The adressbook

dr Kateryna Laidler

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Kateryna Laidler

Konsultacje w semestrze zimowym (NH, p. 35B)

Środa: 13:10-14:10

Czwartek: 13:10-14:10


Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4A
20-031 Lublin

Działalność naukowa

Zainteresowania naukowe

- fonetyka i fonologia języka angielskiego oraz języków słowiańskich w aspekcie teoretycznym i porównawczym;

- fonologia zapożyczeń;

- współczesne teorie fonologiczne, w tym teoria optymalności;

- językoznawstwo genderowe. 

Wybrane publikacje  

Laidler, K. The interaction of Orthography, Perception and Phonology in the Adaptation of E /ɜ:/ in Loanwords into Russian. Przegląd Rusycystyczny, 2023, 1 (181), s. 180-206.

Laidler, K. (2022) From jazz and rap to dzhaz and rep. Phonological adaptation of English loanwords into Russian. Seria SOUNDS – MEANING – COMMUNICATION. Landmarks in phonetics, phonology and cognitive linguistics. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag.

J. Szpyra-Kozłowska & K. Laidler. Czy nazwy żeńskie typu architektka, chirurżka i adiunktka są trudne do wymówienia? Badanie empiryczne. Język Polski (2022).  

Adaptation of interdental fricatives in English loanwords into Russian. Established versus online loans. In J. Szpyra-Kozłowska, M. Radomski (eds.), Phonetics and Phonology in Action. Berlin: Peter Lang, 63-90, 2019

Ukrainian Obstruent + Sonorant and Sonorant + Obstruent Consonant Clusters in Online Adaptation by Native Speakers of English. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, nr 42 (2017), 61-82.

M. Radomski & K. Sydorenko. Consonant deletion in online adaptation of Polish and Ukrainian consonant clusters by native speakers of English. In J. Szpyra-Kozłowska & E. Cyran (eds.) Phonology, its Faces and Interfaces. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main. 261-275, 2016

Online adaptation of word-initial Ukrainian CC consonant clusters by native speakers of English. New Horizons in English Studies 1/2016. 13-20.

Referaty wygłoszone na konferencjach

1. Are feminine nouns such as architektka ‘female architect,’ chirurżka ‘female surgeon’ and adiunktka ‘female assistant professor’ difficult to pronounce? An empirical study - 51st Poznań Linguistic meeting, 2022 Poznań

2. The interaction of phonetics and phonology in the adaptation of E /h/ in Russian anglicisms – Otwarte lingwistyczne debaty XXI w., 2022 Instytut Językoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.

3. The interaction of perception, phonology and orthography in the adaptation of E /ɜ:/ in loanwords into Russian - Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology, 2021 Lublin

4. The role of perception and segmental context in the adaptation of /æ/ in English loanwords into Russian - Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, 2019 Lublin.

5. Adaptation of the voiced affricate in English loanwords into Russian(poster presentation) - Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology: Methods, Aspects and Problems, Latvia, Riga May 17–18, 2018

6. Understanding differential substitution of English interdental fricatives: evidence from Russian - Students' Corner Conference 2018, Lublin on 9-10th April 2018.

7. The role of perception in online adaptation of the English interdental fricatives by native speakers of Russian- Linguistics Beyond and Within 2017 International Linguistics Conference in Lublin.

8. Ukrainian obstruent + sonorant and sonorant + obstruent consonant clusters in online adaptation by native speakers of English - Linguistics Beyond and Within 2015 International Linguistics Conference in Lublin.

9. Repair strategies in online adaptation of Polish and Ukrainian word-initial CC consonant clusters by native speakers of English(with Marek Radomski) – Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology, 2015 Lublin

10. Online adaptation of word-initial Ukrainian CC consonant clusters by native speakers of English - Students' Corner Conference 2015, Lublin.