Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

mgr Ewa Orłowska

see my profile in Polish

Personal information


  • MA in English Philology (UMCS the Maria Curie - Sklodowska University)
  • postgraduate studies in English 'Public Relations and Media Marketing' (UMCS the Maria Curie - Sklodowska University)


  • Board for Language Proficiency Certification UMCS (2013 - 2021);
  • Foreign Languages Teaching and Certification Centre UMCS (from 2003) earlier as Department of Teaching Foreign Languages UMCS (from 1990);
  • Department for the Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners UMCS (1986 – 1990) now as The Polish Language and Culture Centre for Polish People from Abroad and Foreigners UMCS


  • head of Certification in Foreign Languages Teaching and Certification Centre (2003 - 2018)
  • member of the Board for Language Proficiency Certification (UMCS) 2013 - 2021
  • head of Appraisal Board in Foreign Languages Teaching and Certification Centre (from 2013)
  • member of the English Language Board for examining employees of the University Library and Centre for Physical Culture (2017 - 2021)
  • member of the English Language Board for examining tourist guides & tour operators in the Lublin Voivodeship
  • TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills Examinations) coordinator (from 2003)
  • coordinator for language teaching in Law and Administration Faculty (UMCS)
  • doctoral examinations examiner in Law and Administration Faculty (UMCS)


  • ALTE individual affiliate
  • EULETA individual member
  • IATEFL member
  • Polish Association of Modern Languages (PTN) member
  • licensed TELC English examiner / trainer / letter rater (General English and business English)
  • licensed TELC Polish examiner
  • licensed TOLES examiner and administrator
  • licensed ETS Global examiner and administrator (TOEIC / TFI)
  • licensed PTE examiner


  • Medal of the Commission of National Education (conferred for outstanding contribution to education) (2018)
  • Silver Medal for Long Service (conferred for long service in education) (2014)
  • Medal for Service for the Maria Curie – Skłodowska University (conferred for long outstanding work for the development of Maria Curie – Skłodowska University and the Foreign Languages Teaching and Certification Centre   (2013)
  • Silver Cross of Merit (civil state award established to recognize services to the state) (2004)
  • Rector's awards "for outstanding work for the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University"
  • TOLES  |  2022
  • STUDY LEGAL ENGLISH  •  video  | 2021 
  • TRANSLEGAL  |  2021


  • The Integration of 21st Century Skills in the Language Classroom | 2023 ICC Conference; May 2023
  • Language Learning Experiences That Push Learners out of their Comfort Zone by Prof Nikolay Slavkov | Webinar ICC; April 2023
  • The Council of Europe's New CEFR - CV : Old & Familiar, or Interesting News? by Dr Rudi Camerer & Judith Mader | elc - European Language Competence | Webinar - ICC; marzec 2023 
  • Teaching & Learning during the Pandemic : Lessons Learnt, Present Practices, and New Opportunities by Dr Julio Gimenez | Webinar - ICC; marzec 2023
  • Can Chat GPT teach me legal English? Study Legal English with Louise Kulbicki; luty 2023
  • Towards a European Digital Citizenship (City, University of London | The City Law School | ISEL Institute for the Study of European Laws) grudzień 2022 
  • Praca hybrydowa a zdrowe relacje (MEDICOVER) | czerwiec 2022
  • A new Council of Europe Recommendation on Language Education (ECML & Council of Europe) czerwiec 2022
  • Strategia a realizacja kształcenia akademickiego (IRSW | Instytut Rozwoju Szkolnictwa Wyższego) czerwiec 2022
  • Jak radzić sobie ze stresem i emocjami w pracy  |  Jak być bardziej asertywnym  (FSPS | Fundacja Sukcesu Pisanego Szminką) czerwiec 2022
  • A new Council of Europe Recommendation on Language Education (ECML & Council of Europeczerwiec 2022
  • The Future of Language Education - Learning Lessons from the Pandemic (European Centre for Modern Languages & Council of Europe) maj 2022
  • Language learners’ voices – lessons learned from Covid  |  YT  (European Centre for Modern Languages & Council of Europe) maj 2022
  • Academic integrity from the second-language user's perspective by Prof. Diane Pecorari from City University of Hong Kong (National Academic Integrity Network & EAOUALS) maj 2022
  • Quality Hybrid Language Teaching  (Robert Hanley | EAQUALS) kwiecień 2022
  • Using Authentic Video in Language Learning and Teaching (Thom Kiddle Nile & Elena Deleyeto La Cruz | EAQUALS) marzec 2022
  • Języki specjalistyczne w badaniach i praktyce 2: dobre praktyki, nowe innowacje (CJO | Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach) luty 2022
  • The Impact of Covid on Language Education (Peter Brown | Professional Network Forum & ECML) styczeń 2022
  • TRANSLEGAL : ONLINE TOOLS & IDEAS | Legal English webinar  (Matt Firth | & Peter Torma | TransLegal) November 2021
  • Study LEGAL ENGLISH for Development and TOLES for Professional Career | Legal English Project (Louise Kulbicki from Study Legal English | Ewa Orłowska & Małgorzata Chmielewska with Students from UMCS) summer 2021
  •  20 years of the Common European Framework of Reference  (dr Nick Naville from Cambridge Assessment English) September 2021
  • The Culture-Language Connection : The Missing Link" | SIETAR the Society for Intercultural Education, Training & Research, September 2021
  • INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION : Corporate Cultures & Intercultural Effectiveness (Dr Rudi Camerer) | elc European Language CompetenceSeptember 2021
  • Study LEGAL ENGLISH for personal development and TOLES for professional career | LE Project (Louise Kulbicki, Study Legal English) May 2021
  • TransLegal ecourse Legal English Lab | Legal English Audit  (TransLegalMay 2021 
  • 1st International Digital Symposium #ALTEdigital2021 (ALTE | Association of Language Teachers in Europe) April 2021

