The adressbook

dr hab. Dominika Polkowska

Associate Professor
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Dominika Polkowska
Room 139 - Collegium Humanicum
Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 4
20-031 Lublin, Poland


pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Information on education, academic degrees/titles and employment

  • 2004 – MA, Sociology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, graduated with honours
  • Title of MA Thesis: Expectations of local government workers in Lubelskie for the Polish integration with the European Union - supervisor Prof. dr hab. Józef Styk
  • 2009 – PhD, Sociology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology Title of PhD Thesis: Women In Polish Lower House 2005-2007 - supervisor Prof. dr hab. Henryk Domański (IFIS PAN)
  • 2013/2014 - Postgraduate studies "Data analysis" - Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • 2022 - habilitation, University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology; Title of the scientific achievement forming the basis for applying for the degree of habilitated doctor: Precarisation and platformisation - work in times of uncertainty


  • 2023-till now - position - associate professor - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Institute of Sociology
  • 2013-2017 and 2019 till now - Vice-Head (Deputy Director) of the Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin

Research stays at home and abroad

  • February 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia - Central European Labour Studies Institute - Visiting scholar - realisation of the research project
  • February 2016 - Leuven, Belgium - HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Visiting scholar - realisation of the research project.
  • April 2018 - Lisbon, Portugal – Universidad Aberta – Program STA Erasmus
  • April 2019 - Granad, Spain – Universidad de Granada – Program STA Erasmus
  • May 2014 - Akureyri, Iceland - University of Akureyri (Iceland) - Preparatory visit within the Individual Grant of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism




Scientific Activity

Selected international conferences:

  • 2012 International conference: Gender issues: Implications for leisure and tourism, Aveiro, Portugalia, March 2012
  • 2012 International conference: Gender and employment in Europe across the lifecourse, Irlandia, September 2012
  • 2013 International conference: The Value of Work, 3rd Global Conference, September 2013, Mansfield College Oxford, UK.
  • 2014 International conference: In and Against the State: Resisting Austerity, European Sociological Association RN 14 Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State Mid-term Conference, Septmeber 2014, London, UK.
  • 2015 International conference: Gender, Culture & Migration, Gdansk, March 2015
  • 2015 II International conference: Social boundaries of work, Zielona Gora, November 2015
  • 2016 International conference: On the Edge: Genealogies and Futures of Precarity, June 2016
  • 2017 III International conference: Social Boundaries of Work, Katowice, November 2017
  • 2017 International conference: Industrial Relations in Europe: Between Core and Peripheries, Warsaw, September 2017
  • 2018 IV International conference: Social boundaries of work. Work, knowledge and power in contemporary capitalism, Gdansk, October 2018
  • 2020 V International conference: Social boundaries of work, Warsaw, October 2020
  • 2020 International conference: Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work, Brussell, Belgium, March 2020 (ILO and EC)
  • 2021 - International conference: Digital realities: work, mobilities, and new opportunities and risks in Central and Eastern Europe in the (post)pandemic period, maj 2021, Wroclaw, Digitally Keynote speaker, paper:mediated work-on-demand in the Central and Eastern Europe. The Peculiar Case of Uber’s fleet partners in Poland (with Bartosz Mika - University of Gdansk).
  • 2022 VI International conference: Social boundaries of work, Lublin, May 2022, Keynote speaker, paper: Strategies within platform work in the semi-peripherial labour market (with Bartosz Mika - University of Gdansk)
  • 2023 - 41st International Labour Process Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, Fair and decent work in a Global Economy? Paper: Theoretical consequences of the differentiation of precariousness and work under algorithm’s regime. Platform work in Poland – 12-14.04.2023
  • 2024 - Future of work: rethinking workers’ rights in the digital age - ETUI conference, Brussell, Paper: The business model of ride-hailing platforms in Poland. Fleet partners: double exploitation or adaptation to local environment - 21-22 February 2024.

Grants and international cooperation:

  • GRANT National Science Center in Poland - Platform business models and job precarization. On the example of Uber drivers  nr 2018/02/X/HS6/00957; 16.10.2018-15.10.2019
  • Program STA Erasmus – Universidad Aberta, Lizbona, Portugalia – kwiecień 2018
  • Visiting Scholar in HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society  - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium - Februatry 2016
  • RISIS course „Early Career Researchers: Features and potentials of the doctoral candidates and doctoral holders study ProFile;  Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany September 23rd-24th, 2015
  • Study Visit, Mesoyios College, Pafos/Limmasol, Cyprus - may 2015
  • Program STA Erasmus - Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, April 2015
  • Study visit within the Network for Intersectional Research into Higher Education - University of Gothenburg, Sweden - October 2014
  • Preparatory visit within the Individual Grant of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism – University of Akureyri (Iceland) – may 2014
  • Programme STA Erasmus – Universidad Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal – October/November 2013
  • Visiting researcher in Institute of Philosophy nd Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, (10.2006-03.2007)


