Practical Info

Course for:  Postdocs from Polish scientific institutions representing life sciences

Course language: English

Date: 19-21.03.2024

Tuesday (19.03.2024):  9.00 - 17.30
Wednesday (20.03.2024):  9.00 - 17.30
Thursday (21.03.2024):  9.00 - 16.30

Location: Lublin PL

Venue: ECOTECH-COMPLEX, Głęboka 39, 20-612 Lublin, Poland

Course fee: Free attendance/no course fee. Participants cover the cost of accommodation and transportation

Start of recruitment: 20 November 2023

Scientific Committee:
Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Gruszecki
Prof. dr hab. Anna Jarosz-Wilkołazka
Prof. dr hab. Marek Tchórzewski

Organizing Committee:
dr Barbara Michalec-Wawiórka (Chair)
dr Eliza Molestak
dr Sylwia Stączek
dr Mateusz Pięt
dr Adrian Zając

In case of queries, please write to: