Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr Damian Szacawa

Assistant Professor
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Damian Szacawa
Place and dates of my Office Hours in the Winter Semester 2024/2025:

Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, ul. Głęboka 45, 20-612 Lublin : room no. A.5.62

Wednesday, 13:30 - 14:30
Thursday, 13:00 - 14:00

I encourage you to contact me earlier via e-mail and video conferencing - MS Teams.


Głęboka 45
20-612 Lublin

Scientific Activity

Ongoing scientific research: 

  1. D. Szacawa, Project NCN (OPUS 22), pt. Science Diplomacy in Northern Europe, 2022-2026,
  • #ScienceDiplomacy #BalticSeaRegion #BSR #CBSS #ArcticCouncil #SCiDiNE #NCM #HELCOM #Sweden #Finland #Denmark #Norway #Baltic #Arctic

D. Szacawa (together with prof. Kazimierz Musiał, University of Gdańsk/CBSS), Critical junctures and changing identity of the Baltic Sea Region, 2022-

  • #CriticalJuncture #PunctuatedEquilibrium #identity #BalticSeaRegion #BSR #CBSS #HELCOM #BSSSC #Sweden #Finland #Denmark #Baltic #Germany #Zeitenwende

D. Szacawa, Mapping the New Cold War: Economic and Political Fractures within the Southeast Asian and the Baltic Sea Regions, wspólnie z Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan) & Tampere University (Finland), 2023-2024.

  • #security #BalticSeaRegion #BSR #CBSS #HELCOM #NATO #Sweden #Finland #Denmark #Baltic #Germany #Zeitenwende #NewColdWar

D. Szacawa, Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego: geneza, struktura i funkcjonowanie (The Council of the Baltic Sea States: genesis, structure and activity), 2008 -

  • #regionalism #evolution #identity #BalticSeaRegion #BSR #CBSS #IGO #cooperation #InternationalOrganisation #Baltic #CriticalJuncture #history

Completed scientific research:

  • D. Szacawa, The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) – its impact on the security in the Baltic Sea Region after the Cold War;
  • D. Szacawa, Znaleźć swoją niszę – współpraca w zakresie ochrony środowiska w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego w ramach organizacji międzyrządowych (To find out a niche - the Baltic Sea Region environmental cooperation in the Inter-governmental Organisations)
  • D. Szacawa, Demokratyzacja i integracja państw postkomunistycznych w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego z państwami Europy Zachodniej (Democratization and Integration of the Postcommunism States in the Baltic Sea Region with Western Europe)


Place and dates of my Office Hours in the winter semester 2024/2025:

Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, ul. Głęboka 45, 20-612 Lublin : room no. A.5.62

  • Wednesday, 13:30 - 14:30
  • Thursday, 13:00 - 14:00

Please contact me earlier via e-mail and/or video conferencing - MS Teams.