Our researchers at The 12th Asia-Pacific International Conferencein Wrocław

On November 15th, the 12th edition of the "Asia-Pacific International Conference 2023" took place at the Wroclaw University of Economics in collaboration with Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and Takasaki City University of Economics. Representing our university were Dr. Paweł Pasierbiak, Head of the Department of World Economy and European Integration, Dr. Tomasz Białowąs, Dr. Monika Wojtas, and doctoral students from the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at UMCS, Marcin Daniel, and Kamil Golemo.

photo: Wrocław University of Economics

During the conference, which attracted a broad international audience of experts, Dr. Paweł Pasierbiak served as the chair of the first hybrid session, delivering the inaugural presentation in collaboration with Prof. Sang Chul Park from Korea Polytechnic University on the topic of South Korea's strategy regarding foreign investment in VISE4 countries ("South Korean Outward FDI Strategy in VISE4 Countries: Is It a Win-Win Approach?"). Dr. Tomasz Białowąs and Dr. Monika Wojtas shared the results of their research on the changing specialization of China and India in global value chains between 1995 and 2020 ("Changing Specialisation of China and India in Global Value Chains Between 1995 and 2020").

Doctoral student Marcin Daniel presented his research on the economic partnership between the European Union and South Korea ("The EU-ROK Economic Partnership: Technological Advancements, Trade Dynamics, and Strategic Emphasis in the Post-FTA Era"). Doctoral student Kamil Golemo discussed the competition between the USA and China in the context of space (“US-China rivalry in space and the resulting risks to China’s economy”).

Conference website: https://www.azja-pacyfik.edu.pl/ 

Wideo summary of the event:


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    24 November 2023