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Personal information
Damian Szacawa is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of International Relations at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He holds a PhD in Political Science.
I was the project leader of “The Potential of Grounded Theory in the Study of Relations Between International Organisations” (“Miniatura”, 2021–2022) and Co-investigator in the “Science Diplomacy in Northern Europe” project (“Opus”, 2022–2026).
I'm a vice-president of the Northern Europe Research Section of the Polish Association for International Studies, Head of the Department of the Baltics at the Institute of Central Europe, and a member of the European International Studies Association (EISA), Polish Association for European Studies, and the Interdisciplinary Research Group for the Study of Nordic-Baltic Europe and the Arctic.
My research focuses on international cooperation, regional governance systems, international organisations and international security in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe.
D. Szacawa, Mapping the New Cold War: Economic and Political Fractures within the Southeast Asian and the Baltic Sea Regions, wspólnie z Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan) & Tampere University (Finland), 2023-2024.
D. Szacawa, Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego: geneza, struktura i funkcjonowanie (The Council of the Baltic Sea States: genesis, structure and activity), 2008 -
D. Szacawa,The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) – its impact on the security in the Baltic Sea Region after the Cold War;
D. Szacawa, Znaleźć swoją niszę – współpraca w zakresie ochrony środowiska w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego w ramach organizacji międzyrządowych (To find out a niche - the Baltic Sea Region environmental cooperation in the Inter-governmental Organisations)
D. Szacawa, Demokratyzacja i integracja państw postkomunistycznych w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego z państwami Europy Zachodniej (Democratization and Integration of the Postcommunism States in the Baltic Sea Region with Western Europe)
Place and dates of my Office Hours in the summer semester 2024/2025:
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, ul. Głęboka 45, 20-612 Lublin :
Mondays, 8:40 - 9:40 (room no. A.5.62)
Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:00 (online: MS Teams)
Please contact me earlier via e-mail and/or video conferencing - MS Teams.