Current research interests
Comparative public administration, incuding local governance; local politics and policies; sustainable urban development; citizens' involvement and participation at the local level; children and youth involvement
Education and training
Habilitation - 2019 - Based on the monograph: The Municipal Council as a Partner in Local Governance: The cases of England, Finland, Poland and Slovenia (In Polish)
Ph.D. degree – 2010 – Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin – Dissertation: Local Government in Great Britain 1979-2007. From New Public Management to Local Governance (In Polish)
M.A. degree – 2007 – Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Thesis: Local Government in England (In Polish)
M.A. degree – 2004 – Faculty of Political Science, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin – Thesis: Local Government in Ireland (In Polish)
January 2002 - June 2002 - Scholarship in Bluffton University, Ohio, USA
Academic positions
September 2023 - Acting Director of the Insitute of Political Science and Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences & Journalism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
October 2021 - Head of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences & Journalism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
January 2020 - present - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences & Journalism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
October 2010 – December 2019 – Assistant Professor; Department of Local Government and Politics, Faculty of Political Sciences, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
October 2004 – September 2010 – Teaching and Research Assistant at the Department of Local Government and Politics, Faculty of Political Sciences, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Other academic experience and activities
March 2021 - June 2021 - Visitin researcher at the Insitute of Political Studies, Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic. The stay financed by the Polsih National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
October 2014 - September 2015 - Visiting scholar in School of Management, Tampere University, Finland (Program Mobility Plus)
October/November 2013 - Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland (ERASMUS programme)
July 2013 - Lecturer at the 3rd Summer School: Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level: Present and Future Challenges of Local Governments in V4 countries and other CEE countries organized by the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
April 2013 – Lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic (ERASMUS programme)
August 2012 – Lecturer at the Summer University: Creation of Regional and Local Development organised by School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
July 2012 – Young lecturer at the 2nd Summer School: Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level: East/West experience in comparative perspective organized by the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
June 2011 – July 2011 – Young lecturer at the 1st Summer School: Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level: V4 countries and other CEE countries in comparative perspective organized by the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
June 2011 – Lecturer at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; Scholarship provided by the educational grant of the European Social Fund No. ESF/2010/II/DI/W/04
April 2011 – now – Member of the Steering Committeeof the Summer School: Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level, Kosice, Slovakia
Research projects
2022-2025 - Research grant of National Science Centre Poland (NCN), No. 2021/41/B/HS5/02899: Silent witnesses or active participants? Patterns of children and youth involvement in local governance in Poland and Finland; Head of the project,29114.htm
2020-2023 – Research grant of National Science Centre Poland (NCN) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic: Towards Enhanced Transnational Cooperation in Remote Regions; Co-Investigator
1. Project video:
2014-2019 - Research grant of National Science Centre Poland (NCN), No. 218534: The Representative Body as Co-Partner in Local Governance. The cases of England, Finland, Poland and Slovenia; Head of the project
2018-2020 - Research grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No. 0163/DLG/2018/10 funded under Dialog Programme: From dialogue to deliberation. Non-public entities as (un)present participant in the local decision-making process; Co-Investigator
2012 - Research grant of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic: The impact of local political leadership reform on local governance in Poland and Slovakia; Head of the project
2008-2010 - Ph.D. research grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No. NN 116 129 135: Local Government in Great Britain 1979-2007. From New Public Management to Local Governance; Head of the project
July 2007
Participation in Summer University Local Government Studies: Citizens’ Involvement in Local Policy-Making organized by Dipartimento di Studi Politici Universita degli studi di Torino and European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Torino, Italy
July 2006
Participation in Summer University Local Government Studies: Metropolitan Governance organized by School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Centre for Public Sector Research in Gothenburg and European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Gothenburg, Sweden
July 2005
Participation in Summer University Local Government Studies: Leadership and Local Democracy: Does Leadership make a difference? organized by Central European University and EUROLOC network, Budapest, Hungary
Selected publications in English
L.M. Sinervo, P. Lehtonen, K. Radzik-Maruszak & C. Ebdon, (2024). Participatory budgeting in reshaping public budgeting: evidence from Finland, Poland, and the US. In: Handbook of Accounting and Public Governance: Exploring Hybridizations, eds. J. Grossi & J. Vakkuri, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 141-161.
P. Lehtonen & K. Radzik-Maruszak (2024). Inclusion as ownership in participatory budgeting: facilitators’ interpretations of public engagement of children and youth. Critical Policy Studies, 18(1), pp. 73–91.
D. Wehrmann, M. Łuszczuk, K. Radzik-Maruszak, A. Riedel, J. Götze, (2022) Transnational Cities Alliances and Their Role in Policy-Making in Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic In: Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region, (ed.) N. Sellheim, D. Ryan Menezes, SPINGER, p. 113-131.
M. Łuszczuk, J. Goetze, K. Radzik-Maruszak, A. Riedel, D. Wehrmann (2022), Governability of Regional Challenges: The Arctic Development Paradox, Politics and Governance,
A. Pawłowska, K. Radzik-Maruszak (2022), From Advice and Consultation to Local Co-governance. The Case of Advisory Councils in Polish Cities, Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government Vol. 20, Issue 1,
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2022), Local representation in Poland: between government and governance In: A Modern Guide to Local and Regional Politics, (ed.) C. Copus, R. Kerley, A. Jones, London: Edward Elgar.
A. Pawłowska, R. Kmieciak, A. Kołomycew, K. Radzik-Maruszak, P. Antkowiak (2021), Social Councils and Commitees as (Not-quite) Present Actors in Local Decision-Making Processes, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, p. 194.
