Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Andrzej Kapusta

Prof. UMCS
Telephone number
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Andrzej Kapusta
Pl. Maria Curie-Skłodowska 4 (Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology building, so-called "humanik") room No. 339,
20-031 Lublin


Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Professor Andrzej Kapusta (dr hab.) was the Chair (2014-2019) of the Cultural Anthropology and Social Philosophy Department in the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at Maria Curie-Skodowska University, Poland.

He specialises in cognitive sciences and social communication, expert knowledge and decision making, anthropology of medicine, philosophical psychopathology, and the analysis of different dimensions of mental health and concepts of contemporary psychiatry and psychology. He is working on the book on Philosophy as Therapy. 


philosophy, epistemology, methodology of science, philosophy of medicine, philosophy of psychiatry, health education, bioethics, philosophy of mind, psychology, social psychology, social psychopathology, biomedical basis of human behavior, philosophy as therapy, decision-making, mindreading, interpersonal communication, teamwork.

Current scientific research:

Personal transformations, practice of the self, expert knowledge and decision making, philosophy as therapy, experience and the self, cultures of healing, philosophical practice. 


Filozofia ekstremalna. Wokół myśli krytycznej Michela Foucaulta [Extremal Philosophy: Michel Foucault's Critical Thinking, 2001]

Szaleństwo i metoda: granice rozumienia w filozofii i psychiatrii [Madness and Method. The limits of understanding in philosophy and psychiatry] (Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2010)

Medical Humanities in Theory and Practice. Edited by Andrzej Kapusta and Michal Lytovka. This book first published 2017. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. []


New articles:


  1. "Theory of incomprehensibility": social and environmental determinants of mental disorders, Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Ann Agric Environ Med 2013; 20(4):832-837(impact factor 3,060)

  2. Pojęcie choroby psychicznej w fenomenologicznej perspektywie Studia Metodologiczne, Numer 30, 2013, s. 41-61

  3. Understanding in psychopathology and engaged epistemology, Kultura i wartosci, 4(8)/ 2013:, s. 149-160

  4. Filozofia zdrowia, [w:]  Podstawy interdyscyplinarności w naukach o zdrowiu, Lublin 2014, Wydawnictwo KUL

  5. Karl Jaspers’ Psychopathology and contemporary psychiatry, Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Available Volume 23, Issue 4, October–December 2014, Pages 169–178

  6. Delusions in Phenomenological Perspective, Avant Rok 5 (2014), nr 3, 113-125 (online)

  7. O roli myślenia technologicznego w psychiatrii współczesnej Diametros 44 (2015): 45–55 (online)

  8. Philosophical counselling – philosophical practice in therapy and modern education. [w:] Contemporary Educational Challenges, ed. R. Radzik and A. Kisla, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2015.

  9. Problem obiektywności w medycynie na przykładzie pojęcia choroby, „Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa” 2(204) 2015, 167-174

  10. Czy istnieje filozofia psychiatrii, Filozofia medycyny – rozważania o tradycji i nowoczesności red M. Moskalewicz, J. Zamojski Poznan (UM) 2017, s. 171-188.

  11. Kapusta, Rarot, H (2017), Ku dojrzałości. Esej o wybranych sposobach terapii wstydu w doradztwie psychologicznym i filozoficznym, ETHOS. KWARTALNIK INSTYTUTU JANA PAWLA II KUL, s. 129-134.

  12. Kapusta, A., de Barbaro, B. Foucault Michel, Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy, Kluwer, online, p. 2 2018.

  13. Ucieleśnienie, neuronauki i literatura, Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne Seria Literacka 34 (54)2018 doi: 10.14746/pspsl.2018.34.1

  14. Genealogy of Polish Melancholy. Commentary to Mira Marcinów’s Book The History of Polish Madness, Avant, Vol. XI, No. 1, doi: 10.26913/avant.2020.01.04,



Scientific Activity

1. Name:

Andrzej Kapusta

2. Contact:

Associate Professor of Cognitive Sciences and Social Communication, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology - Maria Curie - Skłodowska University in Lublin
Pl Maria Curie Sklodowska 4

20-031 Lublin, poland

3. Education:

1987-1993 Medical University in Lublin - studies at the Faculty of Medicine

1992-1994 Maria Curie - Sklodowska University in Lublin - studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology

1994 – 1996 Maria Curie - Sklodowska University in Lublin - PhD studies in philosophy

1999 PhD in Philosophy - UMCS: (Madness and Power)

2011 Habilitation in Cognitive Sciences and Social Communication


4. Positions held:

1997-1999 Assistant in Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology UMCS (FPS UMCS)

2000-2011 adjunct (F&S UMCS)

2001-2004 adjunct in Department of Ethics and Human Philosophy, Medical University of Lublin

2011-2018 adjunct (associate) Professor (F&S UMCS)

2014-2017 Erasmus Coordinator at Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology and Coordinator of the Bologna Process and ECTS at F&S UMCS

2014-2018 Chair of the Department of Cultural Anthropology in the Institute of Philosophy at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin

2014-2018 Member of the National Council of Transplantation.

2015-2017 – Programme Coordinator of Friendly University Project

2017-2018 - Director of Coaching and Mentoring Studies at UMCS 

2018 Vice Chairman of the Board Open Seminars on Philosophy and Psychiatry Foundation

2014-2019 Chair of the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Social Philosophy

2018- Professor UMCS

5. Grants participation:

1. The project of international Polish-Portuguese cooperation - Scientific and Practical Rationality (MNiSzW, 2008) implemented September 2009 - October, 2010.

2.Team project research, New forms of cognitional and practical rationality in epistemology and science, grant vice-rector UMTS, I - XII, 2010.

3. The project research team (UMCS - University of Granada) Pragmatical Aspects of Rationality and Decision Making, IV 2014 - V 2016.

4. NAWA grant in Comenus University (Bratislava) Expert knowledge and personal change: multidisciplinary research I-IV 2019

 5. Erasmus Projects (Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Finland)

6. Professional memberships:

International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry

Polish Philosophical Society

Polish Cognitive Science Society