    The Digital Symposium gives language assessment practitioners and researchers the opportunity to discuss and share ideas about the most important and relevant issues in our field: ones connected to technology such as online testing, automarking, video call tests, remote proctoring, eye-tracking and gamification, but also other key issues such as the CEFR, social justice, migration and dealing with GDPR
  • The Future of Language Education - learning lessons from the pandemic (ECML | the European Centre for Modern Languages) April 2021
  • Online Cambridge Day in Poland (Cambridge Assessment English | Cambridge University Press) April 2021
  • The Complete Legal English Programme  (Ms Catherine Mason | Cambridge Law StudioUniversity of Cambridge) December 2020
  • Assessing Adult Learners On-Line and Off-Line  (dr Grzegorz Śpiewak | MACMILLAN Education) December 2020
  • 'Ex Parte' ezine (pp.2-7) (electronic magazine) | newsletters | web workshops (Mr Mark Fletton, Cambridge Legal English Academy CLEA · English for Law) January 2021
  • Legal Background & Quality Procedures  (telc | The European Language Certificates) November 2020
  • CUP Online Academic English Conference | Better Learning  (Cambridge University Press) October 2020
  • EAQUALS Online Event 2020  #eaqualsonline  (European Association for Quality Language Services) October 2020
  • III KONGRES FRSE + ERASMUS 'Edukacja Przyszłości + Przyszłość Edukacji' (Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji) October 2020
  • “The Language-Culture connection and how to deal with it in training”  (Dr. Rudi Camerer  SIETAR DEUTSCHLAND, August 2020)

  • “Paradigms, Pandemics & Power: Lessons for Intercultural Communication Theory & Practice”  (Dr. Milton J. Bennet Intercultural Development Research Institute, August 2020)

  • ONLINE Research Seminar 2020 with Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment  (ALTE | The Association of Language Testers in Europe / CRELLA | Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment, July 2020)

  • Innovative Language Teaching Methods As Ways To Promote Multilingualism and Language Education (ALTE | The Association of Language Testers in Europe / NESET | Network of Experts working on the Social dimension of Education and Training / European Commission, June 2020)

