Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Jarosław Kostrubiec

The spring semester of the academic year 2024/2025:

Mondays (Room 203, MS Teams): 10.00.-11.00.
Thursday (Room 203, MS Teams): 10.30.-11.30.

Consultations take place on-line at the same time. In the case of MS Teams I kindly ask for a direct connection.


Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Professor at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Habilitated Doctor of Law; Attorney at Law; Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration (2019-2024); a Member of the Committee of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences; an expert of The Polish Accreditation Committee (discipline: law). He completed a scientific internship at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (2002). Scholarship holder of the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst in Germany at the Department of Public Law, General State Science and Philosophy of Law of the Faculty of Law of the University in Heidelberg (2005/2006). Participant of seminars at the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main (2005). He was the President of the Lawyers' Scientific Circle (1999-2000). A member of the Association of DAAD Scholarship Holders and the Polish Society of Political Thought. He is a member of the Lublin Scientific Society and „Pro Scientia Iuridica” Scientific Association. He is the Managing Editor of "Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government" (SCOPUS, Web of Science), which is an international journal for the study of the politics, administration, and management of local affairs and the member of the editorial board of "Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica" (SCOPUS, Web of Science). He is the Managing Editor of the scientific journals such as "Studia Iuridica Lublinesia", "Social Studies" (Deputy Editor-In-Chief) and the Editor-In-Chief of "Ars Iurdica". Reviewer in such scientific journals as: "Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem", "Warsaw University Law Review", "Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government", "Administrative Law Review", "Central European Journal of Public Policy", "Central European Public Administration Review" (CEPAR)"Polish-Georgian Law Review", "Wrocław-Lviv Legal Studies". His research interests focus on the doctrine of the rule of law, doctrinal and dogmatic aspects of organization and functioning of public administration, history of administration and administrative thought. The result of his research were publications, such as: Status of a Voivodship Governor as an Authority Responsible for the Matters of Security and Public Order (2018), The legal status of local self-government in the field of public security (2019), The Voivodeship Governor’s Role in Health Safety (2018). He wrote several monographs and chapters, such as: Rechtsstatus der territorialen Selbstverwaltung in Polen (Olsztyn 2017)The Theory of State in the Thought of Georg Jellinek (Lublin 2015); General administration in juridical thought of the Second Republic of Poland (Warsaw 2019); Metropolisation in Poland: current issues and the perspectives (Institut Universitaire Varenne 2018); Tasks and responsibilities of the local government in terms of personnel reserves management for the purposes of common military duty (Łódź 2017). The research interests related to the state issues were also expressed in the publication of an academic textbook entitled The Elements of Science of State and Politics (Warsaw 2011), as well as co-authored a book item entitled Principles of the Political System of the State(Poznań 2012), or a monograph entitled Secret Services in the Structure of Public Authorities. Legal and Regulatory Issues (Warsaw 2014). The second field of his research are the historical, doctrinal and theoretical aspects related to the organization and functioning of public administration. The result of the interest in the above mentioned issues were such publications as: Kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Polen und in Deutschland (Warsaw 2015), Legal-Administrative Restrictions on Running Business (Lublin 2013), Legislation in Public Administration (Warsaw 2013), Territorial Government Administration (Warsaw 2011), scientific editing of the monograph entitled Public Administration Activities. The Approach of Administrative Procedure (Warsaw 2013), co-authoring the Commentary to the Act on the Provincial Governor and the Government Administration in the Region (Warsaw 2012), or publications related to the reforms of the center of government administration in the Second Republic of Poland. A separate area of research interest are issues related to the law of higher education (Law on higher education after the amendments. Practical commentary, M. Czuryk, M. Karpiuk, J. Kostrubiec (ed.), Warsaw 2015). The mentioned currents of scientific interests do not constitute isolated research halves. The common denominator remains the doctrine of the rule of law as a source of political and legal institutions related to the organization and functioning of public administration. His current research interests include cybersecurity [The Legal Status of Public Entities in the Field of Cybersecurity in Poland] (Web of Science Book CItation Index); The Public Dimension of Cybersecurity (Web of Science Book CItation Index) and artificial intelligence [Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights and Freedoms].

Scientific Activity

Author of about 160 publications, including monographs, academic textbooks, legal commentaries, articles and book reviews, published in Polish, English, German and French.


13; i10-index: 17 (Google Scholar)


Number of citations:

567 (Google Scholar); 34 (SCOPUS), 10 (Web of Science)

Scopus Author ID: 57221832377

 Web of Science ResearcherID: ABD-9526-2021


Artificial intelligence. Chances & threats (YouTube)

Participation in international and national research projects

  1. 2021 Deputy leader of the scientific international research project: The place of cybersecurity in the public realm. The European dimension, Institute for Local Self-Government Maribor, Slovenia. 

  2. 2021 COST Action (The European Cooperation in Science and Technology):  CA20123 - Intergovernmental Coordination from Local to European Governance (Functions: Vice-Leader of the WG 5: Data, mixed methods and training courses; Training school coordinator).

  3. 2020 Research project: “The essence of artificial intelligence - Legal issues” (Contract for scientific and research work No. IWS/F/341/54/2019, Institute of Justice).

  4. 2018 Participation in the Polish-German research project “Policy of dealing with the past - A German-Polish Dialouge”, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. 

  5. 2012-2014 Participation in the execution of the national project: "The System of  National Security of the Republic of Poland", the project of the National Centre for Research and Development, Nr O ROB/0076/03/00; operator: 1) legal status, material, personal scope and functional scope of the national security law of the Republic of Poland; 2) Unification and amendment of the national security law with a view to shaping of the national security law of the RP; 3) The level of the national security system of the RP to be achieved.

Papers delivered at international and national scientific conferences

J. Kostrubiec (2023), The role of anti-plagiarism software in journal publishing practice, 2nd National Conference in the series "New trends and challenges in legal scholarly communication" entitled. "Fake authors, fake reviews, 'hijacked' journals. Chat GPT' (24 May 2023, online, Kozminski University). 

J. Kostrubiec (2023), Forms of inter-governmental cooperation as tools for horizontal and vertical coordination at the local and regional level in Poland, International Scientific Conference: “Political Actors in Intergovernmental Coordination: Perspectives and Priorities” (Faculty of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 18-19 May 2023).

J. Kostrubiec (2023), Artificial intelligence as a legal entity? Legal challenges, chances and threats, International Scientific Conference: “Current issues of the concept of legal capacity”, 4th Polish-Hungarian Legal Studies Conference, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin), Faculty of Law and Administration, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), Faculty of Law, Hungary (27th April 2023, Lublin). 

J. Kostrubiec (2023), Cybersecurity & Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector. Legal challenges & Threats, International Scientific Conference: “Cybersecurity in the e-administration services of Visegrád Group states” (Institute for Local Self-Government Maribor, on-line, 31 May 2023). 

J. Kostrubiec (2022), Artificial intelligence in the banking sector – legal challenges, chances & threats, International Scientific Conference: “International Contemporary Financial Management Conference (CFMC|2022), (University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 7-10 December 2022). 

J. Kostrubiec (2023), Resilience of administrative law and public administration in Poland in the time of crises- in the light of challenges of Ukrainian-Russian War, International Scientific Conference: “Legal Systems in a Constantly Transforming Environment, 3rd Polish-Hungarian Legal Studies Conference”, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Hungary 6-8 October 2022, Balatonlelle (Hungary).

J. Kostrubiec (2022), Artificial intelligence and the cybersecurity limitation clause in the system of human rights, International Scientific Conference: “Restriction of human and civil liberties and rights in cyberspace” (War Studies University, Academic Center for Cybersecurity Policy, Waplewo – Rewita, 29-30 April 2022). 

