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Associate professor at the Department of Media Theory in Political Science and Journalism Faculty at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Lublin). His interests are focused mainly on media theories (especially regarding visual and popular culture) and philosophical approaches toward contemporary technology and its meaning for today’s culture (politics, art, science). Promoter and translator of the work of Vilém Flusser.
Peter Sloterdijk – an exercise in provocation. On undogmatic media theory, Lublin 2024.
In the Shadow of Post-History – Introduction to the Philosophy of Vilém Flusser, Toruń 2018.
ARTICLES (in English):
In search of the Other – Vilém Flusser and dialogical life, ''Flusser Studies'' no. 27 (2019).
Research at Vilém Flusser Archive - Berlin University of the Arts (Berlin, Germany, 2016).
"Flusser100 – telemathic dialogothon" – conference (online, 2020).
Erasmus+ Programme - Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (Lisbon, Portugal, 2022).
Research at Charles E. Young Research Library ("Susan Sontag Papers") - University of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles, USA, 2025).