Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Tomasz Stefaniuk

Personal information

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  • Chairman of the Programme Board for Philosophy at the University
  • Member of the Faculty Board for the Quality of Education at the University
  • Council of the Institute of Philosophy Member

AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONHistory of philosophy

  • Philosophy and history of philosophy (especially Modern European, Arabic/Islamic, Russian)
  • Cultural studies


  • 1999-now - Marie Sklodowska Curie University, Lublin, Poland; holder of a habilitated doctor [Dr. habil.] rank in the post of adiunkt professorship
  • 2009-2011 - Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland; senior lecturer (Islamic studies), part-time contract
  • 2009-now - Institute for Islamic Studies (ISNI), Wroclaw, Poland; Member and Chairman of the Institute’s Program Board (voluntary work)
  • 2018 - Erzincan University, Fen-Edebiyat Facultesi, Erzincan, Turkey


  • Dr. habil. Habilitation obtained in 2014 on the basis of the published monograph, entitled Al-Kindi i poczatki filozofii w swiecie islamu [=Al-Kindi and the Beginnings of Islamic Philosophy], 372 pp., as well as on the basis of other research and publications.
  • PhD, obtained in 2003 on the basis of the research on the history of Russian philosophy; published monograph entitled: Danilewski. Panslawizm i wielosc cywilizacji [=eng Danilevsky. Pan-Slavism and the Plurality of Cultures].
  • MA, Master of philosophy obtained in 1999 (dissertation on Russian conservative Orthodox 19th-century philosophy, especially on Russian slavophiles). 


The titles of some of my lectures and workshops conducted in academia (Marie Sklodowska Curie University, Lublin; Jagiellonian University, Cracow) in recent years:

  • Russia and Europe in Russian thought (lectures) 
  • Modern European philosophies (workshops) 
  • Renaissance philosophy (workshops) 
  • Philosophy of Schopenhauer (workshops) 
  • Neo-Kantian philosophy (workshops) 
  • Marx and his historical materialism (workshops) 
  • Eighteenth-century philosophical anthropology (workshops) 
  • Cultural anthropology (lectures and workshops)
  • Introduction to Islamic studies (lectures)
  • Muslim cultures (lectures and workshops) 
  • Arabic philosophy (lectures and workshops) 
  • Falsafa, or Arabic aristotelianism (lectures) 
  • Arabic philosophy - the origins, the ideas, the continuity (lectures) 
  • The Arab world - culture, philosophy, science (lectures) 


Experience in popularizing the knowledge and the results of own research outside academia. For instance, in television (local TV) and radio programs, discussing the issues from own area of specialization. Co-organizer of the Lublin Science Festival 2015 (large annual event promoting science and higher education, organized by some state universities), representing own Faculty. 


  • Polish Philosophical Association
  • Institute for Islamic Studies, Poland

Scientific Activity

  • 2014, Al-Kindi i poczatki filozofii w swiecie islamu. [=Al-Kindi and the Beginnings of Islamic Philosophy], Lublin: UMCS; 372 pp.
  • 2003, Danilewski. Panslawizm i wielosc cywilizacji [=Danilevsky. Pan-Slavism and the Plurality of Cultures], Lublin: UMCS; 155 pp. 


  • Religia naturalna i krytyka objawienia w pogladach Matthew Tindala. [=Natural Religion and Criticism on Religion in Matthew Tindal’s Views]. Kultura i Wartości, Vol. 15(2015), pp. 67-88.
  • Religijne, społeczne i kulturowe funkcje meczetu. [=Religious, Social and Cultural Functions of the Mosque]. Kultura i wartości, Vol. 16 (2015), pp. 83-102.
  • Rozumienie zycia doczesnego i smierci w zrodlach islamskich – Koranie i hadisach. [=Understanding Temporal Life and Death in Islamic Source Texts - the Qur'an and Hadiths]. Kultura i Wartości, Vol. 2 (2013), pp. 121–135.
  • Epistemologia i metafizyka al-Kindiego. [=The Epistemology and Metaphysics of Al-Kindi] Studia Bliskowschodnie, Vol. 1 (2011), pp. 82-96.
  • Al-Kindi i poczatki arabskiej terminologii filozoficznej. [=Al-Kindi and the Beginnings of the Arabic Philosophical Terminology]. Idea, Vol. XXII (2010), pp. 17-34.
  • Islam a agnostycyzm. [=Islam and Agnosticism]. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 2 (2008), pp. 209-224.
  • Utopia pietraszewcow. Zarys zagadnienia. [=The Utopia of the Petrashevtsy. An Outline of the Main Issues]. Annales UMCS, Sec. I, Vol. XXX (2005) 6, pp. 103-114.
  • M. Danilewski: Rosyjska antycypacja filozofii Oswalda Spenglera. [=Nicholas Danilevsky. Russian Anticipation of Oswald Spengler’s Philosophy]. Philosophon Agora, Vol. 1 (1999), pp. 54-68. 


