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ul. J. Sowińskiego 17, Kronos
20-040 Lublin
About me
Scientific interests: The doctoral dissertation discussed the German paraverbal expressions in the language communication of the specific type of comic-book texts. The subject had not been studied in depth before the dissertation’s publication, especially in the context of linguistics and comic-books texts. My scientific interests encompass the intercultural comparative research of para- and extra-verbal language in the cultural (Polish and German), inter-cultural aspects, translation, as well as language communication research of graffiti and murals. Currently, my research focuses on text linguistics and ethno-linguistics issues with a particular emphasis on Germans' linguistic and cultural profiling.
nr ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9081-6924
International scholarships:
Scientific activities (Resume):
academic articles, papers in monographs, reviews, reports and discussions; an editor of monographs; a member of the editorial team of the Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature scientific journal (Editor-in-Chief); scientific and scientific-didactic conferences organisation and participation; participation in ethnolinguistic seminars and research projects within the scope of The Linguistic and Cultural Image of the World of Slavs and their Neighbours in Comparative Studies" (EOROJOS-1 and EUROJOS-2) affiliated to the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; the project included the research programme on terminology reconstruction - WORK (ARBEIT), JUSTICE (GERECHTIGKEIT) and TOLERANCE (TOLERANZ) in conceptual relations network in contemporary colloquial German with the use of the "cognitive definition" method.
List of the most important publications (published in Poland and abroad):
The editor of thematic volumes:
The editor-in chief of the "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature" scientific journal http://journals.umcs.pl/lsmll: 70 points on the list of journals of the Ministry of Education and Science; SCOPUS); ICV 120,51
Selected articles:
Selected reviews / analyses / translations / reports:
Professional activities:
I invite you to contact me.