Degrees obtained
1. Master of Science, MCS Univ, Lublin, 1976
2. PhD. UMCS, 1980
3. habilitation, UMCS, 1987
4. full professor, 1998
International collaboration
1. 1977, Petroleum Reseach Laboratory, Miscolc, Hungary
2. 1978-1979, Post graduate course in chemistry and chemical engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
3. 1988-2000, Alexander von Humbldt fellow (Institute of Physics, JGU, Mainz, Germany
4. 1988 - 2012, Institute of Physics, JGU, Mainz, Germany
5. 1996-present, Institute of Chemistry, UNAM, Mexico
6. 1992-1994 Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation, together with Institute of Physics, JGU, Mainz, Germany
7. 1998-2000 NATO grant, together with Institute of Physics, JGU, Mainz, Germany, Intitute of Physical Chemistry of
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria and University of Georgia, Athens, USA
8. 2004-2008 Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
9 2004-2008 Insitute of Technical Thermodynamics, BOKU, Vienna, Austria
10. 2004-2008 Institute of Chemical Technology, Praque, Czech Republik
11. 2005-2012 Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv, Ukraine.
12. 2004 - 2008 Coordinator of the Grant of the European Community: Marie Curie Tranfer of Knowledge