A. Pawłowska, K. Radzik-Maruszak (2021), Social councils – responsible actors in collaborative local governance or silent information-providers? Empirical evidences from selected Polish cities, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne No 1 (83).,1832021
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2020), Passive, Indifferent, Engaged? The Faces of Local Civic Acivity in Finland, CIVITAS. Studia z Filozofii Polityki No 27, pp. 163-181
K. Radzik-Maruszak, A. Haveri (2020), Mixed responses: Councillors’ attitudes towards citizens’ participation, The Public Sector Innovation Journal. Special issue on Innovations in local representative democracy - Dilemmas and perspectives 25(3), pp. 1-23.
K. Radzik-Maruszak, A. Haveri, A. Pawłowska (2020), Pro-Civic Representation? Citizens' Participation in the Opinion of Finnish and Polish Local Councilors, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Science No. 60E/June, pp. 85-103.
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2016), Changes and Challenges: Local Representative Democracy in Poland, Annales UMCS: Sectio K Politologia Vol. XXIII (1), pp. 181-194.
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2015), Putting Citizens First: Democratic Innovations in City Governance, Kunnallistieteellinen Aikakauskirja Vol. 4, pp. 309-322.
K. Radzik-Maruszak, M. Batorova (2015), Citizen Participation and Engagement in Urban Governance: Perception of Finnish and Polish Local Officials, NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 85-110.
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2014) The Changing Role of Councillors in Poland: Contexts and Capabilities, Contemporary European Studies Vol. 2, pp. 5-21.
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2014) Poland [in:] Local Governance between democracy and efficiency, red. P. Juptner, Novo mesto, pp. 117-133.
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2014), Re-thinking the Roles of Regional Councillors in Poland: Evidence from Wielkopolskie and Lubelskie Regional Assemblies [in:] Regionalisation and Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, eds. Ilona Palne Kovacs, Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Bratislava: NISPAcee, pp. 33-49
K. Radzik-Maruszak, K. Mieczkowska-Czerniak (2013) From Inidifference to Protest: Citizen Acivity at the Local Level in Poland, Annales UMCS. Sectio K: Politologia Vol. XX (1), pp. 151-169
K. Radzik-Maruszak (2012), Poland: Two Decades of Local Government Reform [in:] Public Sector Dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe, eds. J. Nemec, M. S de Vires, Bratislava: NISPAcee, pp. 113-126.
K. Radzik (2010), Reforming Polish Local Government: Between Democracy and Efficiency [in:] Contemporary world between security and freedom, eds. A. Pandiloska Jurak, U. Pinteric, Ljubljana, pp. 287-304.
A. Pawłowska, K. Radzik (2007), Institutional models of local leadership – comparative analysis, International Journal – Central Eastern European Academic And Professional Review of Public Administration No. 2, pp. 40-49.
Guest lectures:
24.04.2021 - Guest lecture for students of the Faculty of Social Sciencies, Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic
17.04.2018 - Key-note presenter in the international scientific seminar: Experiments on Urban Participation, the Faculty of Social Sciencies, Tampere University Tampere, Finland. Presentation entitled: How elected representatives perceive new participatory tools? Research from Poland, Slovenia, Finland and the UK
Participation in conferences (recent and selected):
24-27.04.2024 - International Conference on Urban Affairs (orgnised in partnership with Urban Affairs Association (UAA), European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), and European Urban Research Association (EURA). Paper: Youth councils – truly engaged or barely noticed? Involvement of young people in urban governance in Poland and Finland
22-24.06.2023 - EURA Conference - The European City: A practice of resilience in the face of an uncertain future (Reykjavik, Iceland). Paper: Why do participatory approaches fail? Advancing sustainable urban development in the European Arctic
03-05.04.2023 - IRSPM Conference (Budapest, Hungary). Paper: How it works, and where it leads? Children and youth participatory budgeting in selected Polish cities
22-23.11.2022 - Making sense of the Arctic world in turmoil, Northern political economy symposium (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland). Paper: The potential of knowledge partnerships for advancing sustainable urban development in the European Arctic
21-23.10.2021 - The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference (Lublana, Slovenia). Paper: Inclusion as ownership in local participatory budgeting: PB facilitators’ interpretations on the agency of children and young people
11-13.09.2019 - The Annual EGPA Conference (Belfast University, Northern Ireland, UK). Paper: From Monologue to Dialogue? Relations of Social Councils And Local Policy Makers
Scientific Activity
2023 - present - Coordinator of the Working Group on Local Governance at the NISPAcee conferences (together with Prof. Michiel S. de Vries and Prof. Daniel Klimovsky)
2021 - Member of the Public Administration Committee at the the Polish Academy of Sciences
Editorial Activitity
2023 – present – Member of the Editorial Board of Ocean & Society
Scientific awards:
2023 - MCSU Rector's Award for Outstanding Teaching Contributions to the University
2022 - the award of the Mayor of Lublin City
2021 - Scientific award of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland for the monograph The Municipal Council as a Co-partner in Local Governance. The cases of England, Finland, Poland and Slovenia, published in 2019 by Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
2013 - Award of the Rector of Siauliai University for the best article presented at the 2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference: Good Governance at Local Self-Government: Democracy, Decentralization, Development, October 18, 2013 - October 19, 2013, Siauliai, Lithuania, concerning the idea of governance, (Co-author Dr. M. Batorova from Tampere University)
2011 - The prize for the best Ph.D dissertations on local government and decentralization issues. The competition was organised by Wolters Kluwer Polska, the publisher of the Samorząd Terytorilany Journal
2016 - MCSU Rector award for outstanding work for the University, in particular for acquiring external sources of funding for scientific research and building a network of external partners
2014 - MCSU Rector award for outstanding work for the University
2011 - MCSU Rector award for outstanding work for the University
Courses offered in English 2023/2024
Public Speaking and Presentations in Academic Work (for PhD students)