Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Agata Ziętek

Director of Doctoral School of Social Sciences
E-mail address
Office hours
Mondays 11.00-12.00
Wednesday 12.00-13.00
MSTeams by e-mail appointment.

Also at other times by e-mail arrangement.


Głęboka 45

Personal information

Agata Wiktoria Ziętek (艾佳妲)

Professor in International Relations Department, Institute of Political Scinece and Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, UMCS.

2019 – Director of Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Research interests

Indo-Pacific Region, East Asia, Europe, Security, Culture in IR, Strategic culture, Public diplomacy, Power (soft, smart, sharp)  

Invited guest lectures:

2012 The University of Genoa, Department of European Research (Italy), 2015 Calcutta University (India), 2016 Manipal University (India), 2018 National Chengchi University (Taiwan)

Scientific Activity

International Boards (Associations): membership and presidency

Member of Scientific Advisory Board, „European Culture” (2008 – 2011) 

President of the Board of International Research Foundation (2009- ),

President of Lublin Brand of Polish Society of International Studies (PTSM) (2012 - ),

Member of European International Studies Association (2013-)

Member of Central East European International Studies Association (2018-)

Member of World International Studies Committee (2017)

Invited peer reviewer for

Studia Europejskie, Stosunki międzynarodwe – International Relations, Atheneum, Polityka i Społeczeństwo, International Studies, OAP UW „e-Politikon”, Rocznik Strategiczny, and for Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

Promotion and hiring committees, research funding assessments

2018 - reviewer in the evaluation process of project proposal submitted for the Fulbright Senior Award 2019/20 Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission. In 2015 she was Taiwanese Fellowship grant  holder.

Organiser of research conferences and symposia

Conference: Teoria i praktyka stosunków międzynarodowych. Dziedzictwo intelektualne Profesora Ziemowita Jacka Pietrasia , Lublin 2014

Conference: EU-ASEAN. Models of Integration, Lublin 2017

Seminar: India in World Politics, Wydział Politologii UMCS, 2016

Lublin Workshops 2010 and 2011

Work experience:

2019 – Director of Doctoral School of Social Sciences;

2017 – 2019 – PhD Program Director at the Faculty of Political Science, Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin, Poland;

2016 – full time professor at the Faculty of Political Science, Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin, Poland.

Research grants:

2015 – Taiwanese Fellowship grant holder.

Memberships and affiliations:

2018 – Member of Central East European International Studies Association;

2018 – reviewer in the evaluation process of project proposal submitted for the Fulbright Senior Award 2019/20 Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission;

2017 – Member of World International Studies Committee;

2013 – Member of European International Studies Association;

2012 – President of Lublin Brand of Polish Society of International Studies (PTSM);

2009 – President of the Board of International Research Foundation;

2008 – 2011 – Member of Scientific Advisory Board, “European Culture”;

Editorial Committess of “Teka of the Commission of Political Science and International Affairs”;

Editorial Committee of “Polish Journal of International Studies”;

Peer reviewer of Studia Europejskie (European Studies);

Peer reviewer of Stosunki międzynarodowe – International Relations;

Peer reviewer of Atheneum;

Peer reviewer of Polityka i Społeczeństwo (Politics and Society);

Peer reviewer of International Studies;

Peer reviewer of OAP UW „e-Politikon”;

Peer reviewer of Rocznik Strategiczny (Strategic Yearbook);

Peer reviewer for Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego;

Peer reviewer for Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego;

Peer reviewer for Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego;

Selected publications (in English):

A. Ziętek, E. Larus, Taiwan's Military Posture Toward China's Confronational Stance, w: Caleb M. Clark, Karl Ho, Aleksander C. Tan (ed.), Taiwan Environmental, Political and Social Issues, Nova Science Publisher New York 2021

A. Ziętek, The Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: ASEAN-China Cooperation, w: A. Ziętek, G. Gil (ed.), ASEAN in a Changing World, Peter Lang 2021

A. Ziętek, Taiwan's Unique Posssition Toward the South China Sea, w: A. Ziętek, E. Trojnar, A. Rudakowska (ed.), Taiwan's Exceptionalism, Jagiellonian University Press 2019 

A. Ziętek, The South China Sea: A Place of Rivalry and Power Management, “TEKA of the Commission of Political Science and International Affairs”, 2016, No 11(1), p. 25 – 45;

A. Ziętek, New Public Diplomacy as a Consequence of the Information Age [in:] New Technologies as a Factor of International Relations, M. Szkarłat, K. Mojska (eds), Cambridge 2016, p. 106 – 123;

A. Ziętek, The European Cultural Space, “Annales”, 2015, vol. XII, p. 11 – 22;

A. Ziętek, Territorial disputes over the South China Sea [in:] Border Conflicts in the Contemporary World, Lublin 2014;

A. Ziętek, Migration as Security Challenge Facing Europe [in:] X Conference European Culture 2009, E. Banus, C. Branea (eds) Barcelona 2012, p. 235 – 248;

A. Ziętek, Conditions of Multicultural Europe [in:] Actas del IX Congreso “Cultura Europe”, I. Pastor, M. Casstrillo (eds), Pamplona 2009, p. 267 – 281;

A. Ziętek, The European Cultural Space [in:] Actas del VII Congreso “Cultura Europea”, E. Banus (ed.), Pamplona 2005, p. 647 – 655;

A. Ziętek, Culture in European Integration [in:] Actas del VI Congreso “Cultura Europea”, E. Banus, B. Elio (eds), Pamplona 2002;

A. Ziętek, Globalization and Culture [in:] The faces of Globalisation, M. Pietraś (ed.) Lublin 2002, p. 197 – 209;

A. Ziętek, European Culture as Universal Culture? [in:] Actas Del V Congreso ‘Cultura Europea, E. Banus (ed.) Pamplona 2000, p. 159 – 165;

A. Ziętek, The Status of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, “Polish Yearbook of International Law”, 1997-1998, p. 201 – 217;