W monografii naukowej pt. "Region in the Development of Society 2023. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference 5th – 6th May 2023" pod redakcją Josefa Smolíka z Uniwersytetu Mendla w Brnie ukazały się anglojęzyczne artykuły dwóch naukowczyń z Katedry Systemów Politycznych i Praw Człowieka:
- Elections That Did Not Take Place in Poland in 2020. What Went Wrong? autorstwa dr hab. prof. UMCS Małgorzaty Podolak
Abstrakt: On May 10, 2020, a presidential election was to be held in Poland. Due to the epidemiological situation, the government decided that it would be held exclusively by mail. This form of voting is provided for in the Electoral Code as an alternative to in-person voting at polling stations. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the election, regarding how the election was conducted and the entities involved in its organization. This led to the eventual postponement of the election date to June 28, 2020; hence the term “election that did not take place”, which is commonly used to describe the 2020 presidential election that was to be held by mail.
- The Embryopathological Conditions of Pregnancy Termination in Poland autorstwa dr Marty Michalczuk-Wlizło.
Abstrakt: The conditions for the permissibility of legal termination of pregnancy always arouse great public interest, antagonize public opinion. The conditions permitting legal termination of pregnancy in Poland are defined in Article 4a of the Act on family planning, protection of the human fetus, and the conditions for permissibility of pregnancy termination. The embryopathological premise was one of the most common reasons for abortion. However, this legal provision was derogated by the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal.
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