The adressbook

dr Marek Rotko

assistant professor
Telephone number
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Marek Rotko
Tuesday, 10:00-12:00
room 434


pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 3/434
20-031 Lublin

Scientific Activity

  • Synthesis and study of catalytic systems for various processes (e.g. complete combustion of methane, oxidation of soot from diesel exhaust gas)
  • Kinetic studies and analysis of reaction mechanisms with the use of isotope exchange methods
  • Tests using temperature-programmed methods (TPR, TPO, TPD)



  • Chemical technology
  • Chemical engineering
  • Analytical chemistry


Representative publications:

  1. M. Greluk, W. Gac, M. Rotko, G. Słowik, S. Tyrczyniak-Surdacka, Co/CeO2 and Ni/CeO2 catalysts for ethanol steam reforming: Effect of the cobalt/nickel dispersion on catalysts properties, Journal of Catalysis, 393 (2021) 159-178.
  2. G. Grzybek, M. Greluk, K. Tarach, K. Pyra, G. Słowik, M. Rotko, K. Góra-Marek, Bioethanol Steam Reforming over Cobalt-Containing USY and ZSM-5 Commercial Zeolite Catalysts, Frontiers in Materials, 7 (2020) 597528.
  3. W. Gac, W. Zawadzki, M. Rotko, M. Greluk, G. Słowik, G. Kolb, Effects of support composition on the performance of nickel catalysts in CO2 methanation reaction, Catalysis Today, 357 (2020) 468-482.
  4. M. Greluk, M. Rotko, S. Tyrczyniak-Surdacka, Enhanced catalytic performance of La2O3 promoted Co/CeO2 and Ni/CeO2 catalysts for effective hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming: La2O3 promoted Co(Ni)/CeO2 catalysts in SRE, Renewable Energy, 155 (2020) 378-395.
  5. M. Rotko, W. Zawadzki, V. Redko, Steady state isotopic transient kinetic analysis of the combustion of CH4 over Co-Mn-O catalysts, Catalysis Communications, 125 (2019) 32-36.
  6. W. Gac, W. Zawadzki, M. Rotko, G. Słowik, M. Greluk, CO2 methanation in the presence of Ce-promoted alumina supported nickel catalysts: H2S deactivation studies, Topics in Catalysis, 62 (2019) 524-534.