HR Excellence in Research

New European Charter for Researchers

The essence of the European HR Strategy for Researchers is formed by the principles of the “European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” in force until now. As of January 2024, the Charter and Code are replaced by an updated document entitled. “European Charter for Researchers”, the content of which has been adapted to the provisions of the current challenges, the changing scientific environment and scientific careers.

The new Scientist's Charter is an annex to the EU Council Recommendations of December 18, 2023 on a European framework to attract and retain talent in research, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe - Annex II, from page 18.

Institutions that have begun applying for the HR Excellence in Research distinction under the previous Charter and Code, and those that already have the logo, should continue under the current rules until the current evaluation phase is completed. On the other hand, organizations that are just thinking about joining the HR strategy should already be guided by the provisions of the new Charter.

Information on the European Commission's website and online system (e-tool) will appear in June 2024, on the occasion of the launch of the European ERA-TALENT platform, of which EURAXESS services, including the HRS4R policy, will be a part.


    Date of addition
    8 January 2024