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ul. Głęboka 45
20-612 Lublin
In 1999 graduated from UMCS Faculty of Political Science (MA in International Relations)
In 2008 PhD in Humanities - discipline Political Science
International Organisations
International Law and Organizations
Theory of International Security
Contemporary Threats to International Security
Regional Security Institutions
Cultural Dimension of International Communication
Ethnic Problems in Eastern Europe
Culture and Society in East and Central Europe
Workshops: analyzing IR - how to write an expertise and analysis
Fields of interest:
International Security
Transnational Processes
"Information Warfare"
International Relations in East Central Europe
Culture in Paradigms of International Relations
Scientific cooperation: numerous scientific and analytical institutions in Poland and abroad (esp. Ukraine and Lithuania); editor of East Europe section of 'IEŚW Yearbook'
Conferences: participated in more than 100 domestic and international conferences; also organized many events (incl. Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress, Cross-Border Cooperation Congress, Lublin Central Europe Forum)
Recent publications:
J. Olchowski, Relacje Ukrainy z NATO - trudne partnerstwo, Lublin 2021.
J. Olchowski, Trójkąt Lubelski – perspektywy współpracy, [w:] Dziedzictwo Józefa Piłsudskiego i Symona Petlury. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość partnerstwa Polski i Ukrainy, red. W. Baluk, J. Makar, M. Doroszko, Lublin 2021.
Co-author of Raport. Stan i perspektywy partnerstwa strategicznego Polski i Ukrainy. Punkt widzenia Polski i Ukrainy, Międzynarodowy Zespół Badań Stosunków Polski i Ukrainy, Lublin-Kijów 2021.
J. Olchowski, North Atlantic Treaty Organization towards the war in Syria 2011-2015, “Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 2021, nr 19, z. 4.
Я. Ольховски, 30 лет эволюции безопасности после холодной войны - Украина все дальше от России, 30 лет после распада СССП: старые проблемы, новые вызовы, ред. Т. Стемпневски, А. Шабацюк, Люблин 2021.
J. Olchowski, How to Weaponize Information: Russian Patterns, [w:] Disinformation, Narratives and Memory Politics in Russia and Belarus, ed. A. Legucka, R. Kupiecki, Routledge 2022.
J. Olchowski (ed.), The Polish-Ukrainian Military Cooperation, Lublin 2022.
J. Olchowski, Strategia bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy, [w:] „Prace IEŚ” 2022, nr 6, Strategie bezpieczeństwa i obrony państw Europy Środkowej: Bułgaria, Rumunia, Serbia, Ukraina, red. B. Surmacz.
Lublin Triangle – the potential of regionalism, eds. A. Kuczyńska-Zonik, J. Olchowski, ‘IES Policy Papers’ 2023, No. 2.
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