Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Bożena Czech

Assistant Professor
Telephone number
81 537 55 54; 77-53
E-mail address
Tuesday, 10-12 a.m. room 541/540B

Personal information

Since 2008, I have been a year tutor in the Chemistry programme, at the specialty of Chemistry of Bioactive Agents and Cosmetics. Now, I am a tutor at the specialty of Forensic Chemistry: bachelor studies: II year

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4895-5186

Scientific Activity

Principal Investigator: Sheng-2 NCN Nr DEC-2021/40/Q/NZ8/00006, "Studies on the removal and fate of phthalate esters in soil-vegetable system using biochar-immobilized endophytic bacterial flora"  2022-2025

Principal Investigator: OPUS 16 NCN nr 2018/31/B/NZ9/00317, Formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derivatives in biochar and their bioavailability and persistence during the agricultural application: 17.07-2019-16.07.2022

Principal Investigator: Miniatura NCN 2017/01/X/ST4/00199, tytuł: "The effect of CNT addition on the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 in the removal of pharmaceuticals from water and wastewater": 16.09.2017-15.09.2018

Investigator: PRELUDIUM 2017/27/N/NZ8/01517,consortium Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute and UMCS, PI: mgr Aleksandra Bogusz, „The influence of the aging process and the presence of organic and inorganic pollutants on the ecotoxicity of microplastics”: 01.11.2019 – 30.06.2021


Environmental Technology & Innovation (Elsevier) (IF2023=6.7):

Discover Applied Sciences (Springer Nature)

selected papers:

A. Sokołowski, M. Dybowski, P. Oleszczuk, Y. Gao, B. Czech, Biochar amendment affects the fate of phthalic acid esters in the soil-vegetable system, Journal of Environmental Management 371 (2024) 123165,  IF2023=8.00, MEN=200 p.

A. Sokołowski, M. Dybowski, P. Oleszczuk, Y. Gao, B. Czech, Biochar mitigates the postponed bioavailability and toxicity of phthalic acid esters in the soil, Science of the Total Environment 945 (2024) 173933 IF2023=9.80, MEN=200 p.

A. Sokołowski, A. Boguszewska-Czubara, R. Kobyłecki, R. Zarzycki, M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, Y. Gao, B. Czech, Increased oxygen content in biochar lowered bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons–related toxicity to various organisms, Bioresource Technology 407 (2024) 131110 IF2023=9.70, MEN=140 p. 

A. Krzyszczak, M.P. Dybowski, B. Czech, Formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives in biochars: The effect of feedstock and pyrolysis conditions, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 160 (2021) 105339, IF2020=5.541, MEiN= 100 p.

M. Nazarkovsky, B. Czech, A. Żmudka, V. M. Bogatyrov, O. Artiushenko, V. Zaitsev, T. D. Saint-Pierre, R.C. Rocha, J. Kai, Y. Xing, W.D.G. Gonçalves, A. G. Veiga, M. L. M. Rocco, S. H. Safeer, M.V. Galaburda, V. Carozo, R.Q. Aucélio, R.J. Caraballo-Vivas, O.I. Oranska, J. Dupont, Structural, optical and catalytic properties of ZnO-SiO2 colored powders with the visible light-driven activity, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 421 (2021) 113532, IF2020=4.291, MEN=70 p.

K. Shirvanimoghaddam, B. Czech, K. Tyszczuk-Rotko, M. Kończak, S. M. Fakhrhoseini, R. Yadav, M. Naebe, Sustainable synthesis of rose flower-like magnetic biochar from tea waste for environmental applications, Journal of Advanced Research, IF2020=10.479, MEN=140 p.

A. Krzyszczak, B. Czech, Occurrence and toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derivatives in environmental matrices, Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147738 IF2020=7.963, MNiSW=200 p.

M. Kończak, A. Siatecka, M.A. Nazarkovsky, B. Czech, P. Oleszczuk, Sewage sludge and solid residues from biogas production derived biochar as an effective bio-waste adsorbent of fulvic acids from water or wastewater, Chemosphere 278 (2021) 130447, IF2020=7.086, MEN=100 p.

