
Educational Plebiscite 2021

On 31st March of this year, at the UMCS Academic Centre for Culture and Media Chatka Żaka, a ceremony was held to sum up the "Educational Plebiscite 2021" by Kurier Lubelski. The inhabitants of the voivodeship, pupils and students, with their votes, selected the winners of medals and awards among universities, schools, kindergartens and teaching staff. The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin was also honoured.

The prizes were presented to the laureates by the editor-in-chief of Kurier Lubelski, Wojciech Pokora. The university authorities were represented by the UMCS Rector, prof. Radosław Dobrowolski. The Academic Centre for Culture and Media director, Izabela Pastuszko was also present.

JM addressed the teachers directly, congratulated them and thanked them for their contribution to the educational preparation of the youth. He also appreciated their daily efforts to shape young people: I am aware of the hard work, so let us treat this day as a celebration and appreciation of your long-term and challenging work, which is not always well rewarded. The teacher is not only a profession but also a vocation.

In the category of academic teachers, the leaders were also representatives of UMCS: Dr Agata Przylepa-Lewak from the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Law and Dr Urszula Jęczeń from the Department of Speech Therapy and Applied Linguistics. As the organizers wrote: In this category, the skill of the passionate and committed transfer of knowledge, high personal culture and friendly approach to students deserve recognition.

Public and private universities were nominated by students for whom, apart from the educational aspect, organizational issues and the quality of communication and service offered by the university were also important.

The musical setting for the event was provided by the Ambitus string quartet, while Jakub Szwed from the Sztumistrze Foundation performed the optical illusion show.

More information about the plebiscite can be found on the website of Kurier Lubelski.

Photo Bartosz Proll



    Monika Kusiej
    Date of addition
    1 April 2022