
International Erasmus+ Day

International Mobility Day will be held on 21st March (Wednesday) in the conference room of Femina Residence Hall (ul. Langiewicza 20) between 11.00 and 15.30 . The aim of the event is to provide students with information on Erasmus+ actions. Detailed presentation will be given on student mobility and internships offered within the programme. It will be a good opportunity for all those interested in participating in the exchange to learn about the application process, selection procedures, grant amounts and credit mobility.

Students who have already completed their motilities abroad will be sharing their experience, answering questions and encouraging peers to participate in the programme. The event will be divided into two sessions: for Polish-speaking and English-speaking students. There will be also musical performances, quizzes and contests with prizes to win.

When? 21st March (Wednesday) 2018

Session in Polish: 11.00-13.00

Session in English: 13.30-15:30

Where? Conference room of Femina Student Residence Hall (ul. Langiewicza 20)


    Ewa Zdunek
    Date of addition
    19 March 2018