The adressbook

prof. dr hab. Wojciech Zgłobicki

Associate Professor
Vice-dean for Student Affairs
Telephone number
81 537 68 84
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Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Wojciech Zgłobicki
Autumn semester 2019/2020
Monday 12.00-13.30.


al. Kraśnicka 2d, pokój 208D
20-718 Lublin

Personal information

My research interests are focused on the problems of dynamic geomorphology, sediment geochemistry, landscape changes and protection, and geotourism. In the years 1996-2018 I participated actively in about 70 conferences, seminars and scientific workshops (including 20 foreign conferences). I published, as an author or co-author, 112 peer-reviewed papers, 6 of them are monographs and textbooks, 70 articles have been published in peer-review journals (23 indexed by JCR), and 36 are peer-reviewed publications included in monographs or conference materials. I am a member of the Association of Polish Geomorphologists and the Polish Geographical Society.

Scientific articles: number of citations = 287, h-index = 10 (Web of Science); the number of citations = 357, h-index= 11 (Scopus). Citations of scientific publications according to Google Scholar: 865 (h=15).

Scientific Activity

Most important publications:

1. ZGŁOBICKI W. 2002: Dynamika współczesnych procesów denudacyjnych w północno-zachodniej części Wyżyny Lubelskiej. Wydawnictwo UMCS. Lublin.
2. SCHMITT A., RODZIK J., ZGŁOBICKI W., RUSSOK CH., DOTTERWEICH M., BORK H.-R. 2006: Time and scale of gully erosion in the Jedliczny Dol gully system, south-east Poland. Catena 68, 124-132.
3. ZGŁOBICKI W., RODZIK J. 2007: Heavy metals in slope deposits of loess areas of the Lublin Upland (E Poland). Catena 71, 84-95.
4. ZGŁOBICKI W. 2008: Geochemiczny zapis działalności człowieka w osadach stokowych i rzecznych. Wydawnictwo UMCS.
5. RODZIK J., FURTAK T., ZGŁOBICKI W. 2009: The impact of snowmelt and heavy rainfall runoff on erosion rates in a gully system, Lublin Upland, Poland. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 34, 1938–1950.
6. ZGŁOBICKI W., LATA L., PLAK A., RESZKA M. 2011: Geochemical and statistical approach to evaluate background concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn (case study: Eastern Poland). Environmental Earth Sciences 62, 347-355.
7. ZGŁOBICKI W., BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B. 2011: Gullies as an indicator of human impact on loess landscape (Case study: North Western part of Lublin Upland, Poland). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 55, SI 1, 119–137.
8. BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B., ZGŁOBICKI W. 2012: Mosaic landscapes of SE Poland: should we preserve them? Agroforestry Systems 85, 351-365.
9. DOTTERWEICH M., RODZIK J., ZGŁOBICKI W., SCHMITT A., SCHMIDTCHEN G., BORK H-R 2012: High resolution gully erosion and sedimentation processes, and land use changes since the Bronze Age and future trajectories in the Kazimierz Dolny area (Nałęczów Plateau, SE-Poland). Catena 95, 50-62.
10. ZGŁOBICKI W., BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B. 2012: Impact of loess relief on land use mosaic in SE Poland. Catena 96, 76-82.
11. ZGŁOBICKI W. 2013: Present and past sedimentation rates in loess areas of the Lublin Upland (E Poland). Geomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement. 1/2013, 79-92.
12. ZGŁOBICKI W., BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B. 2013: Geomorphological Heritage as a Tourist Attraction. A Case Study in Lubelskie Province, SE Poland. Geoheritage 5, 137–149.
13. ZGŁOBICKI W. 2013: Impact of microtopography on the geochemistry of soils within archaeological sites in SE Poland. Environmental Earth Sciences 70, 3085–3092.
14. ZGŁOBICKI W., GAWRYSIAK L., KOŁODYŃSKA-GAWRYSIAK R 2015: Gully erosion as a natural hazard: the educational role of geotourism. Natural Hazards 79, 1 Supplement, 159-181.
15. IONITA I., FULLEN M., ZGŁOBICKI W., POESEN J. 2015: Gully erosion as a natural and human induced hazard. Natural Hazards 79, 1 Supplement, 1-5.
16. ZGŁOBICKI W., BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B., GAWRYSIAK L., TELECKA M. 2015: The impact of permanent gullies on present-day land use and agriculture in loess areas (E. Poland). Catena 126: 28-36.
17. KOŁODYŃSKA-GAWRYSIAK R., MROCZEK P., CHODOROWSKI J., PLAK A., KIEBAŁA A., ZGŁOBICKI W. 2015: Human-induced landscape evolution in the loess areas of Lublin Upland, E Poland: evidence from pedosedimentary archives in closed depressions. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 59, SI 2, 155-175.
18. SUPERSON J., RODZIK J., REDER J., ZGŁOBICKI W., KLIMOWICZ Z., FRANCZAK Ł.: Phases of alluvial fan development in a loess area, Lublin Upland, E Poland. Quaternary International 399, 31-45.
19. WAROWNA J., ZGŁOBICKI W., KOŁODYŃSKA-GAWRYSIAK R., GAJEK G., GAWRYSIAK L., TELECKA M. 2015: Geotourist values of loess geoheritage within the planned Geopark Małopolska Vistula River Gap, E Poland. Quaternary International 399, 46-57.

20. KOŁODYŃSKA-GAWRYSIAK R., CHODOROWSKI J., MROCZEK P., PLAK A., ZGŁOBICKI W., KIEBAŁA A., TRZCIŃSKI J., STANDZIKOWSKI K. 2017: The impact of natural and anthropogenic processes on the evolution of closed depressions in loess areas. A multi-proxy case study from Nałęczów Plateau, Eastern Poland. CATENA 149 (1), 1-18. DOI:j.catena.2016.07.029

21. ZGŁOBICKI W., GAWRYSIAK LESZEK, BARAN-ZGŁOBICKA B., TELECKA M. 2016: Long-term forest cover changes, within an agricultural region, in relation to environmental variables, Lubelskie province, Eastern Poland. Environmental Earth Sciences 75. 1373. DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-6195-z

22. ZGŁOBICKI W., POESEN J., COHEN M., DEL MONTE M., GARCÍA-RUIZ J.M., IONITA I., NIACSU L., MACHOVÁ Z., MARTÍN-DUQUE J.F., NADAL-ROMERO E., PICA A., REY R., SOLÉ-BENET A., STANKOVIANSKY M., STOLZ CH., TORRI D., SOMS J., VERGARI F. 2017: The potential of permanent gullies in Europe as geomorphosites. Geoheritage. DOI 10.1007/s12371-017-0252-1.

23. ZGŁOBICKI W., POESEN J., DANIELS M., DEL MONTE M, GUERRA A.J.T., JOSHI V., PATERSON G, SHELLBERG J., SOLÉ-BENET A., SU Z. 2018: Geotouristic Value of Badlands [w:] Badland Dynamics in the Context of Global Change, Nadal-Romero E.,  Martínez-Murillo J.F., Kuhn N.J. (red.) Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-Nowy Jork; 277-313.

24. ZGŁOBICKI W., TELECKA M., SKUPIŃSKI S., PASIERBIŃSKA A., KOZIEŁ M. 2018: Assesment of heavy metals contamination levels of street dust in the city of Lublin, E Poland. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 764.