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dr Majid Asadnabizadeh

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Majid Asadnabizadeh

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Majid is an academic and his credentials include a top ranking among the participants of Iranian National University Entrance Examination-Azad- (5th place) for undergraduate studies, a top degree from one of the most influential universities in Iran, Tehran Science and Research Branch-Azad- (Master), a Ph. D. in Political Science (UMCS, Poland) - the first international Ph.D. for the Department of International Relations and the Faculty of Political Science, awarded for the Forum for Outstanding Young Researchers at the 2019 Environment Conference in Canada,the expert reviewer for the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2022-2023.

Ph.D., Political Science, Title of the thesis: The analysis of international decision-making: The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland.

M.A., Political Science, Title: The analysis of US environmental policy: the first presidency of Barak Obama,Tehran Research and Science-Azad-, Tehran,Iran.

 Research Interest: International relations, Environmental politics, climate policy, COP, energy and climate policy, carbon policy. 


Visiting lecturer, jagiellonian university in kraków, Poland 2024.

Guest Professor at the Link Campus University in Rome, Italy in 2024.

The Environmental Studies Section (ESS) of the International Studies Association (ISA), Mentoring-mentee meeting in ISA-ESS committee, USA, 2024.

The Environmental Studies Section (ESS) of the International Studies Association (ISA), Mentoring-mentee meeting in ISA-ESS committee, USA, 2023.

 Expert reviewer for the government and expert review of the synthesis report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC), AR6,2022-2023.

Visiting researcher, central European university, Vienna, Austria, 2022. 


Affiliated faculty, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, USA,2024-present.  

Editorial member of Canada science and education centre, 2021-present, Canada.

Editorial Member of international journal of Energy and Earth Science,202-present, USA.

Editorial Member of international journal Political Science and International Relations, 2020-present, USA.

Member of Scientific Committee in the first International Conference on Research and Innovation in Arts and Humanity, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

Member of Scientific Committee in the Second National Conference of Geography, Planning, Environment, climate change and Sustainable Development, Tehran, Iran, 2015.


Działalność naukowa



Majid Asadnabizadeh, "The US Environmental Policy Study", French edition (L'étude des politiques environnementales des États-Unis de 1990 à 2012) Editions Notre Savoir 2023.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "The US Environmental Policy Study", German edition( Die Studie ueber die Umweltpolitik der USA von 1990 bis 2012) , Verlag Unser Wissen, 2023.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "The Iran Security Dilemma behind Paris agreement", Scientific Research Publishing house, USA, 2020.

Majid Asadnabizadeh,"The study of the USA Environmental Policy", EU,Lambert Academic press, 2018.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, Translated and edited the book: "Political Anthropology: An Introduction", Sokhanvaran Publication, Iran, Tehran, 2015.


Majid Asadnabizadeh,“Did the Glasgow COP26 negotiations meet or miss Article 6 (carbon markets) of the Paris Agreement? A systematic review of the literature”, Politics & Policy – Wiley, 2024. 

Majid Asadnabizadeh, “Bump in the road of Global energy transition (GET): The Bottlenecks of Carbon markets”, peer reviewed Polish Political Science Studies, 2023.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "Critical findings of the IPCC sixth assessment report(AR6) of Working Group I for global climate change policymaking (GCCPM): A Summary for Policymakers (SPM) analysis", Peer reviewed International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, UK, 2022.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "Meta-events: The tale of the outbreak of the Arab Spring and the connection with climate change", Peer reviewed Eastern Studies, Poland, 2022.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "In search of Decision-making Situation (DMS) in International relations: A review of unpacked Paris climate change agreement", Peer reviewed Teka of Political Science and International Relations, 2022.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "US president Joe Biden's administration: A new US climate change agenda", Peer reviewed International journal of Politics and law, Canadian center of science and education, 2021.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "The Failure of Deep Decarbonizing of Europe by 2050 in Line with the Paris Agreement: A Losing Player Analysis", Peer reviewed International Journal of Global Energy Issues, UK, 2021.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "Status of Impacts of Extreme Climate Events at the UN Climate Change Conference (Cop25)", Peer reviewed International journal of climate change impacts and response, Illinois University USA, 2020.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, Development of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Negotiations under COP25 Article 6 of the Paris Agreement perspective", Peer reviewed International Open Political Science journal, Germany, 2019.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, "Understanding the Iran Security Dilemma in the Paris Climate Change Agreement: A Neo Realist Relative Gains Theory", Peer reviewed International Journal of Political Science, USA, 2019.

Majid Asadnabizadeh, “The Status of Climate Change in the Donald Trump Foreign Policy”, International Journal of Environmental Policy and Law, USA, SAGE Publications, 2019-2020.

Majid asadnabizadeh, "Analysis of Internal Factors of the Swing States in the International Climate Change Negotiations: A Case Study of Poland in COP24", Peer reviewed American Journal of Climate Change, USA, 2019.

"Interaction Effects of Tunnel Excavation on Groundwater resources with Environmental Management Approach: Case Study, Sabzkoo Region, Iran", International Journal of Environmental Ecology, Tehran, Iran Environmental geology journal, 2017.

"Studying the Effects of Social Norms and Values on Environmental Social Behavior (A Case study at the faculty of Human Science", Payam Noor University of Bushehr, Mitteilungen Saechsischer Entomologen (MSE), Germany, 2015.


Reviewer for manuscript: Research on Policy Assessment and mechanism of Carbon emissions trading Schemes: A systematic literature review, Politics & Policy – Wiley, USA, 2024. 

