Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr Ewelina Kancik-Kołtun

Personal information


2005-2010 Long-cycle Master's Degree studies in the field of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, UMCS Lublin
2010 Master of Arts in Political Science
2010-2014 Full-time doctoral studies in the field of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, UMCS Lublin
2015 Doctor of Social Sciences, specialization of Political Science
2015-2019 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, UMCS, Unit of Philosophy and Sociology of Politics
2019-present Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Department of Public Administration.


Awards and distinctions

2020-2022 – Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for young outstanding scientists
2020 – Team Award of the Rector of UMCS for an international grant
2018 – Individual Award of the Rector of UMCS for international cooperation
2013-2014 – Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements for doctoral
2012-2014 – Rector's Scholarship for the best doctoral students.
2012-2015 – Pro-quality Scholarship for the best doctoral students

Foreign trips (internships, research)

15-26.05. 2017 - Ukraine, Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic, project implementation

01.10-30.11. 2017 - Slovakia, Košice, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kosice – scientific internship programme

01.05.2018-31.07.2018 - Slovakia, Košice, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kosice – project implementation

01.05.2019-31.05.2019 - Czech Republic, Brno, Mendel University – postdoctoral fellowship

2-13.06.2021 - Czech Republicv, Brno, Mendel University – implementation of an international project

14.06-13.07.2021 - Slovakia, Košice, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kosice, Technical University of Košice –
implementation of a project

1-15.09.2021 - Czech Republic, Brno, Mendel University – implementation of an international project

25.04-24.05.2022 - Czech Republic, Brno, Mendel University – implementation of an international project

01.06-31.07.2022 - Hungary, Miskolc, Miskolc University – implementation of an international project

Scientific Activity


I have many years of experience in conducting empirical studies commissioned by numerous local government units, state enterprises and companies, concerning the living standards of citizens, electoral support, brand and image creation, and strategy building.




During my scientific activity, I have participated in more than 70 academic conferences, and organised several
international conferences myself, e.g., 30 Years of the Visegrad Group – Successes, Failures and Prospects. I have authored more than 50 papers on: partisanship at the local level, civil society, Visegrad Group, territorial e-marketing, egovernment, political marketing, information society, and election campaigns.


Research projects   

  • Project number 2020/04 / X / HS5 / 00186; funding source: National Science Center, project topic: Correlation between the politicization of local authorities and civil society in Slovakia; implementation period: 10.2020-10.2021; position - grant manager
  • Project number PPN / BCZ / 201/1/00012 / U / 00001;  funding source: National Agency for Academic Exchange, Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Czech, project topic: New political parties in the party systems of Poland and the Czech Republic; implementation period: 1.1.2020-31.12.2021; position - grant manager
  •  Project number: 136; funding source: Tempus Public Foundation (TPF); project theme: Political parties, local government and civil society in Hungary, implementation period: 1.07.-31.07. 2020; position - grant manager
  •  Project number: PPN / BIL / 2018/1/10 / CZE / AGREEMENT / 1; source of funding: The National Agency for Academic Exchange; project topic: Political parties at the regional level in the Czech Republic, implementation period: 1.05-31.05.2019: position - project manager
  • Project number: 21000; funding source: Slovenská Akademická Informačná Agentura (SAIA): project topic: Local government, civil society, political parties - the democratic rules of political game in Slovakia ·; implementation period: 1.05.-31.07. 2018; position - grant manager
  • Project number: 2017/26 / M / HS5 / 00824; source of funding: NCN; project subject: Multilevel verification of the theory of political party adaptation - the case of Poland, contractor in the project
  • Membership in the international project: „Media online”, Ukrainian project, I-IV 2013
  • Membership in the international project: „New Medias and Political Culture in Estern Europe”, Ukrainian project I-IX 2013

