Dr hab. Krystyna Leszczyńska awarded for the monograph "Polish Republic Senat 1989-2011"

We are very happy to let you know that on September 22, 2016 Prof. Mojsiewicz Award was given to Dr hab. Krystyna Leszczyńska ( Journalism Department at UMCS Political Science Faculty) for her monograph "Polish Republic Senat 1989-2011" . The Award Committee unanimously acclaimed dr Leszczyńska's monograph as the best Polish book in the field of political science in year 2015.



The goal of  Profesor Czesław Mojsiewicz Competition for the Best Book in Political Science  (awarded at the Political Science and Journalism Faculty, Adam Mickiewicz Univesrity, Poznań, Poland)  is to popularize the field of political science and research on political aspects of social life.  Award Committee focuses on such qualities as integrity, innovation, high research standards. 

Celebration of the Award will be held during the Polish Politial Science Society (PTNP) Congress in Słubice, February 2017 

Dr Krystyna Leszczyńska's book was also awarded in  Gaudeamus Competition for the best academic book in 2015 during International BOOK Fair in Krakó∑ (October 22-25, 2015)




    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    27 September 2016