Information for authors
Texts for publication are accepted electronically at until 31 December each year.
The author of the publication sends electronically a copy of the manuscript together with the statement and the submission form (download: Documents).
All articles published in Reflections. Students'Scientific Papers UMCS are peer-reviewed.
Authors will be notified of a positive review and acceptance of the text for publication by email to the address they provide.
The peer reviews will be sent to the authors, who undertake to make the corrections and revisions suggested therein within two weeks of receipt of the text. If the corrections are not made within this period, the author automatically agrees to the publication of the text in the form sent for correction.
Texts accepted for publication will be published in the middle of the calendar year.
Texts should be submitted in WORD document format.
The editor reserves the right to make editorial corrections to the texts.
Submission of a text to the editor is equivalent to the author's declaration that he/she transfers the author's copy rights to the publication free of charge, that the text is free of legal defects, and that the text has not been previously published in whole or in part, nor submitted to the editorial office of any other journal, as well as the author's free consent to the publication of the text in the journal Reflections. Students'Scientific Papers UMCS and its distribution without limitation in time or space, including making copies available free of charge on the Internet.
Authors will not receive any honorarium for the submitted articles.
Editorial guidelines
Only texts formatted according to the following guidelines will be accepted for publication in Reflections Students'Scientific Papers.
A. General information:
1. deadline for submission of texts: 31 December;
2. type of publication: scientific articles, reviews;
3. subject areas: within the following disciplines: literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, glottodidactics, translation studies, comparative studies;
4. type of text submission for publication: text file in WORD to:
B. Editorial guidelines:
1. length of text: scientific article: max. 12-15 pages computer text. 2;
2. format of the text: document saved in WORD;
3. main language of the text: English, Belarusian, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian. Manuscripts in non-Latin alphabets should be transcribed in transliteration according to the applicable standards (in particular ISO 92000 for Cyrillic alphabets) and in their original form in the national alphabet;
3) Font: Times New Roman (TNR);
4. margins: top, bottom, right and left: 2.5 cm;
5. font size:
a. Text title: TNR 14pt, bold, centred, interline 1.0;
b. Chapter headings: bold, first level subtitles TNR13pt, left justified, second level subtitles TNR12pt, left justified, subtitles separated from body text by interline 2.0;
c. Bibliography: TNR12pt;
d. Body text: TNR12pt;
6 Text structure:
a. Author's surname and first name: TNR 14pt, bold, flush left, bottom Affiliation: University name, city, TNR 12pt, non-bold, italic, flush left, bottom e: Author's email address, all: interline 1.0;
b. Title of the text in the language of the article: TNR 14pt, interline 1.0, bold, centred;
c. Abstract in English: should contain information about the research problem, methods used and conclusions: max. 600 characters with spaces, TNR 11pt, interlinearisation 1.0, double-sided alignment;
d. Keywords: max. 3 keywords, TNR 11pt, left justified;
e. Article content:
- Body text, TNR 12pt, line spacing 1.5, double-sided alignment, no paragraph spacing;
- first line in text without indentation, each subsequent paragraph: first line indentation 1.25;
- Margins: top, bottom, right and left: 2.5 cm;
- Highlighting of text, if any, in bold or italics only;
- Unnumbered pages, without headers or footers;
- Margins of 2.5 cm on each page;
- Footnotes only automatically generated and numbered (tab: References, Insert Footnote);
- Footnotes only automatically generated and numbered (tab: References, Insert Footnote);
- In-text citations only according to the Apa bibliography system; abbreviations only in English, regardless of the main language of the text:
In-text citation: author's name and year of publication and page are written in round brackets, separated by a comma, e.g. (Roger, 2014, p.23).
If the author's name is written in the text as a sentence fragment, only the year of publication of the document is given in brackets, e.g. Carl Rogers (1961), ....
If a document has more than one author: list all authors in the first citation, only the first author in subsequent references, replace the rest with the abbreviation et al. e.g. (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 1997), (Aronson et al., 1997)
If you cite two or more sources by different authors, list them in alphabetical order, separating the authors with a semicolon, e.g. (Frijda, 1986; Walden & Smith, 1997)
If you cite more than one article by the same author and at least two articles were published in the same year, add consecutive letters of the alphabet after the date, e.g. (Kowalik, 1992a, 1992b)
- Quotations: in the continuous text in inverted commas. Longer quotations: TNR 10pt, interline 1.0, double-page alignment, indentation right and left 2.0 cm, spacing before and after the quotation: 1.5.
- Captions to figures, tables, diagrams: TNR 10 pt, left-justified
- Tables: please use only simple table formatting, with uniform line width and style, without internal formatting of columns, rows or cells.
f. Bibliography: according to the Apa bibliography system only; abbreviations only in English, regardless of the main language of the text; regardless of the main language of the text, the bibliography must be written entirely in Latin characters; TNR 12 pt, line spacing 1.0, (instead of indentation, indentation of the first line 1.25), sorted alphabetically, without subdivision into source types, prepared according to the following guidelines:
- Article in a scientific journal: Name, I. (year). Title of article. Journal title, volume number (no.), pages, e.g. Garramone, G. M. (1985). Effects of negative political advertising: the role of sponsor and rebuttal. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29(2), 149-159;
- Book: Name, I. (Year). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher, e.g. Perloff, R. M. (1995). The dynamics of persuasion. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum;
- Chapter/Book Excerpt: Name, I. (Year). Chapter title. In: I. Name (ed.), title of book (pages). Place of publication: publisher, e.g. Bryant, J. (1989). News features and entertainment effects. In J. J. Bradac (ed.), Message effects in communication science (pp. 231-262). Newbury Park, CA: Sage;
- Chapter/volume excerpt: Name, I. (year). Chapter title. In: I. Name (ed.), Series title: Volume no. Volume title (pp.). Place of publication: Publisher, e.g. Strong, E. K., Jr, & Uhrbrock, R. S. (1923). Bibliography on job analysis. In L. Outhwaite (ed.), Personnel Research Series: vol.1. job analysis and the curriculum (pp. 140-146). New York: Guilford Press;
- Electronic version of the book: Name, I. (year). Article title. Journal title, volume(no.), pages. Retrieved from e.g. http://xxx, e.g. Shotton, M. A (1989). Computer addiction? A study in computer addiction [DX Reader];
- Contributions to forums and blogs: Author, A. (year, day and month). Title of topic/post [type of medium]. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxx, e.g.
Rampersad, T. (2005, June 8). Re: Traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions [Comment in internet forum/from online journal]. Retrieved from http://www.wlpo.lnt/roller/comments/ipisforum/Weblog/ topic eight h_can_cultural#comments.
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