Archaeomagnetic study of the Earth's magnetic field strength in SE Poland

We would like to kindly inform you that the latest issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports published an article in the field of archaeomagnetic research, whose main authors are members of our Institute - Prof. Dr. hab. Jerzy Nawrcki, M.Sc. Karol Standzikowski and Prof. Dr. hab. Maria Łanczont:

Nawrocki J.Standzikowski K., Chadima M., Werner T., Łanczont M., Gancarski J., Gil Z., 2023. Archaeomagnetic studies of bricks from ancient buildings sampled in SE Poland (Central Europe). J. Archaeol. Sci. Reports 51, 104122. 

Brick samples for archaeomagnetic studies were collected from 25 historical buildings constructed between 1235 CE and 1790 CE in SE Poland. The Thellier-Thellier archaeointensity protocol was used in order to determine the ancient intensity and inclination registered by the bricks. 146 representative specimens (63 % of whole set) gave successful archaeointensity determination. The corrections for cooling rate and anisotropy of thermoremanent magnetization effects could be applied on 69 specimens from 22 sites. The above mentioned corrections of raw data reduce their dispersion at specimen/sample level in most of sites. A significant number of rejected results is due to important mineralogical changes of magnetic fraction in part of specimens during experiments. The mean values of corrected archaeointensities and archaeoinclinations for particular sites do not differ in limit of errors from these coeval obtained in western part of Central Europe.

Publication list of Institute staff


    Date of addition
    25 July 2023