  1. Mika, B., D. Polkowska (2024), The game of Ride-Pass in platform work: Implementation of Burawoy’s concept of workplace games to app-mediated ride-hailing industry in Poland, New Media & Society, First published online March 15, 2024,
  2. Polkowska, D. (2024), Autonomiczna czy kontrolowana? O motywacji pracowników platformowych w systemie pracy na żądanie w Polsce, Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, Tom XX, Numer 1, s. 102-123.
  3. Polkowska, D., B. Mika (2023), Is it possible to outsmart Uber? Individual working tactics within platform work in Poland, European Societies, 25(4): 606–626,
  4. Mika, B., D. Polkowska (2023), Work-on-demand in patchwork capitalism: The peculiar case of Uber's fleet partners in Poland, New Technology, Work and Employment, 38 (3): 513-528.
  5. Kolasa-Nowak, A., K. Podgórska, D. Polkowska (2022), Migrant Workers in Poland. Working conditions and social rights. Lublin: Maria-Curie Sklodowska University Press.
  6. Polkowska, D. 2021, Przyspieszenie czy spowolnienie? Praca platformowa dostawców jedzenia w dobie pandemii Sars-Cov-2, Studia Socjologiczne, 4 (243): 109–133. (DOI: 10.24425/sts.2021.139724)
  7. Polkowska, D. 2021. Social partners and the world of work in Poland: Between East and West, W: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, Youcef Ghellab, Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente (red): The New World of Work. Challenges for Social Partners and Labour Institutions, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, s. 369-405.
  8. Polkowska, D. 2021. Unionisation and mobilisation within platform work: towards precarisation—a case of Uber drivers in Poland, Industrial Relations Journal, 52 (1): 25-39,
  9. Polkowska, D. 2021. Platform work during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Glovo couriers in Poland, European Societies, Volume 23, Issue sup1, p. S321-S331,
  10. Polkowska, D. i K. Filipek. 2020. Grateful Precarious Worker? Ukrainian Migrants in Poland, Review of Radical Political Economics, 52 (3): 564-581. DOI: 10.1177/0486613419857295.
  11. Filipek, K i D. Polkowska, 2020. The Latent Precariousness of Migrant Workers: a Study of Ukrainians Legally Employed in Poland, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21(1): 205–220. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-019-00708-6.
  12. Polkowska, D. 2019. New Dimensions of Precarious Work among Migrants: A Qualitative Meta-analysis of Current Research, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28 (4): 440–456.
  13. Polkowska. D. 2019. Między światem realnym a wirtualnym: obietnice vs. rzeczywistość. Prekarna praca kierowcy Ubera? Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej Tom XV Numer 4, s. 224-249.
  14. Polkowska, D. 2019. Does the App Contribute to the Precarization of Work? A Case of Uber Drivers in Poland, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 12(3): 717-741.
  15. Polkowska, D. 2019. Uber jako socjo-techniczna sieć. Zastosowanie teorii aktora-sieci do analizy pracy platformowej, Studia Socjologiczne, 4 (235): 245-272. DOI: 10.24425/sts.2019.126162
  16. Kolasińska, E., D. Polkowska i P. Wegenschimmel. 2019. Środowisko pracy i role socjologów zakładowych oraz ich doświadczenia zawodowe, Przegląd Socjologiczny 68(3): 43-69. DOI: 10.26485/PS/2019/68.3/2.
  17. Polkowska, D. 2019. Prekariat w dobie nowych technologii: czy platform economy prowadzi do prekaryzacji? Próba charakterystyki, Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 20(3): 80–95.
  18. Polkowska, D. 2018. Od proletariatu do prekariatu. Ciągłość czy zmiana? Próba analizy, Prakseologia, 160: 41-67.
  19. Polkowska, D. 2018. Socjolog – prekariusz? O tożsamości zawodowej absolwentów socjologii. Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa, 9 (1): 96-106.
  20. Polkowska, D. 2017, The Feminisation of Precarity. Poland Compared to Other Countries, Annales. Etyka w życiu gospodarczym. vol. 20, nr 8, s. 119-136.
  21. Polkowska, D. 2016. Precariat: Contemporary Face of Labour Relations, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 7:1(13) Spring 2016, s. 27-41.
  22. Polkowska, D. 2016. The “precarity trap” of Poland’s youth labour market: flexible employment a barrier or opportunity?, EMECON, 1/2016: 1-16.
  23. Polkowska, D. 2016. Work at home, home at work: difficulties in achieving work-life balance in selected European countries, Polish Sociological Review, 2/2016, s.191-208.
  24. Polkowska, D. 2015. Zależności między „pracą” a „rodziną” – perspektywa konfliktu – ujęcie teoretyczne, w: Praca, więź, integracja, t. II, red. U. Swadźba, B. Pactwa, M. Żak, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, s. 73-86.
  25. Polkowska, D. 2015. Prekariat w szkolnictwie wyższym. Próba analizy, Dialog: 2, s. 39-43
  26. Polkowska, D. (red.) 2014. The Value of Work in The Contemporary Society, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-184888-357-4
  27. Polkowska, D. 2014. Men Between Work and Family: Whether Difficulties in Achieving Work-life Balance Also Apply to Men? Poland Compared to Other Countries, In The Value of Work in Contemporary Society, red. D. Polkowska, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, s. 93-102
  28. Polkowska, D. 2014. Introduction: The New Meanings of Work in the Contemporary World, In The Value of Work in Contemporary Society, red. D. Polkowska, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, s. vii-xii.
  29. Polkowska, D. 2014. Parental Movements in Poland: Success or Failure? The Cases of First Quarter Mothers and Save the Little Ones, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, Volume 5, Number 1(9), Spring 2014, s.55-68.
  30. Polkowska, D. 2014. Mężczyzna w sferze prywatnej: fikcja czy rzeczywistość? Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, Vol LXXVI, Nr 4, 351-364.
  31. Polkowska, D. 2014. Why scientific pipeline is still leaking? Women scientists in Poland and their work-life balance. International Studies in Sociology of Education, Vol. 24, Nr 1, s. 24-44.


Room 139 - Ist floor

Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 4

20-031 Lublin, Poland