Two paid internships for Brian Chaggu and Renata Gogol

Last week, on Friday, November 17th, a meeting via MS Teams was conducted with the Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with the Economy, Dr. Hab. Zbigniew Pastuszak. The focus was a one-year, part-time, paid internship opportunity for two PhD candidates at the American Corner Center for Education and Business, starting January 1, 2024.

Attendees included Vice-Rector Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Director of ACEiB Dr. Andrzej Demczuk, Director of the Doctoral School Dr. Agata Ziętek, Professor Dave Jervis and Professor Christopher Ballengee, Brian Chaggu, and Renata Gogol.

Dr. Demczuk presented ACEiB's mission, vision, and activities. Following the presentation, Brian Chaggu and Renata Gogol underwent a brief interview session. The committee deliberated and unanimously awarded the two paid internships to Brian Chaggu and Renata Gogol, marking their success in the competition.


    Date of addition
    21 November 2023