  • Al-Kindi, „Filozof Arabow” – miedzy wymogami islamu a filozofia grecka. [=Al-Kindi, „The Philosopher of the Arabs” – Between the Demands of Islam and Greek Philosophy]. In: Swiat arabski. Kultura. Polityka, ed. by: K Pachniak, Warszawa: Dialog, 2012, pp. 315-324. 
  • Czy istnieje islamska filozofia zdrowia? [=Is There a Islamic Philosophy of Health?]. In: Problemy diagnostyki i terapii w ujeciu nauk przyrodniczych i spolecznych [=Problems of Diagnosis and Therapy in Terms of Natural and Social Sciences], ed. by: Bozena Plonka-Syroka, Wroclaw: Medical University Press, 2012, pp. 111-132. 
  • Al-Farabi i poczatki filozofii politycznej w swiecie islamu. [=Al-Farabi and the Beginnings of Islamic Political Philosophy]. In: Nowoczesnosc, Europa, Islam, ed. by: Selim Chazbijewicz, Wroclaw: Wroclaw University Press, 2012, pp. 21-36. 
  • Teologiczne aspekty koncepcji blizniego w islamie – obrazy innowiercy i wspolwyznawcy. [=The Theological Aspects of the Concept of Neighbor in Islam - The Images of People of Other Faiths and Fellow Muslims]. In: Teologia blizniego, ed. by: Wojciech Szczerba, Bialystok: MSKK, 2010, pp. 29-44. 
  • Miejsce Awicenny w historii nauki islamskiej. [=Avicenna’s Position in the History of Islamic Science]. In: Szkice z nauk o zdrowiu, ed. by: Anczyk E. Sosnowiec: Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Srodowiskowego, 2010, pp. 41-55. 
  • Idee pokoju i demokracji w tradycji islamskiej. [=The Concepts of Peace and Democracy in the Islamic Tradition]. In: Pokoj i demokracja, ed. by: Maria Szyszkowska, Warszawa: TCHU, 2009, pp. 244-250. 
  • Meandry dialogu chrzescijansko-muzulmanskiego. [=Intricacies of the Christian-Muslim Dialogue]. In: Dialog w zywiole wyobrazni, ed. by: Jerzy Stranz, Poznan;: Ksiegarnia sw. Wojciecha, 2008, pp. 238-256. 
  • Filozofia islamska – kreacjonizm czy emanacjonizm? [=Islamic Philosophy - Creationism or Emanationism?]. In: Ewolucjonizm czy kreacjonizm, ed. by: Piotr Jaroszynski, Lublin: Catholic University of Lublin, 2008, pp. 247-271. 
  • Islam, Zachod, wartosci. [=Islam, the West, the Values]. In: Islam i obywatelskosc; w Europie, ed. by: Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, Warszawa: Elipsa, 2006, pp. 48-63. 
  • Swiat wielu cywilizacji Mikolaja Danilewskiego. [=Nicholas Danilevsky’s World of Many Cultures]. In: Anthropos, ed. by: Stanislaw Jedynak, Lublin: UMCS 2004, pp. 55-77. 
  • Krytyka Europy i rozumu w mysli slowianofilskiej. [=Criticism of Europe and of Rationalism in the Philosophy of Russian Slavophiles]. In: Dylematy racjonalnosci, ed. by. Zdzislaw J. Czarnecki, Lublin: UMCS, 2001, pp. 95-115.
  • Scholars of Muslim Andalusia (711-1492): Trans-borderness of Science and Culture in Historical Context [in eng];  Cambridge 2016... 