Reviewer for manuscript:Climate Change Effect onTechnical Efficiency and Productivity of Wheat Producing Farmers in Northern Region of Bangladesh, American Journal of Climate Change, USA, 2023.

Reviewer for the manuscript, The road to clean air: lessons from Thailand and the USA, Journal of politics and law, Canadian centre of Science and education, Canada, 2023.

Reviewer for "Knowledge, perception, and use of internet tools for effective virtual learning in the Caribbean in the Covid-19 era", SAGE Open, UK, 2023.

Reviewer for the manuscript" A Participatory Assessment of the Impact of Flooding and Climate Change on Construction Projects in Nigeria", Journal: American Journal of Climate Change, USA, 2023.

Reviewer for the manuscript"Climate Adaptation in the United States", Journal: Frontiers in Marine Science, USA, 2022.

Reviewer for the manuscript "Benefits of Conflict", Journal of Politics and Law, Canadian Centre of Science and Education, 2021.

Reviewer of the articles, The International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICHESS2018), Malaysia, 2018.

Reviewing the climate change policy environment in Uganda Manuscript, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences and Studies, 2016.

Reviewer of articles, the first International Conference on Research and Innovation in Arts and Humanity, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

Reviewer for articles, the First International Conference of Anthropology and Political Science, Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 2015.


WCSG conference 24 Governing sustainability transformations Changing drivers, driving change, Global energy transition (GET): The Bottlenecks of Carbon markets, Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance,2024.

The International Studies Association(ISA), COP26 and carbon markets, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 2024. 

PTSM, Failure of Deep Decarbonizing of Europe by 2050, Poland, 2023.

The British International Studies Association(BISA 2023 Conference), what remains behind the door of the United Nations climate summit: Did COP26 meet or miss the UNFCCC's core target? UK, Glasgow, 2023. 

Security threats in the age of globalisation Military threat, Zamość, Climate change and Arab spring, Poland, 2023.

3rd World Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming, Meta-Events: The Tale of the Outbreak of the Arab Spring and The Connection with Climate Change, CZECH, 2023.

International and Interdisciplinary Scientific-Business Conference CCE-CIS 2022, CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT - CHALLENGES AND INSPIRATIONS FOR SCIENCE, A review of unpacked Paris climate change agreement, Lublin, Poland.

6th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Bump in The Road of Global Energy Transition (Get): The Bottlenecks of Carbon Markets, seweden, 2022.

17th annual international symposium on environment, UN climate change summit: what's at stake in COP26, Athens for education and research, institute of Athens, Greece, 2021.

International Political Science Association (IPSA), The Failure of Deep Decarbonizing of Europe by 2050 in Line with the Paris Agreement: A Losing Player Analysis, Portugal, 2021.

Thirteenth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses, Us President Joe Biden's Administration: A New Climate Change Agenda, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2021.

3rd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Extreme Climate Events at the UN Climate Change Conference (Cop25), Ireland, 2020.

International conference on climate change and energy, understanding role of Poland in COP24, UNESCO, PARIS, 2019.

World5thmeeting on environmental science, Iran Security Dilemma in the Paris Climate Change Agreement, Toronto, Canada, 2019.

The sixth International Conference on Economics. Management, Engineering Sciences, and Art, The Review of the Persian Gulf Environmental Problems Role, and Function of Iran, held at Brussels, Belgium, 2016.

1st International Congress on Justice, Legal and Judicial Studies, The Role of women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) in the promotion of women's environmental rights, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University of Iran, 2016.

International Conference on research in Science and Engineering, Istanbul University, Turkey, The effect of the Internet on National Identity of Students in the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science: A Case Study of Shiraz University, 2016.

1st International Conference on Innovation and Research in Arts and Humanities, Nutritional Aspects of Awraman Village Boys in Iran, held at Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

International Conference on Management and Humanities, Nutritional Aspects of Qashqai tribe boys of Iran, held at UAE-Dubai, 2015.

1st International Conference on Innovation and Research in Humanities, Dimensions of Climate Change in Iran: Policies and Strategies Assessments, held at Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

International Conference on Engineering Sciences, Art and Law, The Study Role of Environmental NGOs in Promoting Women's Environmental Rights (Case Study of Women Environment and Development Organization), held at University of Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

International Conference on Research in Behavioural and Social Science, Assessment of Obama Environmental Policy: Legal and Political Dimension's, held at Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Aspects of Climate Change Impact on Global Food Security, held at University of Tehran, Iran, 2013.


Individual Rector's Award based on the quality of international research and publication,Lublin,Poland,2023.

Individual Rector's Award based the Quality of International Research and publication,Lublin,Poland,2022.

National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), International scholarship for implementation of project, Visiting researcher, CEU, 2021-2022.

Scientific Research Publishing house, for quality of research, (Book), Iran security dilemma behind PA climate change agreement, USA, 2020.

American Journal of Climate Change - Scientific Research Publishing, 2018-2019, USA, for quality of research.

5 Global Environmental Meeting, grant for participation, Canada, for quality of research, 2019-20.

Scientific committee in Canada selected my research, Best Young Research Forum presentation at the "5 World Congress on Environmental Science, Canada, 2019.

First rank of 2018-19 Grant Research of Political Science faculty, UMCS, Lublin, Poland.


Pe: PERSIAN: I am a native speaker of the Persian language.

En:I have advanced English skills and have passed international exams such as IELTS, KET, TEFL (Cambridge, British Council, IDP Australia).

Ar: I have knowledge of Arabic language.

Po: I have knowledge of the Polish language.