Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Kamen Rikev

International Mobility Department Coordinator (Slavic Studies)
Telephone number
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Kamen Rikev
Office hours: Winter term 2024/25
Monday: 11.00-12.00 (room 427)
Tuesday: 11.00-12.00 (room 427)

(; 514441160)


"Nowa Humanistyka" Building, r. 427 Faculty of Humanities Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4a, p. 427
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Fields of research:

- Polish-Bulgarian literary and cultural ties;
- the Christian worldview in modern Bulgarian literature;
- the historiography of Slavic and Balkan literatures.


Full bibliography at orcid logo 16px

Books and monographs:

Защото е на скрито... Християнският светоглед в творчеството на Атанас Далчев. [Because It Is Hidden... The Christian Worldview in the Works of Atanas Dalchev.] Lublin: UMCS Press, 2020. ISBN 978-83-227-9424-1, pp. 340.

Два зубъра и муза. Полската литература XV-XVIII век: епохи, автори, текстове. [Two Wisents and a Muse. Polish Literature of the 15th–18th Centuries: Epochs, Authors, Texts.] Sofia: Balkani, 2014, pp. 352.

Зубър, видра и паун. Антология на полската литература от Средновековието до Просвещението [Wisent, Otter and Peacock. An Anthology of Polish Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment]. Sofia: Asterim, 2008, 384 pp.

Творец и творба в старополската мерена реч. [Author and Creation in Old Polish Verse]. Sofia, 2010, 378 pp. (PhD dissertation).


Latest scholarly papers:

В колко свята живеем днес? За съвремието и ключовата роля на хуманитаристиката в него.“ В: Евтимова, Т. и кол., ред. Съвременният свят – постижения, рискове, иновации. Сборник с доклади от международна научна конференция, 23–25 април 2024. Т. 1: 64–73. ISBN 978-619-7404-57-9. Русе: Регионална библиотека Любен Каравелов, 2024. [“How Many Worlds Do We Live in Today? On the Present and the Key Role of the Humanities in It.” In Evtimova, Teodora et al., eds. The Modern World – Achievements, Risks, Innovations. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 23–25 April 2024. Vol. 1: 64–73. Ruse: Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library, 2024.]

Черно море е зелено: Какво вижда Иван Вазов отвъд очертанията на Варна и Бургас?Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne (ISSN 2084-3011), vol. 26 (2024): 185–199. [“The Black Sea is Green: What Does Ivan Vazov See Beyond the Outlines of Varna and Burgas?”]

Българска монография върху поезията на Еугениуш Ткачишин-Дицки.Linguarum Universe, т. 1, бр. 2 (2024): 237–241. [“A Bulgarian Monograph on the Poetry of Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki.”]


Recent translations into Bulgarian:

Tadeusz Gajcy. „Молитва за вещите“, „Витлеем“ (стихотворения). Литературен вестник, бр. 44 (11–17.12.2024): 12–13.

Józef Czechowicz. „Инвокация“, „Люблин отдалеч“, „Люблинското гробище“ (poems). Literaturen vestnik, nr 24 (28.06–04.07.2023): 5.

Maria Konopnicka. Дъга, Джудженца, Из Моята Библия (I, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XII). Literaturen vestnik, nr 20 (25–31.05.2022): 7, 13.

Adam Mickiewicz. „Песента на войника.“ More (Czasopismo literackie. Burgas, ISSN 0205-3296.), nr 2 (2022): 2.

Adam Mickiewicz. Из Книги на полския народ и полското пилигримство; Романтика, Задушница, Част III, Сцена V. Literaturen vestnik, nr 41 (23–29.11.2022): 3–4, 6.


Membership in academic organisations / editorial committees:

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie - co-founder and Managing editor (2012-)

Ezik i Literatura (Sofia) - Editorial Team member (2017-)

♠ International Scientific Conference of the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - member of the Program Committee (annually since 2019-)


Participation in research and educational projects:

2009-2014: University Centre for Cross Border Research in Bulgarian Studies
(Sofia University of St Kliment Ohridski; Project Manager: Prof. DSc Panayot Karagyozov; Financed by the Bulgarian National Science Fund: no DO02-80/12.12.2008; Function: team member)

2020: Study on the Possibilities of Integration of the Humanities and Arts
(Angel Kanchev University of Ruse; Project Managers: Assoc. Prof. Mira Dushkova, PhD & Petya Stefanova, PhD; Financed by the University of Ruse Research Fund: no 20-FNSE-01; Function: team member)

2021: A Study of the Relationship between Traditional and Innovative Technologies in Today’s Humanities Education
(Angel Kanchev University of Ruse; Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Velislava Doneva, PhD; Financed by the University of Ruse Research Fund: no 21-FNSE-01; Function: team member)

2022: Research on the Bulgarian National Character through the Lens of the Humanities and Arts
(Angel Kanchev University of Ruse; Project Managers: Assoc. Prof. Emilia Nedkova, PhD & Niya Peneva, PhD; Financed by the University of Ruse Research Fund: no 22-FNSE-01; Function: team member)

2022-2023: Innovative Education in Humanitarian and Social Science through Digital Transformation and Modernization of Educational Programmes in Veliko Tarnovo University, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Southwestern University Neofit Rilski and Technical University – Gabrovo, in Partnership with International Universities from Greece, Poland and Romania
(St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo; ESF no BG05M2OP001-2.016-0019-C01; Function: UMCS coordinator as associated partner)

2023: Individual research and teaching grant - Neofit Rilski South-West University in Blagoevgrad (Development and Regocnition of Bulgarian Studes Abroad National Scientific Programme, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria)

2024: The Contemporary World: Achievements, Risks, Innovations
(Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library in Ruse / University of National and World Economy in Sofia;
Financed by the National Research Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria; FNI-4670/31.10.2023;
Function: consultant and conference keynote speaker)


Awards and decorations:

2023: UMCS Rector's Award for published paper

2022: The Best Paper Crystal Prize at the 61st Scientific Conference of the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Bulgaria)

2021: Medal of the Commission of National Education (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

2021: The Culture Portal Prize (Sofia, Bulgaria) for the best Bulgarian language book in the humanities

2020: Silver Order of the Saint Brothers of Thessaloniki awarded by the Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Cyril and Methodius (Bialystok, Poland) for contributions to the promotion of Orthodox culture and education

2018: The Best Paper Crystal Prize at the 57th Scientific Conference of the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Bulgaria)

2018: Award of the Rector of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (individual 2nd degree) for outstanding work for the benefit of the University

2017: Diploma of the Mayor of Lublin in recognition of contributions to promoting the heritage and cultural diversity of the city of Lublin

2015: Award of the Rector of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (individual 3rd degree) for outstanding work for the benefit of the University