Publications in English

  1. E. Kancik-Kołtun, Politicisation of Regional Authorities and Its Impact on the Development of Civil Society in Slovakia, “Historia i Polityka”, No 36 (43)/2021 pp. 61-78, DOI:
  2. E. Kancik-Kołtun, E-marketing of cities based on the example of the capitals of the Visegrad Group’s countries , in: "Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság Scientific Journal of Budapest Metropolitan University", Volume 19/2021, p. 97-127.
  3.  E. Kancik-Kołtun, J. Smolik, S. Fekete, M. Radek, Local Government in the Visegrad Group Countries, Lublin 2020. 
  4. E. Kancik-Kołtun (ed), Contemporary Political Parties and Party Systems in the Visegrad Group Countries, Lublin 2018.
  5. E. Kancik-Kołtun, Political parties and the parliamentary crisis in Poland, eds. T. Koziak, G. Eštok, A. Onufrák, in: Kríza parlamentarizmu? Kam kráčaš demoktacia, Košice 2017, p. 373-386
  6. E. Kancik-Kołtun, Elections and functioning of higher local government units in Poland and Slovakia, Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration no 2/2017, p. 116-127.
  7. E. Kancik-Kołtun, Local Communication in the New Technologies, "ATINER's Conference Paper Series", no. MED 2016-2064, p. 1-13.
  8. Kancik E., Creation of the e-image of the local government unit, [w:] Faces of Social Communication. Around the Issues of Marketing and Public Relations in Contemporary Society, red. M. Karczmarczyk, Sosnowiec-Prague 2013, s. 69-78.
  9. Kancik E., Identity creation on the internet, that is, the virtual identity of a modern man, [w:] Наукові записки. Серія: Культурологія. Вип. 11, Острог 2013,  s. 177-183.
  10. Kancik E., The online press in Poland [w:]  ОнлайноваЖурналістикаспецифіказавданняаудиторія Серія Медіа-Текст в СистеміКультури Острог 2013, s. 6-19.

Participation in international conferences:

  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Partianship and non partianship in the units of local government in Poland,Current Issues of Theory and Practice of Politics and International Relations, 11-12.05.2017 Kosice (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Political parties on the Internet, ІНФОРМАЦІЙНЕ СУСПІЛЬСТВО: БЕЗПЕКА, ПОЛІТИКА І КОМУНІКАЦІЯ. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ТА ПОЛЬСЬКИЙ ДОСВІД, 18-19.05. 2017 Lviv (Ukraine).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Corruption and clientelism in political parties, Problems of modern party systems, 22.05.2017 Lviv (Ukraine).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Online Territorial Marketing, konferencja: Marketing identity, 7-8. 10. 2017, Trnava (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: The local government election in Slovakia and Poland, DYNAMIKA REGIONÁLNEJ SAMOSPRÁVY NA SLOVENSKU – VOĽBY 2017, 10. 10. 2017 Trnava (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Local governetn, cicil society, political parties - rules of democrtaic game in Slovakia, The civil sociaty - Where democracy goes? 23-24. 2017 Košice (Slovakia).  
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper:The Local Government and Political Parties in Slovakia, Zlomové osmičky, 15.05.2018 Košice (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun,paper: Politicization of local government in Slovakia - analysis of the results of the 2017 regional elections, Publicy 2019, 09. 05. 2019 Trnava, (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: The politicization of territorial self-government and its impact on the development of civil society in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Region in the Development of Society, 10-11.10. 2019 Brno (Czech Republic).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Policy of the Visegrad Group Countries in the European Union, The Spring 2019 Elections gave the European Union a new parliament and governance. Is a new European Union the result?, 14-16.11.2019 New York, (US).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: The condition of the civil society in the time of the pandemic – about women's protests in Poland, Decade of changes, 4.12. 2020 Kosice (Slovakia)
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: New political parties in the Polish party system on the example of: Nowoczesna and Kukiz 15, 30 Years of the Visegrad Group - Successes, Failures and Prospects, 15.04. 2021 Lublin (Poland)
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Protest movements in Poland during the pandemic, People and Society in Times of the Pandemic, 20. 04.2021 Bratislava, (Slovakia)
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, , paper: Activity of citizens of the Visegrad Group countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, Pandemic and Democracy, 1.10.2021 Košice (Slovakia).
  • E. Kancik-Kołtun, paper: Korelácia medzi politizáciou miestnej samosprávy a občianskej spoločnosti na Slovensku, XII. PhD. konferencie - Participatívny akčný výskum., 5.11.2022 Prešov, (Slovakia).