  • EULETA WORLD CAFÉ 2020: An Online Meeting to Share Teaching Experiences During Lock-down (EULETA | The European Legal English Teachers' Association, June 2020)
  • Intercultural Competence in English | Teaching the Culture Construct: Online (EUROPEAN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE, June 2020)
  • Taking Your Students Online | Guided E-learning – Case Studies  (EAQUALS, June 2020)
  • CEFR Matrix: A Quality Assurance for CEFR use (ECML Council of Europe | EAQUALS, June 2020)
  • Case Study from EC English | The Mother of Invention (Gillian Davidson & David Byrne EAQUALS, June 2020)
  • Teacher wellbeing in a time of crisis (PASE, June 2020)
  • Online Assessment with Tom Kiddle, NILE (EAQUALS, May 2020)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization Services and Initiatives (WIPO, May 2020)
  • ALTE Principles of Good Practice | Guidelines for Development of Language for Specific Purposes | Language Tests for Access, Integration and Citizenship (ALTE, May 2020)
  • Ensuring Excellence in the VLE with Julie Wallis, The London School (EAQUALS, May 2020)
  • Language Assessment for Migration and Integration  (ALTE, May 2020)
  • Bees or Butterflies? Teaching in Times of COVID-19 (Jeremy Harmer PEARSON, May 2020)
  • Teaching Engaging Classes for Exam Success (Billie Jago PEARSON, May 2020)
  • Certyfikat językowy bez wychodzenia z domu  (Karol Granoszewski LanguageCert, April 2020)
  • A Look Behind the Scenes with TELC IT Team (telc, April 2020)
  • Motivating Students (David Bish EDUNATION, Jan 2020)
  • Nic się nie bój czyli jak umacniać autorytet nauczycielski w korpoświecie  (Joanna Rek-Faber EDUNATION, Jan 2020)
  • Legal Sightseeing in Lublin |  the Legend of the Devil's Paw Imprint  (Louise Kulbicki STUDY LEGAL ENGLISH, Sep 2019)


  • Specific Nature of Working in the Academic Environment (UMCS the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University / Personnel Training Institute) Lublin, 2018
  • University Legal Conferences in English for Law Faculty students (UMCS the Maria Curie - Sklodowska University, Law and Administration Faculty of the University, KUL The John Paul II Catholic University – 7 so far), 2013 - 2019 
  • Language Proficiency Certification in the Academic Education System - under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Rector of MCSU (ZdsPBJ Board for Language Proficiency Education / FRSE Foundation for the Development of the Education System / Ministry of Science and Higher Education / University of Warsaw / IATEFL / PEARSON) Lublin, 2014
  • European Days of Language Education (UMCS the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University / KUL the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) Zamość, 2013
  • Multilingualism in Europe and Language Certificates (UMCS the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University / WSzIA Higher School of IT and Administration / Europe Direct) Zamość, 2009
  • European Standards in Foreign Languages Teaching and Certification (UMCS the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University) Lublin, 2008


  • Wiedza / Edukacja / Rozwój 2014 - 2020  "Akademicka Kadra Przyszłości"  (EN: Knowledge / Education / Development 2014 - 2020  "Academic Personnel of the Future"
  • Wiedza / Edukacja / Rozwój 2014 - 2020  "Rozwój kompetencji nauczycieli inwestycją w przyszłość naszej szkoły i regionu"  (EN: Knowledge / Education / Development 2014 - 2020  "Development of Teachers' Competences as an Investment in the Future of our School and our Region"
  • TEMPUS IV  "The Joint Project to Develop a New Regional Master Programme" (2015)
  • Europejski Fundusz Społeczny  "Student - kompetentny stażysta - wykwalifikowany pracownik"  (EN: European Social Fund  "Student - Competent Trainee - Qualified Employee") (2014/15)
  • "Europejski Prawnik Lubelszczyzny" (European Fund) (2013)
  • E-learning: teaching English to students of Law and Administration Faculty at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University - Longman English Interactive A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 (Pearson Longman, 2008 - 2012)


  • 'Ex Parte' ezine (electronic magazine) pp. 2-7 | Cambridge Legal English Academy CLEA · English for Law (2021)
  • TELC JĘZYK POLSKI B1 - B2 SZKOŁA. Egzamin próbny 1  (TELC Polish B1 - B2 School. Mock Examination 1) telc GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (2013)