Scholarships 2019/2020

Ranking lists for the 2019/2020 scholarships now available; see the attachments.

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Feel welcome to apply for scholarships for the academic year 2019/2020. You will find the general regulations and appropriate forms below in attachments. In particular note the following major points:

1. There are two kinds of scholarships: (i) doctoral and (ii) merit-based (zwiększenie stypendium doktoranckiego, the so-called "projakościowe") and you can apply for both.

2. You must obtain the relevant signatures and an opinion of their academic advisor (see the forms). You are also advised to study the Scholarship Assessment Rules (especially the red print) and requested to submit the relevant documentation.

Do seek help of your academic advisors and don't hesitate to inquire with me when in doubt. I need to receive your applications, filled and signed, by Sep 26 (will be leaving the day after). Applications that are submitted too late or that do not meet the formal criteria cannot be considered.