J. Kostrubiec (2021), Artificial intelligence and its limitations for the protection of selected human rights and fundamental freedoms, National Scientific Conference: “Exercising human and civil liberties and rights in cyberspace” (War Studies University, Academic Center for Cybersecurity Policy, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 26-28 November 2021). 

J. Kostrubiec (2021), Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: threat or limiting clause in the system of human rights?, International Scientific Conference: “Threats in cyberspace” (Institute for Local Self-Government Maribor, International e-Conference, 25 November 2021). 

J. Kostrubiec (2021), Crisis, resilience and public administration - Public law and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, International Scientific Conference: “Current procedural and substantive problems with application and enforcement of law, including those arising from the Covid-19 epidemic” (Warsaw, 15 November 2021).

J. Kostrubiec, A. Wołoszyn-Cichocka (2021), Polish public law and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, International Scientific Conference: “Crisis, resilience, innovation and public administration – in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic (a Polish-Hungarian perspective)” (Lublin, 25th October 2021).

J. Kostrubiec (2021), The tasks of public entities and the cybersecurity system in Poland, International E-Conference: “Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity in Europe”, Institute for Local Self-Government Maribor (8th September 2021).

J. Kostrubiec (2020), The role of inter-municipal cooperation in the process of urbanisation in Poland, International Scientific Conference (E-conference): “Urbanisation and local government(s)”, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), Faculty of Law (27 November 2020).

J. Kostrubiec (2020), The role of public order regulations as acts of local law in the performance of tasks in the field of public safety by local self-government in Poland, International Scientific Conference, Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government Annual Conference 2020 (on-line, 15-16 October 2020).

J. Kostrubiec (2019), Building competences for inter-municipal and cross-sectoral cooperation as tools of local and regional development in Poland. Current issues and perspectives, Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration (Cluj-Napoca, 24-26 October 2019).

J. Kostrubiec (2019), The value of law in the process of unification of public administration. The history of the evolution of the general administration in the territories of the former Russian partition at the beginning of the Second Polish Republic, National Scientific Conference: "The value of the law. From legal absolutism to legal nihilism”, 18th National Congress of Political and Legal Doctrines Departments (Lublin, 17-19 September 2019). 

J. Kostrubiec (2019), Military administration in the national security system of the Second Republic of Poland, International Scientific Conference: "Administration, security and economy - common research areas" (Warsaw, 26-27 May 2019).  

J. Kostrubiec (2019), Voivode as a competent authority in the field of security management within the territory of the region, International Scientific Conference: “Administrative management of the public sphere in the period of social and economic changes” (Warsaw, 13-14 May 2019).   

J. Kostrubiec (2018) The system of general administration in the juridical thought in the interwar period, National Scientific Conference: "From independence to independence. Polish legal and political thought", 17th National Congress of Political and Legal Doctrines Departments (Wrocław, 13-15 November 2018).

A. Bosiacki, J. Kostrubiec (2018), Dealing with the consequences of the NS-Past in Poland, Polish-German Scientific Conference: “Policy of dealing with the past – A German-Polish Dialouge” (Nürnberg, 28-31 October 2018). 

J. Kostrubiec (2018), Legal position of the State Police in the system of combined government administration of interwar Poland, International Scientific Conference: "Security in Poland and Ukraine. Challenges for public administration" (Warsaw, 27 May 2018).

J. Kostrubiec (2018), Evolution of the normative approach to the state of emergency in Poland. Between the 2nd and 3rd Republic of Poland, National Scientific Conference:  "Tasks of modern administration in the field of security and public order" (Warsaw, 22 April 2018).

J. Kostrubiec (2017), Efficiency of administration as an expression of the postulate of rational authority. On the reform of the governmental administration of the 2nd Republic in the concept of Roman Hausner, National Scientific Conference: “The Postulate of Rational Authority in the Chosend Trends of Political and Legal Thought", The conference in memory of Prof. PhD Jan Malarczyk (Lublin, 17 May 2017).

