X-Culture Project on Academic Podcast

In July 2023, Lublin and our Faculty will be hosting X-Culture Global Business Symposium 2023. Our Chair’s staff is actively engaged in the organization of this event.

The specifics of the event are discussed in a recent episode of Academic Podcast prepared by our students from Economics Scientific Club. The special guest of the episode is Vas Taras, PhD – founder and coordinator of the project, professor of International Business at the Bryan School of Business and Economics in the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

The podcast is available at Spotify or Youtube.

X-Culture is an international learning-by-doing project. Every semester, business and economics students form international teams working online to solve real business problems.

Once a year The X-Culture Global Business Symposium brings together the best participants of X-Culture to meet in person. Beforehand, they again are divided into international teams and given a real life challenge which they  start working on online and then complete and present during the final week – the symposium meeting. Previous editions of the Global Business Symposium took place among others in 2019 in Calgary (Canada), 2018 in Macerata (Italy) and 2017 in Miami (United States).

More on the X-Culture project on their website.


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    8 December 2022