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dr Kinga Smoleń

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Kinga Smoleń


Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Politycznych Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa UMCS ul. Głęboka 45
20-612 Lublin

Personal information

Work experience:

Supervisor of 11 BA theses, reviewer of BA and MA theses, assistant supervisor of two doctoral dissertations;

Editor for “TEKA of Political Science and International Relations”, 2018, vol. 13, No. 2;

Coordinator of the Fulbright Commission alumni;

Co-creator of the National Security study programme at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University;

Library research at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2013);

Education and training:

2013 – Doctor of Social Science in the discipline of political science, speciality: international relations. Dissertation title: Geo-strategic location of Turkey following the Cold War Thesis supervisor: prof. dr hab. Marek Pietraś; reviewers: prof. dr hab. Walenty Baluk, dr hab. Tadeusz Wallas;

Presented at over 25 scientific conferences at a national and international level.

Research areas:

The position and role of Turkey in the late Westphalian international relations, the Middle East regional security complex, geopolitics, international political relations, cyberspace and international relations

Scientific Activity

Research grants:

2019 – Third prize of the UMCS Rector for outstanding work for the University

2018 – Beneficiary of the UMCS Political Science Faculty Research Grant for Junior Faculty – 2nd edition;

2017 – Beneficiary of the UMCS Political Science Faculty Research Grant for Junior Faculty – 4th edition;

2012 – 2014 – Beneficiary of the “PRELUDIUM” research grant of the National Science Centre No. 2011/03/N/HS5/03773 for a project entitled “Geo-strategic location of Turkey following the Cold War”.

Memberships and affiliations:

Member of Polish International Studies Association [Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych];

Member of Polish Geopolitical Society [Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne] – Secretary of the Lublin Section;

Member of Polish Political Science Association [Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Politycznych];

Member of the Turkish Research Group in the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw;

Doors Open Day coordinator for the International Relations and National Security study programmes;

Juror at the Polish Universities Debating Championship;

Expert participant of the “European Workshop” project launched by the European Commission Representation in Poland on the first time voters;

The organiser of the “Cyberspace as a new dimension of international space” international conference (2017);

Member of the organizing committees of the 4th Polish Political Science Congress (2018);

Member of the organizing committees of the Jan Karski. Mission Accomplished (2014);

Member of the organizing committees of the Polish-Ukrainian Relations 1991-2014. Attempt to Balance (2013);

Member of the organizing committees of the 2nd Convention of the Polish International Studies Association “Levels of international relations analysis” (2012);

Discussion moderator during the debate with Bronisław Komorowski, the President of the Republic of Poland, at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (2012);

Member of the Faculty Council of the UMCS Political Science Faculty over the years 2016-2019;

Member of the Board of the Institute of Political Science and Administration at the UMCS Faculty of Political Science and Journalism;

Supervisor of the 1st year BA degree course students of the International Relations programme.

Selected publications:

K. Smoleń, Geo-strategic location of Turkey in XXI century, (in press);

K. Smoleń, Specifics of the so-called Islamic State, submitted for “The Middle East Journal”;

K. Smoleń, The Geopolitical Dimensions of the Turkish Stream Pipeline, submitted for “Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe”;

K. Smoleń, Operation Olive Branch, “Facta Simonidis”, 2019, No. 1(12), p. 61-83;

K. Smoleń, The problem of cyber attacks on the critical infrastructure of the state in the energy sector. The case of Turkey, “TEKA of Political Science and International Relations”, 2018, vol. 13, No. 2, s. 27 – 47;

K. Smoleń, Problem of Migration in Relations between the Republic of Turkey and the European Union [in:] Migration policies as public policies: theory and practice [Polityka migracyjna w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań. Teoria i praktyka], H. Chałupczak, M. Lesińska, E. Pogorzała, T. Browarek (eds.), Lublin 2018, p. 121 – 141;

K. Smoleń, Review of M. Lakomy’s monograph Cyberspace as a new dimension of competition and cooperation between states, “Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies”, 2017, No. 55, p. 227 – 235;

K. Smoleń, Change in Turkey’s foreign policy in the Middle East in the second half of the 21st century [Zmiana polityki zagranicznej Turcji na Bliskim Wschodzie w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku] [in:] Study of a state’s foreign policy. The USA, East Asia, the Middle East and Latin America [Badanie polityki zagranicznej państwa. Stany Zjednoczone, Azja Wschodnia, Bliski Wschód i Ameryka Łacińska], P. Matera, M. Pietrasiak, R. Bania, M. Stelmach (eds.), Warszawa 2017, p. 229 – 252;

K. Smoleń, Cyberspace as a factor of transnational space [Cyberprzestrzeń jako czynnik przestrzeni transnarodowej] [in:] Liberalism and neoliberalism in international relations theory [Liberalizm i neoliberalizm w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych]E. Haliżak, R. Ożarowski, A. Wróbel (eds.), Warszawa 2016, p. 145 – 160;

K. Smoleń, Actions of the Republic of Turkey with respect to the Arab Spring in Syria, “TEKA of Political Science and International Relations”, 2016, No. 11(3), p. 181 – 196;

K. Smoleń, Geocultural impact of a regional empire. The case of Turkey [Republika Turcji - studium przypadku geokulturowego działania mocarstwa regionalnego] [in:] Policy of Asian states. Challenges and dilemmas [Polityka państw azjatyckich. Wyzwania i dylematy], J. Marszałek-Kawa, K. J. Helnarska (eds.), Toruń 2015, p. 226 – 262;

K. Smoleń, Economic position of Turkey over the years 2002-2014 [Pozycja ekonomiczna Republiki Turcji w latach: 2002-2014], [in:] “New” Turkey. Policy, economy and society ["Nowa" Turcja. Aspekty polityczne, gospodarcze i społeczne], J. Wódka (ed.), Warszawa 2015, p. 139 – 170;

I. Hofman, K. Smoleń, Jan Karski. Mission Accomplished, Lublin 2015;

K. Smoleń, The Arab Spring in Syria. Implications for Turkey’s regional policy [Arabska Wiosna w Syrii. Implikacje dla polityki regionalnej Turcji], “Przegląd Politologiczny”, 2014, No. 1, p. 107 – 122.


International Political Relations (lecture and class with students participation);

Introduction to International Relations (lecture);

Political and Economic Geography (seminar);

Political Geography (seminar);

Modern International Relations (lecture);

Cyberspace and Cybersecurity (lecture);

International Cybersecurity Cooperation (lecture);

International Relations Theory (lecture and class with students participation);

Islamic State (elective course);

Arab Spring (elective course);

Hybrid War in Syria (elective course).