J. Kostrubiec (2016), Tasks and responsibilities of general administration in the sphere of state security in interwar Poland and the guidelines for the future, National Scientific Conference: "Security of the state and its threats in the changing social, cultural and legal realities" (Warsaw, 17 December 2016).

J. Kostrubiec (2016), Between "temporality" and "unification". General administration in the juridical thought in the early years of interwar Poland, 25th Nationwide Convention of Historians of State and Law and History of Political and Legal Doctrines: “Borderlands in the history of law and political-legal thought" (Mrągowo, 13-16 September 2016).

J. Kostrubiec (2016), Evolution of the legal status of the State Police in the interwar period, International Scientific Conference: "Tasks of safety and public order administration in Poland and Ukraine at a time of increasing conflicts" (Warsaw, 17 June 2016).

A. Bosiacki, J. Kostrubiec (2016), Metropolisation in Poland: current issues and the perspectives, International Conference: "The Impact of Regionalisation, Intermunicipal Cooperation, and Metropolitanisation on Local, Regional, and National Governments in Europe", An OLA-CCRE Conference (Bratislava, 30 June-1 July 2016).

J. Kostrubiec (2016), The role of public administration in the field of rescue system in the interwar period, National Scientific Conference: "The Rescue System and its place in the sphere of public administration" (Warsaw, 10 January 2016).

J. Kostrubiec (2014), General Inspector of Armed Forces and Supreme Commander- experiences from the interwar period and contemporary challenges for the security system of the Republic of Poland, National Scientific Conference: "National security administration - challenges and dilemmas" (Warsaw, 12 April 2014).

J. Kostrubiec (2013), Political power in the view of Professor Grzegorz Leopold Seidler, National Scientific Conference: "Legal and political views of Professor Grzegorz Leopold Seidler- on the 100th anniversary of his birthday" (Lublin, 14 November 2013).

J. Kostrubiec (2013), Influence of the German thought on doctrinal concepts and normative propositions of the local government in the Second Republic of Poland, International Conference: "Local government in Poland and Germany" (Warsaw, 25 May 2013).

J. Kostrubiec (2009), Evolution of the methodology of the history of political and legal doctrines in the view of Professor Grzegorz Leopold Seidler, Commemoration National Scientific Conference in honour of the 5th death-day of prof. Grzegorz Leopold Seidler: "Prof. G.L. Seidler - life and work" (Rzeszów, 25 November 2009).

J. Kostrubiec (2008), New approach to state as an expression of the legal culture in Germany of the 2nd half of the 19th century, National Scientific Conference: "Culture and political and legal thought", 7th National Congress of Political and Legal Doctrines Departments (Jurata, 28-31 May 2008).

J. Kostrubiec (2008), State theory in Germany in the second half of the 19th century, National Scientific Conference: "In the world of ideology - great political doctrines", (Warsaw, 26-27 November 2008). 

J. Kostrubiec (2006), The concept of ideal type in the Georg Jellinek and Max Weber's theory, National Scientific Conference: "The recent directions of research in the field of political and legal doctrines", (Szczyrk, 26-28 May 2006). 

A. Bereza, J. Kostrubiec, G. Smyk (2006), The Modernisation of the Justice in the Polish Lands in the nineteenth Century, International Scientific Conference entitled: “Gerichtssysteme in Osteuropa vom Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg” (Frankfurt am Main, 22-25 November 2006). 

J. Kostrubiec (2002), Historical types of state in Georg Jellinek's thought, National Scientific Conference: "Political and legal ideas as a source of political and legal institutions" (Krasnobród, 27-30 September 2002).        

J. Kostrubiec (2001), An attempt at a contemporary interpretation of the classical definition of the state of Georg Jellinek, National Scientific Conference: "Political and legal doctrines on the threshold of the 21st century. Selected research problems" (Świeradów Zdrój, 16-19 October 2001).
