Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr Katarzyna Mamcarz

Assistant professor
Telephone number
+48 (81) 5375488
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Katarzyna Mamcarz
Consultations will be carried out according to the schedule:
Online consultations on Wednesdays at 11.15 a.m.-12.45 p.m.;
Stationary consultations (MS TEAMS) on Monday at 1.15 p.m.-2.45 p.m.

Remote consultations on September 12, 2024 will be held from 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

KONSULTACJE dr Katarzyna Mamcarz (MS Teams Code: c0lxuzu)


Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Ekonomiczny, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, pok. 507
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Katarzyna Maria Mamcarz, Ph.D., was employed with the Department of Market Analysis between October 2007 and September 2019. As of October 2019, she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Microeconomics and Applied Economics, Institute of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS), Lublin, Poland. She holds a doctoral degree in Economics, specializing in capital markets, a Master's degree in Economics from the Maria Skłodowska-Curie University, and the Marketplace Trainer Certificate. Between 2012 and 2019, she worked as Faculty Coordinator for the Bologna Process and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and was a member of the Education Quality Team. She participated in the activities of Groups for New Degree Programmes. Since October 2019 to present she has been a representative of dependent workers in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics and Finance.

Her research initially focused on the investment marketing mix in stock markets. She analyzed the effectiveness of signaling instruments in communication between companies and investors (initial public offerings, share repurchases, stock splits, dividend payouts) at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Her current research interests focus on alternative investments, particularly in gold (price, supply, and demand determinants, gold price leverage, gold as a component of an investment portfolio, and causal relationships between the gold market and other financial assets). She has authored numerous publications on the subject. She supervises bachelor’s and master's degree theses and has extensive experience lecturing on financial management, including financial reporting and analysis. She also runs classes on Microeconomics.

Scientific Activity


Google Scholar



(Szukaj wg Autor/Search by Author: Mamcarz, Katarzyna or Mamcarz, Katarzyna Maria)


Awards and distinctions

Best paper for the article entitled Causal links between the stock, crude oil, and gold returns in the Central European region
presented at the Conference of Departments of Finance "Finance for the Future" 2022