UMCS Guide mobile application - is a tool intended for International students in Lublin, UMCS Employees and foreigners living in Lublin.

The application is a response to the need for international students and foreigners living in Lublin to gain access to important information.  Its main objective is to facilitate functioning and movement of international students and foreigners' around the city and the academic campus.  UMCS GUIDE contains basic data about the University and Lublin.

Users can find information about:

- Functioning of UMCS

- Safety and alerts

- Premedical first aid

- Health and psychological care

- Public transport timetables

- COVID-19 coronavirus threats

- list of popular restaurants

- Integration and adaptation activities

In the App foreigners and International students also have access to the current exchange rates, weather forecast and notifications about Polish words to learn "words of the day" which is an interesting and useful function.

The application is free of charge and available in English.  We are in the process of developing a Ukrainian language module.  We encourage you to use the application UMCS Guide.  You can download it from the shops: (Click on Image to download App)

Download from Google Play

Download from App store

The project was financed from the funds of the National Agency for Academic Exchange - "Welcome to UMCS - an integrated set of activities and institutional improvements focused on strengthening the effectiveness of UMCS in servicing students, doctoral students and staff from abroad".

    News | Events

    Paulina Litka
    Date of addition
    13 November 2023