B. Czech, M. Kończak, M.Rakowska, P. Oleszczuk, Engineered biochars from organic wastes for the adsorption of diclofenac, naproxen and triclosan from water systems, Journal of Cleaner production IF2019=7.246,  MNiSW=140 p

S. M. Fakhrhoseini, B. Czech, K. Shirvanimoghaddama, M. Naebe, Ultrafast microwave assisted development of magnetic carbon microtube from cotton waste for wastewater treatment, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects  606 (2020) 125449, IF2019= 3.99,  MNiSW=70

B. Czech, P. Zygmunt, Z.C. Kadirova, K. Yubuta, M. Hojamberdiev, Effective photocatalytic removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products by elsmoreite/tungsten oxide@ZnS photocatalyst, Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110870, IF2019= 4.865, MNiSW=100

M. Hojamberdiev, B. Czech, A. Göktaş, K. Yubuta, Z. Ch. Kadirova, SnO2@ZnS photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products in model wastewater, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 827 (2020) 154339, IF2019=4.650, MNiSW=100 p.

P. Oleszczuk, B. Czech, M. Kończak, A. Bogusz, A. Siatecka, P. Godlewska, M. Wiesner, Impact of ZnO and ZnS nanoparticles in sewage sludge-amended soil on bacteria, plant and invertebrates, Chemosphere 237 (2019) 124359, IF2018=5.108, MNiSW=100 pkt

B. Czech, K. Tyszczuk-Rotko, Caffeine hinders the decomposition of acetaminophen over TiO2-SiO2 nanocomposites containing carbon nanotubes irradiated by visible light, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,376 (2019) 166-174 1F2018=3.261, MNiSW=70 pkt

K. Shirvanimoghaddam, B. Czech, A.E. Wiącek, W. Ćwikła-Bundyra, M. Naebe, Sustainable carbon microtube derived from cotton waste for environmental applications,  Chemical Engineering Journal 361 (2019) 1605-1616 IF2018=8.355, MNiSW=200 pkt.

K. Shirvanimoghaddam, B. Czech, G. Wójcik, M. Naebe, The light enhanced removal of Bisphenol A from wastewater using cotton waste derived carbon microtubes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 539 (2019) 425-432 IF2018=6,261, MNiSW=100 pkt.

B. Czech, M. Hojamberdiev, A. Bogusz, Impact of thermal treatment of calcium silicate-rich slag on the removal of cadmium from aqueous solution, Journal of Cleaner Production 200 (2018) 369-379 IF2018=6,395, MNiSW=140 pkt.

K. Shirvanimoghaddama, B. Czech, M. M. Abolhasani, M. Naebe, Sustainable periodically patterned carbon nanotube for environmental application: introducing the cheetah skin structure, Journal of Cleaner Production 179 (2018) 429–440, IF2018=6,395, MNiSW=140 pkt.

K. Tyszczuk-Rotko, K. Domańska, B. Czech, M. Rotko, Development simple and sensitive voltammetric procedure for ultra-trace determination of U(VI), Talanta 165 (2017) 474–481 IF2017=3,927, MNiSW = 45 pkt.

M.A. Nazarkovsky, V.M. Bogatyrov, B. Czech, M.V. Galaburda, G.Wójcik, O.F. Kolomys, V.V. Strelchuk, M.L. Malysheva, O.I. Oranska, V.M. Gun’ko, Synthesis and properties of zinc oxide photocatalyst by high-temperature processing of resorcinol-formaldehyde/zinc acetate mixture, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 334 (2017) 36–46 IF2015=2,477, IF5=2,573, MNiSW = 25 pkt

B. Czech, Sorption of fulvic acids onto CNTs released after treatment of wastewater by H2O2 and/or UV, Environmental Research 155 (2017) 1–6 (IF2015=3,088, IF5= 3,827, MNiSW=45 pkt)

B. Czech, The interactions of UV and/or H2O2 treated CNTOH and CNTCOOH with environmental fulvic acids, Environmental Research 150 (2016) 173-181 (IF2015=3,088, IF5= 3,827, MNiSW=45 pkt)

B. Czech, M. Hojamberdiev, UVA- and Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity of Three-Layer Perovskite Dion-Jacobson Phase CsBa2M3O10 (M = Ta, Nb) and Oxynitride Crystals in the Removal of Caffeine from Model Wastewater, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A:Chemistry 324 (2016) 70–80 IF2015= 2,925, MNiSW = 25 pkt.

M.A. Nazarkovsky, V.M. Bogatyrov, B. Czech, I.V. Urubkov, E.V. Polshin, G. Wójcik, V.M. Guńko, M.V. Galaburda, J. Skubiszewska-Zięba, Titania-coated nanosilica–cobalt ferrite composites: structure and photocatalytic activity, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A:Chemistry 319 (2016) 40–52 IF2015=2,925, MNiSW = 25 pkt.

