


GENERAL First activities in the REINITIALISE project

First activities in the REINITIALISE project

International Cooperation Center gladly inform that REINITAILISE: "pREservIng fuNdamental rIghTs In the use of digitAl technoLogIes for e-health ServicEs" has already started. The first activity within the project organized by our partner, the Italian... more
GENERAL Research in Lublin: Medical biology and its impact on the...

Research in Lublin: Medical biology and its impact on the present and future of science - an interview with prof. Jaco Vangronsveld

On December 11, 2020, we had the opportunity to talk with Professor Jaco Vangronsveld, discussing issues in the field of medical biology or the impact of climate change on our reality. more
GENERAL The first competition of the 17th edition of the Lublin...

The first competition of the 17th edition of the Lublin Science Festival - "What science looks like"

Organizers of the 17th Lublin Science Festival which will take place from 18 to 24 September 2021 under the theme "Science without borders. Enjoy science!" invite you to participate in the competition, which constitutes the first part of the entire... more