
Data Science (second-cycle studies conducted in English)

We cordially invite you to study the latest field of study at the Faculty of Economics of UMCS - DATA SCIENCE.

Data Science studies are interdisciplinary in nature, combining the economic system and IT technology: human as part of the economic system - economic environment - competitiveness - analysis - innovation.

The studies will cover issues in management, economics, IT, statistics, referring to the analysis of economic phenomena, econometric forecasts, and the use of complex IT systems to optimize analyses and forecasting.

This directly responds to the growing demand for highly specialized staff with knowledge in business analysis.

Graduates will find employment in the positions of analysts responsible for various business areas in non-financial enterprises, such as data scientist, business analyst, supply chain analyst, distribution analyst and many others. However, independent analysts, analytical project managers, members and leaders of analytical teams in advisory and research institutions or local government units, and finally running an independent business based on professional business and market analyzes, process optimization, business planning, and professional forecasting.

 Information page of the course:

 Online recruitment


    Monika Kusiej
    Date of addition
    17 May 2021