B. Czech, The sorption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac and naproxen onto UV and/or H2O2 treated MWCNT-COOH and MWCNT-OH, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 110383 - 110392 (IF2015= 3,289, IF5=3,485, MNiSW=35 pkt)

B. Czech, P. Oleszczuk, Sorption of diclofenac and naproxen onto MWCNT in model wastewater treated by H2O2 and/or UV, Chemosphere 149 (2016) 272-278 (IF2015=3,698, IF5= 4,068, MNiSW=35 pkt)

B. Czech, W. Buda, Multicomponent nanocomposites for elimination of diclofenac in water based on an amorphous TiO2 active in various light sources, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 330 (2016) 64-70 (IF2015 = 2,477, IF5= 2,573, MNiSW=25 pkt)

B. Czech, P. Oleszczuk, A.E.Wiącek, Advanced oxidation (H2O2 and/or UV) of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNT-OH and CNT-COOH) and its influence on the stabilization of CNTs in water and tannic acid solution, Environmental Pollution 200 (2015) 161-167 (IF2015 = 4,839, IF5= 5,008, MNiSW=40 pkt)

B. Czech, P. Oleszczuk, A.E. Wiącek, M. Barczak, Water treatment by H2O2 and or UV affects carbon nanotubes (CNTs) properties and fate in water and tannic acid solution, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 1 (2015) 1-9 (IF2015 = 2,760, IF5= 2,876, MNiSW=30 pkt)

B. Czech, W. Buda, Photocatalytic treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater using new multiwall-carbon nanotubes/TiO2/SiO2 nanocomposites, Environmental Research 137 (2015) 176-184 (IF2015 = 3,088, IF5= 3,827, MNiSW=45 pkt)

B. Czech, W. Buda, S. Pasieczna-Patkowska, P. Oleszczuk, MWCNT–TiO2–SiO2 nanocomposites possessing the photocatalytic activity in UVA and UVC, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 162 (2015) 564–572 (IF2015 = 8,328, IF5= 8,142, MNiSW=45 pkt)

B. Czech, I. Jośko, P. Oleszczuk, Ecotoxicological evaluation of selected pharmaceuticals to Vibrio fischeri and Daphnia magna before and after photooxidation process, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 104 (2014) 247-253 (IF2014 = 2,762, IF5 = 2,878, MNiSW=30 pkt)

W. Buda, B. Czech, Preparation and characterization of C,N-codoped TiO2 photocatalyst for the degradation of diclofenac from wastewater, Water Science and Technology 68.6 (2013) 1322-1328 (IF2013 = 1,212, IF5= 1,324, MNiSW=20 pkt)

B. Czech, K. Rubinowska, TiO2-assisted photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac, metoprolol, estrone and chloramphenicol as endocrine disruptors in water and wastewater, Adsorption (Journal of the International Adsorption Society) 19 (2013) 619–630 (IF2013 = 1,735, IF5= 1,972, MNiSW=25 pkt)

B. Czech, S. Pasieczna-Patkowska, G. Wójcik, The application of biodegradable chelates in the preparation of Ni-TiO2/Al2O3 photocatalysts by the Double Impregnation Method, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 260C (2013) 14-23 (IF2013 = 2,291, IF5= 2,475, MNiSW=25 pkt)

B. Czech, W. Ćwikła-Bundyra,Advanced Oxidation Processes in Triton X-100 and wash-up liquid removal from wastewater using modified TiO2/Al2O3 photocatalysts, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 223(8) (2012) 4813-4822 (IF2012 = 1,748, IF5= 2,001, MNiSW=30 pkt)

S. Pasieczna-Patkowska, B. Czech, J. Ryczkowski, J. Patkowski, Removal of recalcitrant pollutants from wastewater, Applied Surface Science256 (2010) 5434–5438 (IF2010 = 1,795, IF5 = 1,898, MNiSW = 32 pkt)

B. Czech, The effect of H2O2 additionon the phenol removal from wastewater using TiO2/Al2O3 as thephotocatalyst, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18, No, 6 (2009) 989-993, IF2009=0,819, MNiSW = 15 pkt.

B. Czech, M. Kuśmierz, Advanced oxidation methods in removal of recalcitrant pollutants from wastewater and water, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18, no 1B (2009) 31-35, IF2009=0,819, MNiSW = 15 pkt.

M. Kuśmierz, B. Czech, Preliminary study on CO2 hydrogenation over Pd/ZnO catalysts prepared by the DIM method, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18, no 1B (2009) 86-89, IF2009=0,819, MNiSW = 15 pkt.

B. Czech, W. Cwikła – Bundyra, Band reactor for toxic and recalcitrant water contaminants, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 9 (2007) 18-20, IF2007=0,333, MNiSW = 15 pkt.