Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL)

The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL)

  • is an international network of landscape researchers whose interest focus on the past, present and future of European landscapes;
  • is an international platform for new initiatives, meetings and publications about European rural landscapes;
  • meets every two years in a different European country for lectures, discussions, working groups and landscape excursions;
  • has several working groups that focus on actual problems in European landscape management and landscape research.

The 30th Jubilee Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscapes, under the theme: BORDERSCAPES – PAST AND FUTURE in 2024 will be held in Poland in two locations: Lublin and Zamość. It will be hosted by the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

See PECSRL 2024 website here.

    Date of addition
    17 June 2024