskorska, Paweł Rutkowski). Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 467-477


  • Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 4, Klagenfurt, 12-14 October 2023 – 'Multimodal Analysis of Independence March Posters in Poland: Ideological Appropriation of National Symbols through the Lens of Conceptual Integration Theory' (with Rafał Augustyn)

  • Culture and Cognition in Language 3, Rzeszów, 27-28 April 2023 – ‘The Translation of Diminutives in Miron Białoszewski’s “A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising.” A Cognitive Analysis’ (with Hubert Kowalewski)

  • SCLC-2020/2021: The Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tromsø, June 4-6 2021 (virtual event) – ‘Going beyond the medical domain: A cognitive perspective on the semantic extensions of the suffix –oza in contemporary Polish’ (with Rafał Augustyn)
  • Culture - Cognition - Communication. Language and Culture in Social Cognition, Lublin, 21-22 November 2019 - 'Conceptual metaphor in stress-generating medical contexts'. (with Katarzyna Karska)
  • International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 15, Nishinomiya, 6-11 August 2019 - 'Multimodal fictive interaction in verbo-pictorial configurations.'

  • The 6th International IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Poland Conference, Lublin, 26 January 2019 - 'Metaphors for Specific Purposes.' (with Katarzyna Karska)

  • Figurative Thought and Language, Braga, 23-26 October 2018 - 'Brexodus from the Brexitland. The productivity of Brexit in conceptual blending and metaphorical extensions. A cognitive linguistics perspective.' 

  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, Poznań, 24-26 September 2018 - ‘Multimodal fictive interaction in Internet memes. A cognitive analysis.’

  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, Rzeszów, 21-23 September 2017 - ‘Post-fact world in the post-truth era. Productivity and emergent meanings of the prefix post in contemporary English.’

  • Culture - Communication - Cognition, Lublin, 14-15 September 2017 - ‘Information technology in English, Spanish, and Polish specialist discourse. A comparative view.’ (with Piotr Sorbet)

  • International Cognitive Linguistics Conference - 14, Tartu, 10-14 July 2017 - ‘The role of multimodality in meaning construal. A cognitive analysis of political posters.’

  • Linguistics Beyond and Within - 4, Lublin, 20-21 October 2016 - ‘Metaphor in Medical Discourse.’ (with Katarzyna Karska)

  • 17th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Lisbon, 5-9 July 2016. - ‘Transhumanist Utopia. From Thomas More’s ultimate happiness to Max More’s ultimate human.’

  • The Second Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, Lublin, 20-22 June 2016 - ‘Meaningful Forms. Cognitive analysis of the semantic contribution of a font type to a text.’

  • Revolution, Evolution, and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture, Rzeszów, 12-13 November 2015 -  ‘Body in language. Some reflections on the role of the embodied mind theory in linguistics.’

  • Linguistics Beyond and Within - 3, Lublin, 22-23 October 2015 - ‘The appeal of -ing in the creation of anglicised forms in Polish and other languages. A cognitive perspective.’

  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, Lublin, 24-26 September 2015 - ‘Twitterati in the Twitterverse. A cognitive linguistics account.’

  • Linguistics Beyond and Within - 2, Lublin, 6-7 November 2014 - ‘Semantic Ductility’

  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), Lublin, 7-9 April 2014 - ‘Unprecedented uses of the English present progressive.’

  • Young Linguists’ Meeting, Poznań, 4-6 April 2014 - ‘What is so GR8 about 1337 - or the cognitive view of the Internet slang and Leetspeak.’

  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), Warsaw, 22-24 April 2013 - ‘The Subjunctive. A Cognitive Perspective.’


Section editor of New Horizons in English Studies (https://journals.umcs.pl/nh)