UMCS hosted the X-Culture Global Business Week Symposium Lublin 2023

In July 2023, the corridors of the Rector's Building were overrun by guests from In all over the world. From July 12 -17, 150 students and professors from nearly 40 countries were hosted in Lublin, finalizing the challenges prepared by 4 Lublin companies. The chairman of the organizing committee on behalf of the UMCS was Dr. Paweł Pasierbiak. Dr. Monika Wojtas of the Department of World Economy and European Integration also participated in the preparation of the event.all over the world.

Participants of X-Culture Global Business Week took part in a rich content program including lectures and workshops, meetings and visits to Lublin companies. Thanks to the cooperation with UM Lublin, companies were invited to participate: Accrea, Laboratoria Natury, Mastermedia and Medisept. Thanks to this, the participants had a chance to get acquainted with the functioning of a real enterprise, for which they prepared proposals for expansion into selected international markets. The culmination of the work in cross-cultural teams was the presentations in front of representatives of the companies and the selection of the best projects, which were awarded during a gala dinner at the Victoria Hotel. Special workshops and networking were organized for researchers and lecturers to establish research collaborations.

The X-Culture Global Business Week program also included cultural and side events. A concert by the Stanislaw Leszczynski UMCS Folk Dance Ensemble was received with delight. Participants also had the opportunity to tour Lublin, visit the Lublin Village Museum, the State Museum at Majdanek and the UMCS Botanical Garden.
Thanks to the involvement of the Center for Physical Culture of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, participants had the opportunity to integrate in joint physical activity during the Intramural Day.

Take a look at the photo report of the event: (photo by Bartosz Proll)


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    10 August 2023