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Boštjan Brezovnik jest profesorem UMCS. Po ukończeniu studiów w Wyższej Szkole Administracyjnej na Uniwersytecie w Lublanie w 1996 r., kontynuował studia na Wydziale Prawa w Mariborze, gdzie uzyskał tytuł magistra prawa. Następnie w 2008 r. obronił pracę doktorską na Wydziale Prawa w Lublanie (Słowenia). W swojej działalności naukowo-badawczej dr Brezovnik zajmuje się głównie tematyką administracji publicznej, prawa administracyjnego, samorządu terytorialnego, prawa finansowego, finansów publicznych, usług publicznych oraz systemów decentralizacji finansów publicznych.
Brał udział w wielu międzynarodowych projektach badawczych, głównie z zakresu administracji publicznej, prowadzonych przez ONZ, UE, OBWE, Radę Europy, Open Society Institute Budapest, KIPRED, USAID i inne. Jest członkiem grupy niezależnych ekspertów ds. Europejskiej Karty Samorządu Lokalnego (Rada Europy). Kieruje licznymi projektami z zakresu samorządności lokalnej i rozwoju regionalnego na świecie.
Brał udział w panelach i konferencjach w USA, Anglii, Francji, Włoszech, Serbii, Słowenii, Chorwacji, Czechach, Kosowie i Chinach. Wykładał na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersystetu Masaryka (Brno, Republika Czeska), Portucalense University Infante D. Henrique (Porto, Portugalia) oraz Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University Leicester (Leicester, Wielka Brytania), Faculty of Law, University of Maribor (Słowenia) oraz Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana (Słowenia).
Jest redaktorem naczelnym jednego najbardziej prestizowych czasopism z zakresu samorządu terytorialnego na świecie - "Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government". Jest redaktorem katalogu "Competences of the Slovenian municipalities" oraz "Official Gazette of Slovenian Municipalities".
Bibliograifa prac naukowych 2001 – 2020
Articles and other component parts
Original scientific articles
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, OPLOTNIK, Žan, MLINARIČ, Franjo, PADOVNIK, Srečko Aleksander, FINŽGAR, Mateja. Financing municipal tasks in Slovenia. Croatian and Comparative Public Administration. 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 173-206. ISSN 1848-0357. DOI: 10.31297/hkju.19.2.1. [COBISS.SI-ID 5755691]
2. TOPLAK, Jurij, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Information delayed is justice denied: lengthy procedures deny the right to access information. Informatologia. 2019, vol. 52, no. 1/2, pp. 1-8. ISSN 1330-0067., DOI: 10.32914/i.52.1-2.1. [COBISS.SI-ID 5760555], [SNIP]
3. KRIŽANIČ, France, OPLOTNIK, Žan, MENCINGER, Jože, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. The influence of ecological taxes on the exposure on waste and CO2 emissions in a selected group of EU countries. Journal of comparative politics. [Online ed.]. Jul. 2019, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 38-48. ISSN 1338-1385. [COBISS.SI-ID 5738795], [SNIP, WoS up to 27. 7. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0, Scopus up to 27. 7. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0]
4. FINŽGAR, Mateja, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Direct international comparison of EU member states fiscal decentralization systems with the conceptual index of fiscal decentralization (CIFD) in the context of European Charter of Local Self-Government (ECLSG). Transylvanian review of administrative sciences. 2019, no. 56 e, pp. 41-59. ISSN 1842-2845., DOI: 10.24193/tras.56E.3. [COBISS.SI-ID 5701419], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 10. 4. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0, Scopus up to 10. 4. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0]
5. MLINARIČ, Franjo, OPLOTNIK, Žan, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Economic limits of (de)regulation in legal services market. Inžinerinąe ekonomika. 2018, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 291-301. ISSN 1392-2785., DOI: 10.5755/ [COBISS.SI-ID 5594155], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 14. 7. 2018: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0, Scopus up to 14. 7. 2018: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0]
6. BESSA VILELA, Noemia, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Europe: hell or paradise? : an overview of European law and case law. Journal of comparative politics. [Online ed.]. Jul. 2018, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 65-82. ISSN 1338-1385. [COBISS.SI-ID 5600555], [SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 2, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 2]
7. VOJINOVIĆ, Borut, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, OPLOTNIK, Žan. Measuring services and tourism convergence among five old and five new EU member states. Inžinerinąe ekonomika. 2016, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 285-293. ISSN 1392-2785., DOI: 10.5755/ [COBISS.SI-ID 5121323], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 2, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 2]
8. DRNOVŠEK, Katja, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Public services concession in Slovenian legislation. In: Lex localis - Journal of Local Self Government Annual Conference 2016 - Porto/Portugal (June 16 - June 17, 2016) : special issue. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement, 2016. Vol. 14, no. 3, str. 671-694. Lex localis, Vol. 14, no. 3, July 2016. ISSN 1581-5374. DOI: 10.4335/14.3.671-694(2016). [COBISS.SI-ID 5147947], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 4, without self-citations (CI): 4, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 4, without self-citations (CI): 4]
typology 1.08 -> 1.01
9. MLINARIČ, Franjo, OPLOTNIK, Žan, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Key economic parameters for an optimal pharmacy network in a regulated environment. Transylvanian review of administrative sciences. 2016, no. 49 e, pp. 60-77. ISSN 1842-2845., [COBISS.SI-ID 5190955], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 25. 10. 2016: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0, Scopus up to 25. 10. 2016: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0]
10. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, OPLOTNIK, Žan, VOJINOVIĆ, Borut. (De)centralization of public procurement at the local level in the EU. Transylvanian review of administrative sciences. Oct. 2015, no. 46 e, pp. 37-52. ISSN 1842-2845. [COBISS.SI-ID 4967979], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 26, without self-citations (CI): 26, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 26, without self-citations (CI): 26]
11. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Contradictions in the concept of public institutes in Slovenian legislation. Lex localis : Journal of Local Self-Government. [Tiskana izd.]. Apr. 2014, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 311-327. ISSN 1581-5374. DOI: 10.4335/12.2.311-327(2014). [COBISS.SI-ID 4648491], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 7, without self-citations (CI): 7, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 7, without self-citations (CI): 7]
12. ROGELJ, Aljaž, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Universal health services. Lex localis : Journal of Local Self-Government. Jul. 2013, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 687-708. ISSN 1581-5374. [COBISS.SI-ID 4537643], [JCR, SNIP, WoSup to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 6, without self-citations (CI): 4, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 6, without self-citations (CI): 4]
13. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, OPLOTNIK, Žan. An analysis of the applicable system of financing the municipalities in Slovenia. Lex localis : Journal of Local Self-Government. Jul. 2012, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 277-295, ISSN 1581-5374. [COBISS.SI-ID 12630353], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 31, without self-citations (CI): 31, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 31, without self-citations (CI): 31]
14. OPLOTNIK, Žan, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Financing local government in Slovenia. Post-communist economies. Dec. 2004, vol. 16, no. 4, str. 483-496, tabele. ISSN 1463-1377. DOI: 10.1080/1463137042000309575. [COBISS.SI-ID 15186406], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 26, without self-citations (CI): 20, Scopus up to 3. 12. 2019: no. of citations (TC): 26, without self-citations (CI): 20]
15. OPLOTNIK, Žan, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Financing local government in theory and practice: short lessons from Slovenia. Zagreb international review of economics & business. nov. 2004, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 75-93. ISSN 1331-5609. [COBISS.SI-ID 23020333]
Published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Local Self-Government and Decentralization Process in Slovenia. In: Kosovo Agenda Deliberation Conferences, 12-14 June 2003, Pristina, Kosovo : Conference Series on Institutional and Governance Reform : Local Government Reform.Session 3. [COBISS.SI-ID 2539819]
Published scientific conference contribution
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. The provision of services of general interest in Slovenia. In: SKULOVÁ, Soňa (ed.). Dny práva 2015 = Days of law 2015.Část 9, Veřejná služba ve veřejné správě (a to i jako služba veřejnosti). IX. International Conference Days of Law 2015, 18th-19th November 2015 in Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, cop. 2016. Str. 46-60. Acta Universitatis Brunensis iuridica, vol. 553, = č. 553. ISBN 978-80-210-8200-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5060395]
2. OPLOTNIK, Žan, BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, VOJINOVIĆ, Borut. System of local self-government financing and costs of municipality in Slovenia. In: MIN, Zhu (ed.). 2012, 2nd International Conference on Economic [!], Education and Management, June 1-2, Shanghai, China : ICEEM 2012. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Society, 2012. Str. 128-138, tabele. ISBN 978-988-19750-3-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 518667033]
Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, FINŽGAR, Mateja, OPLOTNIK, Žan. Slovenia : vertical imbalance in local government financing. In: BARTLETT, William (ed.), KMEZIĆ, Sanja (ed.), ĐULIĆ, Katarina (ed.). Fiscal decentralisation, local government and policy reversals in Southeastern Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2018. Str. 21-52. ISBN 978-3-319-96091-3, ISBN 978-3-319-96092-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96092-0_2. [COBISS.SI-ID 5659947]
2. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, TOPLAK, Jurij. Administrative law in Slovenia. In: SCARCIGLIA, Roberto (ed.). Administrative law in the Balkans: case studies of comparative administrative law in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. [Padova]: Cedam, 2012. Str. [155]-185. Quaderni giuridici del Dipartimento di scienze politiche e sociali dell'Università di Trieste, 7. ISBN 978-88-13-29540-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 4424747]
Scientific monograph
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, OPLOTNIK, Žan, MLINARIČ, Franjo. Attorneys and attorney tariff in Slovenia. Rijeka: InTech, 2018. 119 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-1-78923-097-0., DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.75422. [COBISS.SI-ID 13007132]
2. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan, FINŽGAR, Mateja, OPLOTNIK, Žan. Fiscal decentralisation in Slovenia. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement, 2016. Lex localis, Book series Intergovernmental fiscal relations. ISBN 978-961-6842-64-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 284626432]
Invited lecture at foreign university
1. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Local government; Public administration; Research methodology; Scientific writing: 4x10 hours of guest lectures within Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility for academic year 2015/2016, Portucalense University lnfante D. Henrique, 10.6.2016-10.7.2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 5127979]
2. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Fiscal Decentralisation in EU: 10 hours of lectures, 0/1. 5 credit(s), Masaryk University Information System, Brno, 16.-20.11.2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 4980267]
3. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Local self-government in Slovenia and Europe more generally: lecture and workshop to undergraduate students, Faculty of Business and Law, Leicester Business School, De Montfort University Leicester, UK, England, on 8th December 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 5065771]
1. Central European public administration review. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan (reviewer 2019). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za upravo, 2018-. ISSN 2591-2240., [COBISS.SI-ID 293849600]
2. Inžinerinąe ekonomika. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan (reviewer 2019). Kaunas: Technologija. ISSN 1392-2785. [COBISS.SI-ID 513315097]
3. Applied economics. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan (reviewer 2014, 2015). London: Chapman and Hall, 1969-. ISSN 0003-6846. [COBISS.SI-ID 305689]
4. Applied economics letters. BREZOVNIK, Boštjan (reviewer 2015). London: Chapman & Hall. ISSN 1350-4851. [COBISS.SI-ID 934165]
Szanowni Państwo
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